
by Anonymous Pegasus


Wisp pulled herself up onto the examination table, stretching out, reaching with her forepaws and arching her back a little bit, delicately unfolding her wings. Without her coat on, it was quite visible just how badly mangled her wing was. The leading edge of her right wing was broken in at least two separate places, quite badly, and the bones had already healed. The wing itself wouldn’t extend past the half-way point.

Doctor Heilung Klinge stood beside the examination table, a clipboard in hoof, humming thoughtfully down at the information there.

“Wisp, is it? You have no other given names?”

Wisp nodded. “That’s the name my uncle gave me, because I’m so small!”

“And you have lived with zis condition all your life?” the doctor asked.

Again, Wisp nodded. “As long as I can remember.”

“Does it cause you intermittent pain at all? When you try to move ze wing, or use it?”

The diminutive griffin splayed her ears at that. “I’ve kinda gotten used to never using it, to be honest.”

“The muscles have atrophied from lack of use, and ze bones are set in place, it would be most difficult to set them right again, and inv-” Wisp cut him off.

“-Hey hey, Doctor. You know all about me, time for me to know about you! I’m not gonna let you know all this personal stuff without getting to you know first!”

The doctor gave a soft sigh at that, shaking his head slowly. “Very well. Vat is that you wish to know?”

“What’s your name, for a start!” Wisp said with an earnest nod.

“My name is right on my tag,” the doctor said, pointing at his chest with a hoof, raising a brow quizzically.

Wisp looked away, her ears splaying. “I... well, I can’t really actually read.”

“Ahhh, very well. I am Doctor Heilung Klinge,” the doctor said, lifting a hoof to touch at his own chest.

“What does that mean?” Wisp asked, blinking once and peering up at the unicorn.

Klinge paused, pursing his lips. “Do you really vant to know?”

“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t!” Wisp said with a happy grin.

“It means ‘healing blade’, in pony language,” the doctor replied grimly.

“Healing... blade?” Wisp asked, bewildered. “But, blades don’t heal!”

“It is a contradictory name designed to reflect my own contradictory nature,” Klinge responded calmly, gently taking Wisp’s wingtip in a hoof and tugging at it slowly, beginning to extend it.

Wisp gritted her beak, but didn’t complain, squirming slightly in place as the stiffness and pain that began to make itself known, her tail giving an irritated flick.

After a few moments of stretching, Klinge had her wing extended as far as he was comfortable with, and quite further than Wisp was comfortable with, the griffon panting slightly, her ears pinned back and her free wing quivering in sympathetic irritation.

“You have had this injury as long as you remember, yes?” Klinge asked, to make certain.

Wisp nodded mutely.

“Very well,” Klinge responded, starting to take measurements of the lengths and angles of her wing, measuring the bones and how far she could extend them. Once he was done with this, he released her wing, allowing the griffon to close it back against her side with a sigh of relief.

Klinge moved around to her other side, tugging her good wing out to examine it, and Wisp took several deep breaths before pressing him for more information.

“So... why do they call you ‘healing blade’?” she queried, peering at the doctor. “Do you stab people?”

“Once,” Klinge said, quite bluntly. “Vell... it was more slashing than stabbing, and it was several different ponies, but it was only the one ‘incident’.”

Wisp worked her beak in distaste. “Why did you slash ponies? You’re not gonna slash me are you?”

Klinge laughed at that, shaking his head. “No, little griffon. I am not going to harm you. I may have cause to put you in significant pain in coming days, but I will not harm you.”

Wisp bit the tip of her tongue at that, her ears splaying. “That doesn’t sound very nice either way. But... why did you slash them?”

Klinge paused at that, biting his bottom lip and then sighing softly. “You must understand, my country is...  different to Equestria. It is very much more strife-stricken than this land of peace. There were some very bad ponies who broke into my practise there, and wanted to steal morphine. Morphine that I vould use to treat patients, to keep ponies alive. I had foals there that needed that morphine. Ze guards were nowhere to be found, and so,” Klinge paused then, frowning slightly as he looked down at her wing, his gaze hardening. “I took ze scalpel from ze cupboard. The same scalpel I use to save lives, and I used it to end them.”

Wisp frowned deeply at that, her ears pinned back, one of her forepaws lifting to gently stroke against Klinge’s shoulder soothingly. “I’m sorry you had to do that.”

Klinge shrugged inwardly. “It vas necessary, and I do not lose sleep over it.”

The small griffon blinked at that, frowning, her ears pinning back. “But... but... they were ponies. You shoulda had nightmares at least!”

The last was said with such confidence that Klinge leaned in and stared at her. “You haff taken the life of a pony before?”

Wisp splayedher ears again, looking away, before shaking her head. “No... I never killd anypony. Well, any pony.”

Klinge furrowed his brow at that. “A griffon then?”

Wisp nodded slowly.

“And vhy did you do zis?” Klinge asked, peering down at the griffon curiously.

Wisp went quiet for a moment, and splayed her ears back. “My... uncle. He took me in when my parents abandoned me... but... he was a very bad griffon. He beat me and made me work on his old airship for hours and hours without food or water. And every time I got it wrong, he would pluck some of my feathers or grab at my wing, or tie my tail in a really really tight knot and squeeze it until it hurt...”

“Zis vas not a nice griffon,” Klinge agreed, frowning deeply.

“And he was always drunk. So I made him chase me. I can’t fly, so he... he knew I couldn’t get away. I pretended to be all winded and slowed down, so he followed after me over the sand...”

Klinge nodded, to show that he was listening. “And?”

“Well, I led him across some really nasty sand. He was drunk, so he didn’t see the darkclaw hole...” Wisp trailed off meaningfully.

Klinge gave a single blink, not understanding.

“Darkclaws are desert-dwelling beasts. They’re kinda mean and nasty, like big grasshoppers that live in the ground. And when something falls in their hole, they jump up and-” Wisp made a terrible crunching noise. “And even though I heard him screaming and yelling for help... I just walked away...”

Klinge gave a nod at that, frowning slightly. “I... understand. Maybe ponies from here vould not. But ze have not such a turbulent life, yes?”

Wisp nodded slowly, but then perked up. “So! Now that we know eachother so much, why won’t you give us any time?”

Klinge raised a brow, turning back to her good wing, inspecting it closely. “Time?”

“You wouldn’t even come out of here for the princess!” Wisp said with a soft huff.

Klinge nodded. “Certainly. I am a very busy pony.”

“But... why? Do you really need to earn so much money? You’re supposed to be the element of generosity!” Wisp declared, waving a forepaw.

Klinge frowned at that. “Zis... vas all a front to ask me about this, yes?”

“Seemed to be the only way to get you to give me some time!” Wisp said, batting her eyelashes at him.

A soft sigh left the doctor, and he shook his head. “Very well. You had a hard life, yes?”

“I... guess so? but I’ve only had one! So I don’t have anything to compare it to,” Wisp said with an earnest nod.

Klinge nodded at that. “But it had hardship, yes? You vould have given much to not be in hardship? You vould wish not to be in hardship, yes?”

Wiosp frowned at that, pondering. “I guess so?”

“And zat is vhy I have no time,” Klinge stated with a wave of a hoof, turning back to her wing calmly. “There is much hardship I must change.”

“But there are other doctors!” Wisp protested, huffing.

“I am not just healing hardship with my talents, but with my coins as vell. How can I in good conscience, rest on my laurels while I could be using my time to work and earn coins and heal hardship? Every pony I see gives me coins, I can then dispense these coins and ease the burden of anothers pain.”

Wisp stared at the doctor, her ears pinned back. “You can’t be serious?”

“I am very serious,” Klinge stated, writing something down on his clipboard and then releasing her good wing. He gently draped her coat back over her wings, and then cinched down the straps that held it on. “Your eye, zare is nothing wrong with it?”

Wisp shook her head, blinking. Her eyepatch had become such a part of her that she barely even noticed it any more. “Nono, it’s a... well, a fashion statement!”

Klinge nodded, ushering the griffon off the table. “I vill converse with my nurses tomorrow. Come back tomorrow afternoon, and we’ll see about fixing your wing.”

Wisp stared up at him with one wide eye, her tail giving a slow, errant flick. “You can heal it?!”

“Perhaps,” Klinge said with a soft smile. “And in between ze screams, you can try to convince me to part with more of my time, yes?”

Wisp frowned at that, feeling like she was being seen right through, and nodded slowly. “That’s my plan, then!”

Klinge gave a wry smile, waving a hoof at the griffon. “Now shoo! I haff more patients to see!”