Freaky Nightmares

by SweetieStar

The Wrong Ending

I was sleeping tightly in bed. I then heard whispers. I woke up and saw two figures speaking.

“Do you think we really need to do this?” One of them spoke.

“There is no other way…” The other one said. “We can’t just leave it all like this…” The other one was interrupted by something. The dark figure realized me. “She’s awake!” The mysterious Pony said and took something from the room. The other one held me down. I tried to break free but the pony was too strong. The other pony banged the object on my head and I fell down, unconscious.

I was slowly waking up. I opened my eyes slowly as I realized where I was. I was in a torture room, but not Rainbow Dash’s and instead of tied up to the wall; I was tied to a seat with a strange helmet on. It was all dark and I couldn’t really make out where I was. I was defiantly not in Dash’s torture room, but I still felt that she had something to do with this.

“Where am I?” I demanded. I didn’t realize who I was talking to and what I wanted to say. I was shocked that I even was tied against my will. Why would they do that? Did something go wrong again?

“Welcome to my torture room, Scootaloo. I’m Orion’s father and the owner of the Rainbow Factory, Black Dasher!” I was shocked. Orion’s father? This factory is the same place where Orion died. How can it be? I looked at him with a look that I never did before; angry as hell.

“What kind of parent are you if you let your own son die in your own factory?!” I shouted at him. He just chuckled evilly.

“I guess, I told him a couple of times that I would like him to take my business when I retire…” he sighed not taking my insult “He disgracefully failed and the punishment had to come… but I was busy with another client so Rainbow Dash had to take the job. Heck, Rainbow Dash is very good! I think she will be my deputy when I promote her!” He laughed. I then realized something.

“Where is Rainbow Dash?” I asked confused and curious at the same time. He chuckled.

“I don’t want her to know about this” He confessed “She won’t be too happy about it!” I suddenly started panicking.

“W-What do you mean?” I asked with a shaky voice. He then started laughing instead of chuckling.

“So curious to find out, eh? All right I‘ll tell you. You might have not known this, but we check the personal letters of the workers before we send them out, Rainbow Dash must have told you.” I felt angry and confused; Rainbow Dash never told me about that, I guess she was checking my loyalty. “Well…” He continued. “We found something in your letters. You know that none of the information about the factory is allowed to get out.” I knew that and I forgot how clever the workers were.

“I didn’t know that…” I lied.

“Don’t lie to me.” He said. “I have read it in your letter.” He said grinning. I was about to facehoof myself. I completely forgot what I wrote to her!

“So, what do you want from me?” I asked looking as serious and calm as I could.

“It’s simple.” He replied. “I will make sure our mail mare does not send your letter out, it will be safe with us.” He said and chuckled a little bit. His grin was bigger than Dash’s and his eyes were shining red. His mane was messy and brown and his coat was black. He had bags under his eyes and a part of his ear was cut off. “As for you…” he continued, “I will brain-wash you. All your childhood memories will be blurred out and the only thing you will remember will be the basics a Pegasus should know... and how you LOVE working here and how LOYAL you are to this place.” He laughed crazily and I started to tear.

“NO! NO! I… I-I PLEASE NO!” I shouted crying and begging. "I DON'T WANT TO LOOSE MY MEMORIES!" I cried harder.

“Oh… something I really hate…. Is crying.” He said putting his hooves around his ears. “Take this.” He said pressing on a button next to his chair. I suddenly got an electric shock. I screamed in the pain I had just received. Even though the pain was momentary, it still hurt a lot and my veins were electrified. My hair stood up and my coat has turned a little bit blackish. I looked at him with a terrified look.

“Well… it always works… now get ready for the brainwash!” He called out happily. I put my head down; all of my amazing childhood memories, the best days of my life, the only things that I had to keep me out of misery will be blurred and washed off. I started to let out single tears.

“Why not just kill me?” I asked miserably without emotion. I looked into his eyes for the last time.

“You will be useful sometime; we don’t want to kill you.” He explained.

“We?” I asked confused.

“Yes, me and my assistant Spike.” He said. I was even more shocked than before. Spike already grew up a bit and had wings, yes, I knew that… but him? Assistant of the most horrible person I know on the Rainbow Factory? Black Dasher looked at me and smiled. “I know how I can make it up to you, I have been doing things on my own lately so I will give him to you as soon as I brainwash you.” He mused, but he was telling the truth. He really seemed to like the idea more and more as he thought about it. Before I could say anything to protest, he took his remote out and started pressing on buttons. “Prepare, as for now I will brainwash you!” He laughed crazily. I gulped and let my last single tear out looking down on the floor.

“Goodbye my memories…” I whispered to myself. As I looked down on my body I saw the marks that I got after Rainbow Dash whipped me a few times for crying. I smiled. I then started to feel something. I got a headache and I started feeling weird. I looked around and the room started to fade.

I closed my eyes and remembered everything. My friends, my time in school, my time in flight school, my birthdays, fun times, parties and Orion and how I felt about him. My last memory was my obsession with Rainbow Dash and how I thought she was cool until I started getting my nightmares. All these memories, the most precious ones, stood together and suddenly started to disappear. I felt numb. I started to feel dizzy and fell asleep. But before I did, I heard five similar words come into my head.

“I wish it was different.”