//------------------------------// // chapter 22 // Story: serenity under the night sky // by flutterguy54123 //------------------------------// Chapter 22 Staring into his eyes the lavender mare begins chocking up unable to say a thing. Watching her every movement a trillion and one things begin popping into his mine causing him to doubt himself. After about five agonizing minutes of silence Twilight levitates the ring on to her horn. “Yes, I.... I just thought you were being crazy, or controlling. I had no clue that you were planing to propose.” Tears of joy begins flowing down her face. “I love you Thunder, and I would love to marry you.” Standing up the tall alicorn gives her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Looking into his fiance’s eyes the prince tries a simple spell. Unfortunately his magic is to strong and they are teleported outside of Twilight's parents home. Looking around the purple mare sees where they are and begins speaking. “You've thought of everything! I can't wait to tell Mom and Dad.” Hearing her say this something triggers in the prince's brain. “Twilight before we go in there are two thing I need to tell you. To start off with Mother sends her apologies, and the other may come as a shock. It has recently been revealed that I have a sister.... a twin sister....... I just thought you should know before you meet her.” the lavender mare's eyes widen as she remembers her encounter with the solar princess. Then it registers that she will soon have a new sister. Trotting up to her parents door the purple unicorn knocks. No sooner had she done this it swings open and she is attacked with hugs and kisses from her mother. Hearing a chuckle come from Thunder, Twilight Velvet raises an eyebrow. “What are you laughing at? You're part of this family now to. Come over here and give me a hug.” Seeing this the purple unicorn rolls her eyes. Not wanting to offend his future mother in-law Thunder does as instructed. Letting him go out of her embrace Twilight Velvet continues speaking. “Now the two of you stand back and let me get a good look at you together.” Trotting up to the door Noteworthy shakes his head as he calls out to them. “Would the two of you like to come in?If it were up to Vel you'd be out there for hours doing all kinds of crazy things.” as they enter the door the purple mare's father stops her fiance. “Son would you mind if we had a little chat in private?” Nervous the prince takes a quick gulp, but grants his future father in-law what he wants. Remaining quiet the off white god of the sky watches as the light blue unicorn trots past him staring into the sky. “So you popped the question. I just want to make sure that........... oh how do I put this. Well from now until the wedding I was hoping that you wouldn't be anything less than honorable. If you know what I mean. I know how stallions your age can be when it comes to certain thing.” Hearing a chuckle Noteworthy turns to face Thunder. Seeing this the prince begins explaining. “I'm sorry I know you're trying to be serous, but how old do you think I am?....... you know what on second thought please don't answer that? Let me assure you that I have no intention of doing anything like that until after we are married.” Giving a relaxing sigh the blue maned unicorn trots into the house followed by the tall prince. Across town in the Canterlot castle Celestia timidly trots into her and her husbands chamber with Lavender in a saddlebag. Looking in she begins cooing to her daughter. “It's a good thing you stopped growing for the day any larger and you wouldn't fit.” Making her way to his bedside she nuzzles him awake. “Celestia what in Equestria?.......... What time is it, and why do you have your saddlebag on?” Knowing he doesn’t like to be disturbed when sleeping the solar princess begins speaking. “Dear, there is something you should know, but before I tell you I want you to promise not to jump to conclusions.” seeing him nod his head the white goddess doesn't push for a more audible response. “Mother decide to pay me a visit today. Well she payed Thunder and I a visit. My point is she told me something that may be very disturbing for you to hear.” Hearing mention of the queen Lucien sits up giving full attention to what his wife is saying. Not receiving any other response she continues. “While I was carrying Thunder......... Since Mother has the ability to know the future......... Oh, I'm sorry Dear. I wish I could explain this better.” Taking her hoof in his the prince gives it a soft kiss, then begins speaking. “My dear wife if there is something bothering you I will do my best to help, but you must tell me what it is to start off with.” About that time Lavender pops her head out of the saddlebag causing Lucien to jump. “I..... I...... is that........................... Thunder?” Giggling Celestia levitates their daughter over to her husband. Staring at her in shock the tall gray prince's eye begins twitching. Not wanting him to go crazy the solar goddess begins talking. “No.... well kind of. This is our daughter Lavender Flake. When Mother dropped by she told me that Thunder and Lavender are fraternal twins. While I was carrying them she foresaw what was going to happen so in order to save all of us she merged them. When I distracted Thunder yesterday it brought Lavender into control of their body. Mother was waiting for the change to happen otherwise they couldn't be separated. She will be full grown in two days.” Not saying a word Lucien pokes the little filly on the head, then picks her up. “Celestia....... you have...... I mean we have a daughter.” Looking down at the little filly he continues talking. “Now young lady there's something I need to tell you about this family.” He begins giving her a hug as she giggles. “If you ever wake up in the middle of the night wake up your mother not me ok?” Hearing this Celestia give him an irritated look. “Starting off by giving her bad advice, smart.” Rolling his eyes the prince takes careful consideration not to hurt his daughter when getting out of the bed. Levitating her in midair Lucien makes his way toward the door. Seeing this his wife begins talking. “And where do you think you're going? I didn't wake you up so you could take off with her. Today it's your turn to run the day court. I'm going to spend the day with my little princess.” Agreeing to give her the day off Lucien levitates Lavender over to her mother, then heads toward the door with a pouting face. “Fine........ but I'm closing court early today.” Almost to the door a thought enters the gray prince's mind. “Where's Thunder last I saw they were..... well you know.” Thinking for a moment Celestia turns her gaze toward her son using astral projection, and sees him with is future father and mother in-law. Smiling the princess of the day turns her thoughts back to her husbands question. “Lucien it looks like you're going to have another daughter soon. You should best prepare yourself, because Thunder can now have a real foal of his own........” Immediately after saying these words the princess's irises expand into the size of saucers. “He doesn't know he's no longer sterile! What if he.... well you know, with Twilight. Oh we need to warn them right away before they make a serious mistake. Oh it will be Blueblood all over again. One alicorn and one regular pony can not have an alicorn foal, and the foal can never become an alicorn because they are already half god and half mortal. Lucien it's a fate worse that death!” Rubbing his temples the prince begins speaking. “Celestia calm down their not going to do anything before their married. We raised our son to be smart and a perfect gentlecolt. I'm sure he will follow the traditions done by couples of the old just as we did. Now am I going to the day court or am I taking our little filly for some father daughter time?” Knowing that it's her cue to stop keeping him in the room Celestia teleports out with her daughter leaving Lucien standing alone. Shaking his the prince begins speaking to himself. “I love Celestia, but some time's she can be a little over the top. Then again that's why I fell in love with her in the first place.” upon finishing his sentence a thought reemerges in his mind. “She never told me where Thunder was. I don't even know if he mapped the weather for tomorrow.” Shrugging it off Lucien trots to his work for the day. In the sitting room of Noteworthy and Velvet's home Thunder and Twilight is siting on the love seat while the purple unicorns parents are across from them on the full size sofa. Completely relaxed Thunder intertwines his tail with Twilight's without her parents noticing. Exhaling from joy the element of magic begins speaking. “It's going to be great I can't wait until the wedding! However Dad, please don't threaten my future husband? I can only imagine what you've told him.” Giving a huff Noteworthy responds. “Twilight, I don't threaten. I give persuasive advice...... I hate to ask, but do you know where you're going to be living after the wedding?” Cringing at the thought of his little filly living with a full grown stallion he waits for the answer. Unexpectedly Thunder begins talking to his future father. “I'm sorry Sr but we haven't really had time to plan. After Twilight said yes we came strait here. I thought you would like to be the first to know.” Shaking his head Noteworthy addresses his future son in-law. “Colt, where almost family. You don't have to call me Sr anymore. Just call me... Dad.... or Noteworthy witch ever you prefer.” Catching the hint Thunder gives a simple nod. Not liking the tension in the room the purple unicorn begins speaking. “Uh... Dad I would love to stay and chat, but with the planing and everything I'm going to be a little busy. I'm sure Thunder would stay and talk, but he probably has work to do at the castle that must be completed before the day is out. After all he does map the weather for all of Equestria, he's a real catch.” Giving Twilight a smile the alicorn and princess to be leaves the house. Trotting down the street the purple unicorn looks up at her fiance and begins speaking. “Thunder, you said you have a twin sister...... why haven't I ever met her or heard of her?” Thinking on how to answer the question the tall prince replys. “My dear it's a little complicated, and I'm not sure I would be able to explain it very well. How ever your father did have a point we should start looking for a house or something. If everypony is to have their own room then that would be close to a castle.” Nodding her head the purple unicorn notices the direction that they are headed. “Thunder why are we trotting toward the castle? I don't know if I'm ready to see Princess Celestia after I...... uh.... did she tell you what happened?” Shaking his head no the prince of the sky begins speaking. “Twilight what ever happen between you and Mother must have been bad, but what ever it is I'm sure that a smart mare like yourself can remedy the situation. Not to mention I left the foals quite early this morning.” Hearing her fiance mention Scootaloo and Butterscotch the lavender mare tenses up. Seeing her body harden almost as stiff as a plank of wood he continues the conversation. “Dear...... you will be a wonderful mother. True I don't expect Scootaloo to come out and call you mom, but that's because you've known her for how long? If you're worried please don't fret I'm sure that everything will be fine.” Giving her a smile Thunder leans down and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Relaxing ever so slightly Twilight looks up at the off white alicorn and begins speaking in an affectionate but serious voice. “Thunder, I know a place full of room where we could live, but it isn't a castle. It's more of a mansion. I saw it the other day when I was going to Rarity's boutique. There was a pamphlet outside on a sign so I decided to take a look just for fun. It has twelve bedrooms, ten full bath rooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a small study complete with built in shelves. It's just a suggestion though. You know something to break the ice then we start thinking practical.” mowing it over in his mind the prince begins smiling. “Twilight that sounds like a extraordinary idea! Scootaloo could still play with her friends. Provided the rooms are not to large Butterscotch would be fine. You would be able to keep working at the library, and my work is done at home to begin with so a study would be a useful thing to have. Not to mention we wouldn't be living in a castle...... I can't stand castles. After a certain amount of time you would feel the same way.” Finally seeing the gate the tall prince quickens his pace. As he approaches two guards bow and proceed to allow him and Princess Celestia's prize student entry into the palace. Unaccustomed to the treatment Twilight look up at her fiance. “Thunder....... is it always li.........” Glancing around she notices a golden crown laying in a bush and a flat expression comes to her face. “Is that your crown?” Looking at where she is pointing the prince begins chuckling. Not wanting to be in trouble with his future wife the god of the sky gives a meek smile and nods his head yes. “Thunder that needs to stop. Do you know how many ponies would love to have the chance to even see that crown? It also kind of sends the message that you take your title as a joke. I know that's not the case, but just for my own peace of mind would you please not continue doing that anymore?” Rolling his eyes the prince brings his horn to a glow and levitates the crown onto his head. “Now Twilight if I have to wear this thing so do you. If I recall there's an open appointment with the royal jeweler, and I'm sure I could get you in. I happen to know someponies in very high places.” Saying this he gives his fiance a nudge and a sarcastic smile. Looking up at him the purple unicorn begins fake pouting. “But Handsome I'm not royal....... not yet at least. Honey....... I was just wondering if we get married would you ever want to have foals of our own?” Hearing this the prince's ears fall flat against his face and he gives his beautiful bride to be a small frown. “Dear.......... I'm sorry.......... as I told you earlier........ I'm sterile........ we can never have our own foals. I hate the fact that I'm not a real stallion. Can you ever forgive me?” Seeing his reaction Twilight starts feeling regret for having asked about it. Trying to find something to change the subject she continues her sentence from where she was distracted by the crown. “Is it always like this for you? Just going where ever you want I mean. When ever I want to see Princess Celestia it usually takes me months and I'm her prize student! If not for that it would probably take me years!” with a smile returning to his face the off white alicorn nuzzles his soul-mate. “Dear..... you are no longer the prize student of my mother. Until the day we are to be married you will have the title Lady Twilight, and after were wed you will be princess. With that kind of title your presence in a room just demands more attention. In short you can go where ever you please, and nopony can stop you................ Just don't get carried away.” Returning the affection the loving couple trot into the castle. “Twilight...... there is one thing I wish to ask you about the wedding before we go any further in our planing. Some time ago before we started dating I asked my Grandmother if I were to ever wed that she would be the priestess......... you wouldn't mind would you?” completely shocked the lavender unicorn's mouth almost hits the floor. With the thought of the queen beginning the one to marry her the princess to be starts becoming slightly light headed. Not wanting her to hurt herself Thunder's aura surrounds her form and levitates her through the hall to a spare guest chamber and places her on the bed. With a sarcastic voice she begins speaking. “Oh so soon but...... we barely know each other.” With a seductive smile she begins batting her eyelashes at the prince. Hardly able to contain his laughter the off white alicorn begins conversing with a tone of pure happyness. “My dear Lady what doth thou mean we barely know thee? Thou art to us the sun. Please arise fair sun and kill the envious moon. Who is already sick and pail with grief that thou her maid art far more fair than she. Be not her maid since she is envious. Her vestal livery is but sick and green, and non but fools do wear it.” Remembering the line form William Shakespony's play Twilight remains smiling as she delivers her line. “Ay me. Ponyo. Oh Ponyo. Wherefore art thou Ponyo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or, of thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Ponylet. 'Tis but thy name that hath coust us much greif. Thou art thyself though not a Gryphague. What's Gryphague? It is not hoof nor thigh nor leg nor face..... nor any other part belonging to a stallion. O, be some other name. What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. So Ponyo would were he not Ponyo called, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title.” Not letting her finish Thunder pulls her close to his embrace, and begins kissing her. As they break from their passion the prince begins speaking again. “My Lady Twilight, Fear not for we will be together until the ends of time and beyond. I will always protect you no matter what happens. Our story shall not end like that of Ponyo and Juliet. We will find comfort in each other in life and not death. We have faced our trials and we have and always will have each other.” With tears in her eyes the purple unicorn brings a sincere smile to her face as she gives her fiance a small kiss in the cheek. “My gallant knight I have no doubt that we well be a happy family. With Butterscotch and Scootaloo thing will be interesting,......... but for the better I'm sure.” With a thought emerging into his mind the prince gives Twilight a bow then slowly trots toward the door as he speaks. “My Lady I have made a promise and I fear if I stay in this room any longer somepony might think I have broken said promise. If you will excuse me I have foals to check on and work to accomplish before the days end. Until we meet again my glistening star in a sea of darkness.” Rolling her eyes at the cheesy word play she blows him a kiss on his way out.