//------------------------------// // chapter 21 // Story: serenity under the night sky // by flutterguy54123 //------------------------------// Chapter 21 After raising the sun Celestia begins trotting down the hall toward Lavender's room. Upon approaching the door the princess of the sun hears her daughter humming a nice soft song. Taking a moment to wonder what put her in such a good mood the white princess knocks. After being welcomed into the room Celestia raises an eyebrow. Seeing her mother do this levitates the brush off her desk and begins speaking. “Hello Mother. I simply love what Thunder's done with my mane. What do you think should I wear it up or down today? Oh I don't really care I'm just glade to be free.” After brushing her mane the purple princess levitates her tiara to her head. A little confused the princess of the day begins talking. “What do you mean you love what Thunder's done with your mane? You are Thunder.” Gasping in shock Lavender stares down her mother. “You.......... don't know. I knew thunder didn't because my brother is a complete moron, but my own mother.” The purple mare begins sobbing. Knowing that Lavender is full of hormones Celestia tries to comfort her. “My little prince this is probably just a side effect of the spell. Once you return to normal everything will be fine.” Hearing this Lavender jumps away from her in anger. Staring down the goddess of the sun she begins speaking with authority. “No! I'm not going back to being trapped in his head. He had the body for almost five hundred years now it's my turn! I do not want to have to manipulate his thoughts for years to receive only a moment of joy! He may be your son, but I'm your daughter!” Thinking it is just the hormones and spell the princess of the day shrugs it off. “Thunder take control this is not like you. Come on we need to change you back and fast.” Using her magic Celestia levitates the violet mare into the air, and begins trotting toward the door. With a fiery passion Lavender's horn begins glowing with a bright pink aura she breaks through the levitation spell surrounding her. Spreading her wings she flies toward the ceiling. Without any warning Queen Faust teleports into the room. In the middle of Lavender and Celestia she begins speaking in a coarse tone. “Ladies please this is know way to act, and Celestia I thought I raised you better. Now Lavender hooves on the ground!” Upon saying this the queen herself lands with perfect poise, and dignity. Glancing over to see her daughter she continues. “Celestia, Lavender is your daughter.” Sighing the queen brings a mournful look to her face. Taking a sizable breath of air she gathers her thoughts. “Do you remember Thunder's birth?” Speechless the goddess of the sun just stares at her mother. After a large amount of time a tear comes the the white alicorns eye and cascades down her face toward the floor. Unable to shake her feeling the moment Celestia begins speaking her voice cracks. “Yes..... the doctor said if just one more thing went wrong we both would have died. Even with my regenerative properties it took me several days to recover for it. However I would do it again if it meant having my son back.” The queens ears fall flat against her face like ball in a bottomless pit desperately hoping for the end. “I remember all to well my child. What you don't know is that if I did not interfere with nature three ponies would have died that day. Thunder had a fraternal twin, and because of her you would all be dead right now. Even though it was against everything I stand for I merged the two of them together. When this happened I knew that one day he would mistakenly cast the wrong spell and she would be set free. In order for the two of them to be split both must have lived in reality while the other is trapped inside their brain. Celestia I'm sorry I never told you, but it had to be this way. You've always wanted a daughter now you have one. Give her the love she's been longing for, and Lavender don't be so mean to your brother. I know it is natural for the two of you to want to fight, but not when he's trapped inside your brain. Now it should not take me long to find the spell, and I will need help casting it. Unfortunately neither Lavender or Thunder can help so it will be up to Me, Luna, and you Celestia. Their your foals and you will have the strongest connection to them. Do you think you're up to it?” nodding her head the white goddess remains silent like the wind inside of a house on a lazy summer day. Looking at her grandmother Lavender begins speaking. “I know this is probably a dumb question, but when we are separated I'll still be an adult right?” Shaking her head the queen replys. “You will begin life as a foal, but it will take you three days to become an adult. The first day like I said you will be a foal. The second day you will be a filly about the size of Scootaloo, and on the third you will be an adult. It's so you will have time to adjust to having a body of your own. You will retain everything Thunder has learned.. or everything you wish to know. However you are limited to his knowledge so be careful in what you keep. Now if you will excuse me I think the two of you have some mother daughter time to spend together. If you need me I will be in the library.” Very majesticly the queen leaves the room. In complete silence except for the light snoring courtesy of Butterscotch the two alicorn stand there ashamed of how they acted. “Mother? I've always wanted to be able to speak with you, and when I finally have the chance I loose my temper. I'm sorry I destroyed your dreams of what having a daughter would be like.” Still in shock the princess of the sun slowly crosses the room. Choosing her words very carefully Celestia begins speaking in a very motherly tone. “My little filly...... you could never destroy a fantasy for they are just that. They are fake and you are real. I have always wanted a daughter of my very own for so long, and now I will have one until the day I depart this world. If anything you are exactly what I wanted. However there is something I wish to know. Was it you or Thunder that started the art gallery?” With a smile on her face the purple princess responds to her mother's question. “Of all the things to ask you pick that. Don't worry it was me, but Thunder did help out some. My brother is completely strait.” Glancing over at the colt Lavender gives a chuckle. “Mother you don't know how long he's wanted his own foals. That was never me, but I must say he has given me a beautiful niece and a handsome nephew. Almost makes me want some......” Hearing this Celestia raises an eyebrow as she starts blushing. “Lavender it just occurred to me that I need to give you...... the talk.....” Steeping away the purple princess starts stammering, while trying to think of a way to change the subject. “Uh... n... no.... that’s fine....... I payed attention when the doctor explained it........ and what I don't know I'm not in any hurry to find out. I said almost I'm not going to go and get knocked up. I've never even liked a stallion before. Trust me mother that is one thing you wont need to worry about.” Barely able to control herself Celestia shakes her head then begins speaking. “You are probably right. If you can access Thunder's memories he can most likely do the same to you. However this discussion is not over. As soon as you're your own pony you can count on it.” Rolling her eyes Lavender begins hearing a voice in her head. “Haha that's great! Mother is going to give you the talk! Oh to only be present when she does that. So you're my twin sister?.... I thought if I had a twin she would be more......... nerdy..... like me. Oh when Grandmother comes back there is something very important that I need to know. You need to say it exact ok. Who would have been born first? I know it might not be important to you, but I must know.” An irritated look comes to the purple princess's face. Not knowing why she is getting aggravated Celestia cocks her head to the side. Seeing his Lavender begins speaking. “Oh.... sorry Mother..... Thunder found a way to talk to me and all he's doing is teasing me, and begging me to ask Grandmother who would have been born first. I really don't want to be a bother, but is there anyway I could possibly have my own room. Thunder's is nice, but it's too......... him.” Not having time to answer Celestia and Lavender are teleported into the room. Looking around the purple princess sees her grandmother and her aunt standing there waiting. Taking a gulp she doesn't move. Hearing her Luna begins speaking. “So I have a niece.......... it could have been worse. She could have been triplets.” Shaking the thought from her head the purple princess begins speaking. “Before we're separated there is something I need to tell you. To start off my brother is an idiot he's not the prince of weather. He's the prince of the sky, and I'm the princess of the earth. That's why my cutie mark has a rose and his a cloud.” giving a relaxing sigh she continues. “I've been waiting for ever to say that.” Rolling her eyes the queen's horn begins glowing. Seeing this the two other alicorns read over the spell and begin casting the spell. Upon raising into the air half of the princess turns off white and the hooves lengthening. Looking around Thunder tries to move only to be stopped by his sister. Feeling their flesh separating the princess quickly thinks of everything she wishes to retain. Almost completely apart the prince looks down to see his left hoof start forming. Finally under standing what is going on he looks for other parts of his body. Unable to find them a strange sensation comes over him as he begins seeing out of his left eye. Glancing over to his sister the prince's worst fears had come true. Now staring at her he can see all of her internal organs as new bones start forming and flesh covers them. Now seeing a complete copy of what he looked like the previous day he turns his head seeing his flank being the last thing to form. Letting out a relaxing sigh Thunder turns to talk to his sister only to find a little purple foal where she once was. Landing back on the ground the prince of weather begins speaking. “............. I uh.......... have a twin that's younger than my son........... Grandmother out of curiosity who would have been the older twin?” Trotting over to his sister he gives her a poke on the head. Giving a huff the queen begins speaking. “Thunder you would have been older...., and don't poke her she's might get hurt. You're not exactly a feather pillow.” The tall prince rolls his eyes “Don't worry I'm not going to hurt her. I was just making sure she was real, but when she's full grown you can bet there will be some good arguments. Well I would stand around and talk for a little while, but there is something very important that I need to do.” Using his magic the tall off white alicorn teleports ten clocks into the room. Seeing this Celestia gives him a confused look. “Thunder one would have been sufficient don't you think?” Trying to figure out what went wrong he begins scanning his brain to find the problem. Not five minutes into his thinking the eldest twin becomes lightheaded and faints. In the Ponyville library Twilight sneaks down the stairs. Looking toward the door the lavender mare makes sure that nopony is guarding it. Going into a full out gallop she get inches from it only to have her frame lifted into the air and placed on the couch at a blinding speed. Glancing over to Rainbow Dash she begins speaking. “Oh come on you said the next day, and guess what? It's the next day. I just want to trot down to the market, get some apples, then feel the sun on my back. Is that to much to ask?” Thinking about this for a minute the multicolored maned pony begins speaking. “No.... it sounds pretty nice if you switched trotting with flying, and back with wings, but I made the prince a promise. So it looks like you'll need to wait until twelve.” Groaning Twilight trots back up the stairs. Thinking for a moment Dash calls after her. “Don't you have work from the princess or something? Usually you're always doing a project or studying.” Not responding the purple unicorn retires back into her room. In the medical wing of the Canterlot castle Celestia begins pacing the waiting room floor as she addresses the queen. “Mother why in Equestria did you not tell me I had a daughter? I could have handled it. It's not like our family's not use to weird anomalies. I might could have even helped!” Shaking her head the queen calmly begins speaking as she lies down on the couch. “My dear little filly if I told you then you never would have treated Thunder like a son. You not would have pushed him to marry, thus the change would have no reason in the world to happen. You not knowing was the only way, and again I'm sorry I changed the hands of time for my own selfish desires. Now please my daughter come and sit the day has just begun, and already you have been strained beyond normal.” Doing as asked Celestia trots over to the queen and sits down in front of her. “Mother...... I'm just worried. Will Thunder be ok? With all that’s happened with him and Lav..... Oh no.......... I never told Lucien about Lavender. He doesn't know that he's a father of twins, and to make matter's worse we agreed not to have anymore foals for at least one thousand years. I'll never forget the day I told him that I was going to have Thunder. He almost went into hysteria then and there. I don't know how he will act when being told he has a daughter.” Struggling to retain control of herself the queen manages to only let out a giggle. “Celestia I'm sure if you explain it he will understand. He's a perfect gentlecolt. I've known that since the day he asked for your hoof in marriage. Now my little princess there has been something I wish to ask of you. In all your years as ruler have you ever known my grandson to be impulsive?” Thinking back the princess of the sun hangs her head. “No Mother and that's what scares me about him marrying Twilight. Their perfect together, but at the same time their completely wrong for each other.” Teleporting a brush into the room the queen begins brushing her daughter's mane. “It would always calm you down when I did this. Dear there was another thing I was hoping to discuss with you. Since I'm this far in I don't see why I shouldn't go all the way in. As you know I have an enormous amount of...... ability. I know why Thunder chose to adopt before marriage....... I can fix his problem, but if I do you know that I will be breaking my promise to your father about not interfering with the natural order of things?” The princess of the sun begins nodding her head remaining silent. “Celestia, it might be breaking my promise, but he is family. Not to mention forever is a long time to live without having your own foal. True he has Scootaloo, and Butterscotch, but it's not the same. If I corrected nature's mistake how would you feel about him having a blood heir to the throne?” Thinking about this the white goddess turns to face the high queen of there land. “Mother, I would love for Thunder to be able to have foals, but I must disagree with you. My son love's that little filly and colt with all of his heart. I don't think he even considers them to be adopted, more like their a part of the family that was lost long ago only now to return. If it were possible I think he would make them his flesh and blood. What I'm trying to say is that he has foals, a family. Soon he may even have a fiance to tie it all together, but Twilight might want her own someday. From what I understand her relationship with the foals are different than a mother's would be.” Giving a chuckle the queen turns the solar princess back around so that she can continue brushing her mane. “Celestia, if you want grandfoals by blood it's ok, as long as you don't treat them different from your adopted grandfoals. You have been a great mother, now it's time for you to earn the spoils of your hard work. I will help Thunder, but if your father asks you talked me into it.” Hearing the doors to the examination room open the queen and princess looks up at the brown stallion, as he begins speaking. “They will both be fine. Thunder's body was zapped of almost all the energy he had, and his magic count was through the roof. In fact it was much closer to yours princess. For years we couldn't figure out why he could only access about half his magic, but maybe this is why. Needless to say he will need to relearn how much power to use when casting spells. Lavender is growing at an exponential speed one of the nurses has been taking pictures so you can look back and see her through her different ages........... I still don't know how she managed to get a camera back there, but she did. As fare as I can tell the twins are perfectly healthy. Although Thunder does keep trying to leave. Something about seeing his foals and then popping the question.” With a smile on her face Celestia shakes her head. “He always was stubborn just like his father. I suggest you don't stand in his way. When my son wants something he'll move Heaven and Equestria to acquire it.” Upon hearing this Thunder jets into the room from behind the doctor, and gives his the sun goddess a hug. “Thank you Mother. Since I can't use my magic it look like I can just make it by flight.” Not giving anypony time to protest the tall off white male alicorn spreads his swan like wings and takes off down the hall toward his room only to be seen a moment later flying off his balcony with a saddle-sash around his waist. Landing outside the Ponyville library the tall prince opens the door only to have a very enraged Twilight Sparkle start lecturing him. “What do you hope to accomplish by keeping me trapped in my own house! If I didn't know any better I would call the police and say you were foalnapping me, and to beat it all you had my best friends guard me!” Being well prepared for this Thunder begins speaking. “Twilight I'm sorry it's just that I didn't want you to ruin the surprise. It took all day and night to finish, but only the best for you. I know you probably don't have a clue as to what I'm talking about, but if you would go for a short trot with me everything will be a little clearer.” Beyond suspicious Twilight follows his request. Not saying a word she notices an indention in his saddle-sash, but shrugs it off. Coming to a field outside of town the prince stops trotting. Following his movement the lavender unicorn waits for the explanation. “Twilight yesterday I found a way that we can be together, but there's only one thing I need to ask you. If you would look up for a second.” Rolling here eyes the purple mare turns her gaze toward the sky, and sees in large letter shaped clouds will you marry me. Instantly things begin making since looking down at her coltfriend she sees him on one knee holding open a teal box with an amethyst gold ring around the amethyst is small diamonds then behind it is a large diamond serving as the support with little diamonds off to the corners matching her cutie mark perfectly. On the inside of the band in middle equestrian says we give thee our heart for all eternity. Staring at him Twilight becomes speechless. Seeing this Thunder takes a large breath and begins speaking. “Twilight Star Sparkle I love you more than all the other stars in the sky. Would you do me the honor of allowing me to be your husband till death do us part?