TCB: Walking Man's Road

by videomaster21XX

Prologue: One Vision

The Conversion Bureau: Walking Man’s Road

By: Videomaster21XX

Prologue: One Vision

        “Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear...” A rather panicked Pegasus mare was saying as she shifted uneasily within the chariot she rode. Had the space been sufficient, she would have paced. As it was, there was barely enough room for her to shift at all. Especially with the Pegasus stallion settled next to her.
        “Sis will you just relax already? You’re starting to give ME the jitters, and I’m the one looking forward to this!” The stallion childed, with a laugh. It always seemed to be like this no matter what they did. Her the worrywart, and him the silly dreamer. But how could he NOT be excited? Given their destination and mission.
        “I’m sorry Wind Frost... It’s just... Well... Princess Celestia HERSELF chose me for this task. -ME-, Snow Breeze, to be head of one of the First Conversion Bureaus! This is huge! This is an honor! I mean, what if I mess something up? What if I lead these ‘humans’ to think we wish them harm? What if I loose the ponification serum? What if I don’t order enough food for the cafeteria? What if-” Snow Breeze ranted, before her brother began to shake her with a hoof.
        “Whoa, Whoa! Sis, you’re the most organized pony I know! You’d never let any of those things happen!” He said in the most soothing voice he could muster. “Besides, you keep forgetting that you WON’T be alone! You’ll have an entire staff to help you. Myself included!”
        “You’re right...” She replied, visibly attempting to calm down, “You’re right brother... I need to relax... Keep calm... Oh why do we have to ride this thing instead of fly ourselves? You know when I’m forced to stand still I get all jittery!”
        “Well do YOU know where the exit point is? Or how far?” Wind Frost asked with a sigh. He watched his sister open her mouth to reply, only to see her snap it back shut as the information sank in. With a slight blush, she lowered he head in defeat.
        “Exactly!” He added afterward, “I don’t like the wait anymore then you do, but there is no sense in us flying in circles.” His sister nodded solemnly. Despite his words, he did indeed worry about her. He knew she was strong, but no pony knew what to expect on ‘Other World’ where the humans lived. Nor was anypony sure how the humans would act once ponies themselves.Sure the few first recruits used to test the potion were perfectly adjusting to their new surrounding. But it was still a legitimate worry that others might not. Heck those converted already that had become a unicorn or Pegasus were still attempting to grasp how to use their new magic, or if a Pegasus to even fly! Course, that was one of the reasons he was here...
        Gazing out over the lands below them, he found his mind mulling over their future tasks. The surrounding clouds just thin enough for him to get an eye full of the landscape. According to the briefings that all Conversion Bureau staff were given before being shipped out, there were relatively few areas on earth that looked anything like this anymore. Instead, Wind Frost had heard tales that many areas were like their own Manehatten. Except much MUCH lager, and filled with all sorts of oddities that you’d never find in Equestria.
        A sudden strong gust of wind blazed by them, whipping his white mane around as if it was assaulting it directly. Annoyed, he shook his head in defiance. It better not have messed up the his current mane style. It had taken a lot of work to get his mane and tail to mimic his favorite Wonderbolt, Spitfire. A fact his sister would still tease him about from time to time. What was so wrong that he wanted the same mane as the fastest Pegasus he had ever seen? So what if she was a mare!
        Glancing over at his sister. He envied the short mane and tail she sported herself. She never had to worry about either getting messed up. Somehow, no matter how ruffled they got, the better she seemed to look. He had heard more then one of his stallion friends call his sister ‘alluring.’ Something he made certain to mentally note each and every time. Somepony wanted to date his sister, fine, but they’d better be ready to answer to HIM if they hurt her!
        It was funny in a way. Despite his concern, Snow Breeze never did seem to be one interested in the whole ‘dating scene’ and yet she was always popular. Short blue mane, long sleek tail, pure white coat... Not to mention the size and texture of her beautiful wings. Sure she was his sister, but that didn’t mean he didn’t notice what his friends saw in her. Slim, elegant, graceful. One of the fastest flyers he knew. In their foalhood, they would often hold races against each other.

        She was always the winner of them.

        He knew his sister would be quite the prize for some Stallion someday. If only she would have more confidence in herself. She was just to jittery. Not to mention dense. These two things seemed to be at the forefront of every failed attempt at romance for her. Given her natural unease, he sometimes wondered how she had ever managed to go on a date at all.
Still when she put her mind to something... A warm smile flowed upon his face as he recalled all the times he had seen those red eyes of hers locked on some unseen target. It was precisely the reason she had been picked to run a Bureau. Jittery she was now, but when she got serious. He really doubted there were many more who’d be able to pull the job off quite like her. Perhaps one day she’d figure out how to apply that trait to her dating technique...
        Now him on the other hand... It was actually rather amusing. Despite being twins, he was nearly an exact pallet swap of his sister. A pure white mane and tail, thick, but a bit too... ‘Breezy’ for his likes. It made it very hard to keep it in any style he enjoyed. Then of course there was his coat. Not quite the dark blue his sister’s was, but close enough. It was more of the color of that one Pegasus mare who won Best Flyer back in Cloudsdale. What was her name? Rainbow Dash. He did share her red eyes though.
        “To be honest with ya sis...” He said slowly, watching the scenery once more become swallowed by the clouds. “I do rather wish they’d just let us fly next to them, rather then ride in this...”
        “I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY “ She said with a rather exaggerated sigh. “But you know as well as I do why we can’t...”
        “Because as the head of the Bureau, it wouldn’t look official if you didn’t arrive in some sort of royal chariot. Yeah, Yeah...” He trailed off. Being they would be among the first to manage a bureau, the Princess’s weren’t taking any chances. Everything had been set up as official and organized as possible.
        “I doubt they’ll even appreciate a third of these ‘Royal Showing offs’” Snow Breeze mumbled. Maybe just a bit too loudly.
        “I know! I know! I’m sorry! I just Hate Staying Still...” She replied through rather gritted teeth. Wind Frost could only shake his head. For his sister’s sake, he hoped it wasn’t much father to the shield.

        ‘The Human World...’ He thought to himself as they traveled. The unexplored lands... He could barely contain himself. In his youth he would often fly to any part of Equestria his wings could muster to take him. All over this land he had been, and so many things he had seen. He hadn’t seen it all of course, he doubted anypony ever could. Through out all this travels however, there was one thing that had always bothered him.
        No matter where he had gone in the lands occupied by ponies, nothing ever really seemed all that different. Sure there were a few small things. Like life in a city compared to life in the country. But most of it was the same. Same weather patrols. Same ways of raising farmland. Same Types of entertainment...
        It was always the lands where few ponies dwelled where things actually differed to a noticeable degree. Such as the time he had visited the Griffon lands. Their cities and towns constructed upon high mountain tops.  No roads connecting the various places, given the native inhabitants could all fly. Roadsd simply weren’t needed. He also though of the lands the Dragons called home. Volcanic geysers and aches of white sand as far as the eye could see.
        It was said that the way humans built their towns, was almost the same as how his kind built their own. Yet there was so much more to their towns, their buildings, the entire way of life, that  he was told a pony like him could never begin to imagine it all.

        Oh how he longed to see it. All of it...

        It was almost pure luck that he had been chosen to join his sister in this endeavor. How glad he was that things turned out as they did. His official duty was to be the new flight instructor for any newfoal Pegasus to be ‘created’ by the ponification. Not too surprising. Being a flight instructor was his job in the first place after all. Still, he was certain there were many other ponies who would have been much better choices. A good teacher he was said to be, but surely not the best.
        Yet when his sister was hoof-picked by Princess Celestia herself to run a bureau. One of his sister’s first requests was to have him join her if possible. The Princess was only too happy to comply. Thus, here he was. Sitting in a chariot being pulled to some unknown drop off area, where he’d not only leave the shied, but would soon be on his way to a land unseen by a majority of the ponies before him. It was almost enough to make him cry.


        “Prepare for Hoofdown!” He heard the two Guard Pegasus, whom had been pulling their chariot, announce. Despite his distaste to being forced to ride in a chariot when he had wings himself, he had to admire the two who had carted them. They were both decked out in the same golden hued armor all the Guards of Canterlot wore, and yet STILL managed to get them here with out so much as a stop. It was rather impressive.
        “Wind Frost! Oh Wind Frost I can see something! I think that’s one of the human vehicle's we were told about!” Snow Breeze called pointing her entire hoof toward some long rectangular construct upon the ground. It was indeed unlike anything he had ever seen before. Though something about it seemed... Off. Like it was a mirage almost...

        It took him a few moments to realize that it appeared that way, because it wasn’t IN Equestria. It was actually outside of it, appearing distorted due to being on the other side of the shield. In his excitement, he had forgotten to even look for it. Seemed rather silly when the very colors of the rainbow flowed upon it like water. It shouldn’t be something you could just ‘Miss’ like that. Given the circumstances, he supposed he could be forgiven.
        Checking back in on his sister, he could tell it was taking all of her will not to leap out of the chariot that second and drift down herself. Certainly not the first impression one wanted to make to a ‘jittery’ species, as the briefings described the humans. Now if he could only spot one...
        “Wait, how are we being transferred from here to the Bureau? Surely they aren’t going to stick us in that... Thing are they?” Snow Breeze whispered to him as they neared the ground. “I mean, can it even float?”
        “I... I don’t know...” Wind Frost admitted, gazing at the odd object. He was able to get a much better look at it now that they were practically grounded. It certainly looked... Different. Part of it was what he could only describe as a large metal rectangular box. At one end was something... He couldn’t quite figure out. It was slanted in one part with what looked like windows. What appeared to be pipes, similar to what they used for plumping, jutted out on each side of the thing like horns. Many, MANY wheels lined the bottom of it.
        “Those wheels must mean it’s some sort of vehicle. Kinda like a train. But a train can’t cross water. At least ours can’t...” He added while tilting his head at it.
        “Well the briefings mentioned several times that the humans have all sorts of tools and objects that we ponies never managed to make. Maybe something that rolls across water is one of them?” His sister said. It was pretty clear though that she didn’t have a lot of faith in that statement.
        “Wind Frost, Snow Breeze,” One of the guards announced as they touched down. Without sparing a second, both Guards unhooked themselves from the chariot before turning toward them.
        “We apologize for having to transport you in such a manner. Such are the precautions the Princess is taking.”
        “Oh, it’s... Quite alright...” Snow Breeze replied with a rather awkward grin. Wind Frost was certain they had heard some of the conversation he and his sister had shared during the ride, and bet she KNEW it too. Good thing they didn’t seem to be bothered by it. What he wouldn’t give to know what his sister was thinking just now though...
        “As per the Princess’s orders, we shall accompany you to the Bureau where we shall be stationed in case you require our assistance.”
        “Which hopefully will not be required...” The other guard added in, speaking for the first time. It almost caught Wind Frost off guard. His sister seemed less surprised.
        “Praise Celestia for that. I’d hate to have an international incident on my account.” She said with a sigh. He and the guards nodded their approval.
        “So anyway, where are these humans I’ve heard so much about?” He asked glancing back at the large object from earlier. “I can see their... Thing, but nothing alive. You’d think they’d be waiting to meet us...”
        “Actually they are most likely standing by that construct there. Watching the shield.” One of the guards said flapping a wing toward it. Both himself and his sister shot him some rather odd looks.
        “Oh right, that particular information isn’t really spoken about.” The other guard said turning his gaze toward the shield as well.
        “As you know, the shield was designed to keep the human world and Equestria separate. The Princesses only JUST lowered it’s power to allow travel between the two realms. As a side effect, you can’t see living things standing outside the shield from inside and vice versa.”
        “Though with time I’m betting that’ll change.” The first guard added with a smile.
        “So... They could be twenty feet from us and we’d never notice? Why can’t we hear them? Or does the shield somehow block the sounds of living things?” Snow Breeze asked as she cantered over to the edge of the very shield under discussion. It was weird seeing it up close. Like looking at the side of a huge bubble. The other thing you noticed was the power radiating from it. He wasn’t even a unicorn, and even he could tell there was some serious force to this thing.
        “Actually it blocks all sounds. Didn’t you notice that despite the ocean being within viewing distance, we can’t hear it?” With a start Wind Frost realized the guard was right! Here they were, a mere stones buck away from the ocean and so far had heard not a single wave splash upon the rocky cliffs surrounding their grassy plateau. It was like watching the world playing the ‘Shh’ game. His sister summed it up best.
        “I concur...”
        “At any rate, we should go meet our human guides. I’m sure they are just as anxious to meet us as we are them.” One of the guards added, as he and his partner turned toward the shield. Wind Frost made a mental note to get their names later.
        “Indeed, let us go.” Snow Breeze agreed, falling in line behind the guards. With a flutter of his own wings, Wind Frost fell in beside his sister. Soon after, all four of them ambled their way toward the shield.
As they met it, he and his sister watched with silent awe as the two guards moved through the shield without resistance. It was so odd watching two ponies in front of you seemingly vanish into nothingness. Their image and sounds simply... Stopping.
        Even with all their training, the two twins couldn’t help but flinch slightly as they passed through the shield themselves. Wind Frost had still half expected to run into a wall. Instead, it had felt almost as if they had walked through... Not exactly cotton, but something close to it. Cotton Candy? Yeah that was it. Like cotton candy. Just it didn’t stick to him...
        He did however, find himself twitching at suddenly seeing not only their two pony companions, but about four creatures he could only guess to be ‘humans’ seemingly pop in existence before him.
        Nothing they had been told about these creatures could have ever prepared them for actually MEETING some. Not even the few ‘drawings’ that they had been shown. First, all four wore clothing. More clothing then he had ever seen on a pony before. Course according to their briefings, humans always wore clothing when outside. Not only for protection from the elements, but for some sort of ‘modesty’ reason. He didn’t really understand how wearing such heavy articles of cloth all the time could equal being ‘modest’, but to each their own.
        All four were staring at him and his fellow ponies as if they had seen a ghost. Amusingly, he realized he was probably looking at them in the very same manner. Taking quick stock, he could tell that just like the two guard ponies with him, the humans had sent what he guessed to be their own equivalent. Off to the side stood two of the humans in what appeared to be some sort of black suits. Very similar to the tuxedos stallions would wear to events like the Grand Galloping Galla.
 It might be jumping to conclusions a bit, but being that only stallions wore such articles in his world, he was willing to bet that only the males of the species of humans did the same. So that probably meant they were male.
        Also similar to ponies, their features weren’t exactly the same. One of the two had what appeared to be a very short mane of black hair upon his head. While the other had a mane of slightly longer brown hair. There were smaller differences in their facial structure as well, but he had a feeling most ponies wouldn’t think to look for them. If the two hadn’t been wearing sunglasses to hide their eyes, he was certain he’d be able to detect a difference in them as well. Much like a ponies eye color would differ from pony to pony.
        The other two humans looked even stranger. One looked to be the same type of body structure as the two ‘guard humans’ except... Rounder. His state of dress seemed a lot more casual as well. Sorta like what some of the ponies back home would wear to the bowling ally.
        His mane seemed to be a slightly different color of brown then the earlier human guard’s. Least what he could see under the rimmed hat the human was wearing. What shocked him was that this human’s mane covered a large portion of his face as well. He knew a stallion could grow a beard if given enough time. He’d never imagined that the human males could do so as well!
        Finally there was the last human, and this one looked the strangest of all. First off it appeared a lot smaller then it’s companions. It wore a pink shirt, along with a  blue pair of what he had been told were called ‘pants.’ Something all humans apparently wore, as not one was without them. Looking back at this other human, there were several things that were vastly different from it’s companions.
        First off, and most noticeably, was that this human’s hair was a lot closer to a ponies in both its color as well as its length. It was a rather bright red, and flowed in the breeze like some sort of inanimate flame. Their shape was also much sleeker then their companions. A bit more curved. Finally there was an odd bulge of two peculiar lumps upon what he had been told was a human’s ‘chest’. Just what were those things again?
        That’s right, he had been told that the female of the species had something like that. That must be why this human looked so different from the other ones. She had to be on of the females.
        “Um...” The female spoke in a rather high pitched voice. This confirmed his suspicions rather nicely. Much like their own mares, her voice was too high for her to be one of the males.
        “It’s... Nice to meet you...” She said slowly. Pure nervousness seemed to radiate from her with every little thing she did.
Much as he hated to admit it, the sight made him feel rather better about this entire situation. Despite how much he had been looking forward to meeting these ‘human’ things. Actually being in their presence was over whelming. It was comforting seeing they were just as afraid at meeting them.
        “Hello, I am called Snow Breeze. I have been chosen by Princess Celestia to be head of the.. E-lan-tia Conversion Bureau.” His sister said, stepping forward. With a bow her her head, she sent forth her greeting to the human who had spoken. Causing the girl to squeak in shock.
        “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” The female relayed rather quickly, bowing her body forward as she did so. It was a rather odd thing to see. Her entire middle section was bending to allow the top half of her to lean forward. Rather low forward as well. How did this human manage that without falling forward?
        “I had been told countless times that you could talk but it still surprised me! Oh please don’t think I’m trying to insult you! Oh I’m so sorry!”
        Snow Breeze was too much at a loss to formulate an immediate reply. She could tell this human seemed rather shocked by her ability to speak yes, but what was she suppose to say to that? Sure it seemed a bit silly that one might assume she couldn’t speak, but this... She had no idea it would have ever caused this sort of reaction.
        “Um... It’s...Okay?” She said slowly, not wanting to upset the human. Thankfully the two guard humans decided this was a good time to step in.
        “Relax there Annie. Let us take it from here.” It was the one with the black hair who had spoken. Stepping in front of her as he did. The one with brown hair close by.
        “Snow Breeze, and I assume that’s Wind Frost,” The Human said nodding toward Wind Frost Himself. Wind Frost acknowledged the greeting with a nod of his head. Seeing this, the human continued: “We would like to welcome you on behalf of the President of the United States to the human wold. My name is Dean Smith, and this is my partner Sam Wesson.”
        The ‘Guard’ human with the brown hair waved with what Wind Frost had learned was called an ‘arm’, coupled with a ‘hand’ It was a rather fascinating sight actually. There weren’t too many creatures in Equestria that could be considered having ‘arms’. Dragons were about the closest thing he could think of off the top of his head. As for hands. Well both Griffons and Dragons had something similar, but their clawed appendages weren’t quite the same.
        “Naturally,” The human spoke on, “I’m the pretty one, and he’s the homely one.”
        “Dean!” Sam cried in a rather disapproving manner. Somehow, even with the sunglasses on, Wind Frost could see the annoyment on the human’s face.
        “Can we please be serious here?” The human threw his arms open wide upon speaking. Just what did that mean? Was this how humans used body language?
        “Geez, relax Sammy.” Dean shot back flashing a rather cocky grin, “You act like they’re going to wage war against us because of a joke! I’m pretty sure they don’t mind. Do you?” The last part was directed toward Snow Breeze who had been watching the two humans in confusion. The sudden question caught her completely off guard.
        “Er... Uh... O-Of course not!” She stammered awkwardly. Wind Frost couldn’t help but grin. While the two Pegasus guards seemed unaffected by the events, he was certain he could see a slight shine in their eyes.
        “I know, but...” Sam replied frustrated. He took a few seconds to seemingly collect his thoughts while running his hands through his hair before he continued. Taking off the sunglasses as he did so.
        “Does it always have to be me? Whenever you get his urge to crack a joke, you always look right at me.”
        “Hey your my partner Sammy. It comes with the job! Besides, who else is there? Bobby? He’d kick my butt.” Dean replied flicking the large fat appendage of his hand toward the human with the beard. Wind Frost had to re-look up what that appendage was later.
        “Yer darn tooting I’d kick your ass.” ‘Bobby’ replied with a grunt. Wind Frost was happy to see he wasn’t the only pony present to widen their eyes at the use of such language. Even the guard ponies had seemed to flinch for a second.
        “And you can quit with that ‘Bobby’ stunt. The names Bob you idjit.” Bob added with a shake of his head. Given Sam’s look, Wind Frost had a fairly good idea of what he was thinking. Most likely that arguing that point was a dangerous thing. After a few moments, Sam Sighed.
        “And given the only other person around is Annie over there, I’m stuck being the stickler...” He said throwing his arms up in the air. Wind Frost was pretty sure now that he was using body language. He wasn’t familiar with how humans used ‘body language’ of course, but he was pretty sure that meant Sam had given up.
        “Aw don’t mind him.” Dean said with a wave of his hand. “Anyway, we’ll be heading for the mainland soon as the ship gets back. So I guess relax for a bit.”
        “Ship?” Snow Breeze repeated confused, “You mean like a boat?”
        “Yes... Ma’am...” Sam replied a bit hesitantly, before adding. “Is... It okay to address you as Ma’am?”
        “Uh... I... I suppose so...” She replied back. Wind Frost took this moment to voice a question of his own. Likely the same one his sister had been trying to ask.
        “So... We aren’t taking that... To the mainland?” He indicated the large metallic thing they had been pondering about ever since they first saw it. Sam took a look at where he was pointing his hoof at before seeming to catch on.
        “Oh you mean the truck?” Sam asked doing his best to hide a smile, “Oh no, that can only drive on the land. It’d sink in the water.”
        “Um... Beg your pardon for me asking this then...” Snow Breeze asked rather slowly, seemingly trying to find the best way to phrase what she wanted to say. “But then why is it on the island in the first place? Do we need to board it or something in order to board the ship?”
        “No, this is here because Bobby here was well...” Dean began before he trailed off. Seemingly it was his turn to ponder how to phrase something. Thankfully Sam jumped in to finish his thought for him.
        “Being a big baby?” He added helpfully. The remark earned him a rather irritated glare from Bob.
        “Watch it boy. If I wasn’t friends with your daddy I’d have popped ya one a long time ago.”
        “Bobby you made us extend the ramp just so you could drive the truck on here, when it won’t be needed till we get to America. We swept the area. No one who’d want to harm us is within miles of this place!” Dean argued while taking a quick moment to spin around with arms extended as a way to prove his point.
        “I know that you idjit.” Bob shot back. “That’s not why I had Karen here brought on land.”
        “Then why DID you bring her on land Bobby?” Sam asked. Bob lowered his gaze.
        “I don’t trust her out of my sight for that long...” Both Sam and Dean scoffed.
        “Bobby it’s not like they are going to drive her or something while she sits on the boat.”
        “Look I don’t trust no one with my truck except me. You wanted me to meet the ponies when the arrived and I’m here. The catch is that Karen came with me. End of story!” If Sam or Dean had wanted to continue the argument, their chances were dashed as the female, what was it they called her? Annie? Began to laugh rather loudly.
        “I’m sorry!” She somehow managed between giggle fits, when she noticed how everyone was staring at her. “It’s just I’m so glad I decided to come with you here. This is just too much fun!”
        Any more shenanigans between the humans were pretty much put to rest at that. Seeming humbled at Annie’s crack up, Dean had managed to regain his professionalism.
        “Anyway, I think I’d better go radio the ship. You won’t have to get on the truck till we depart from port to the bureau. We’ll be briefing you on all of that while we travel.” He must have seen the disappointed looks on both his sister’s and his own faces, for he immediately added:
        “I know it’s a bit of a drag that you won’t be able to enjoy the boat ride, but it won’t take us very long to get to the mainland at all. As such we need to be certain you are aware of the procedures we’ll need to take while transporting you. We have to keep this as secret as possible. Last thing we need is a doc full of curious people trying to see the ‘Talking Ponies’ as some put it.”
        Wind Frost found it only slightly off putting to be called a ‘Talking Pony’. It was true by the human standards after all. He was sure if it was possible for a human to simply walk into Equestria without being ponifed, the other ponies would most likely stare at them with odd looks as well.
        With that, Dean had turned and walked off to join Sam as they both moved toward the back of the truck. Wind Frost assumed that was probably where the radio was located. This pretty much left all of them free to do as they wished for a few moments.
He had wanted to go talk with the female named Annie, but she had already entered the truck by the looks of it. Given she had slipped away when Dean was giving them the earlier run down.
        Snow Breeze had gone off to talk to the two Pegasus Guards about something. Whatever it was, he doubted he’d find it particularly interesting. Deciding finally to just wait for the ship near the islands edge, he began to follow the two human guards. Managing to catch the tail end of their conversation as he did so.
        “So are you going to take those stupid sunglasses off? I don’t even know why you insisted we wear them.” Sam was childing. Dean did that extended arm thing these humans seemed so fond of doing.
        “Come on Sammy! We’re like secret agents. It makes us look the part!”
        “Dean we are escorts, not secret service.”
        “So? The Sunglasses stay.”
        “This is because of the no meat thing isn’t it?”
        “Your darn right this is about the no meat thing. Look I get why okay. I don’t want to offend the ponies either. But that means no cheeseburgers Sam. No Cheeseburgers!”
        “I think you’ll live Dean.” Sam replied with a shake of his head before vanishing into the back of the truck.
        “You don’t understand Sammy. A Man’s right to a cheeseburger is like an unwritten commandment!” Dean shot back following his partner inside. Whatever was said after that was silenced by the metal build of the truck itself. Wind Frost, on the other hadn,  had heard more then enough.
        It wasn’t like it was a shock to him that humans ate meat. Obviously that was one of the first things they had been briefed on. It was still a bit jarring to actually hear one admit it though. He simply couldn’t imagine how it would be like to see a human actually practice the act. With any luck, he hoped to avoid that all together...

        Turning his thoughts instead to his upcoming duties, he gazed out over the water to some unseen land. He could just make out a small black object floating a few miles out. Most likely the ship that was to take them to the mainland. Sure enough, as he watched the thing seemed to turn toward him and approach. Dean and Sam must have just contacted it.
        “The human world...” He said quietly to himself, watching the ship come closer and closer.

        He simply couldn’t wait to see what wonders it held...