A New World... For Jack.

by Dream Searcher

Christmas special - Not relevant to the story

Christmas Special

It was a quiet, cold and a light breeze would occasionally hit Rainbow’s cloud house that was currently floating above the snow covered farmlands near Ponyville. It had been snowing for two days and the weather Pegasi had created the snow clouds for a very special occasion: Hearth’s Warming or in human terms: Christmas.

Jack was currently asleep in Rainbow’s bed with very thick blankets to cover him and to keep him warm. Equestria didn’t have heaters, so the ponies had to rely on blankets and fireplaces to keep them warm. The quiet morning in Rainbow’s bedroom was disturbed by a monster so awful, that even the mares in ponyville would scream: ‘The horror, the horror!’ That monster was Jack’s snoring.

He could feel himself awakening, turned his body around to Rainbow’s side of the bed and tried to feel her body with his hooves, but he could only feel a cold empty spot. Concerned about the lack of Rainbow, he opened his eyes and made eye contact with a little orange filly with a purple mane who had a rather disturbing large smile on her face.

“Good morning, Jack!” Scootaloo shouted as she began to jump on the bed. “Come on, get out of the bed, it’s Hearth’s Warming.”

Jack rolled his eyes and let his head fell back down on the pillow. “Good morning to you too, Scootaloo.” He murmured as he desperately tried to find his sleep again, but this filly wasn’t going to give up that easily and he knew it.

She began to push with her forelegs, and thus with all the might her body had, against Jack’s body, trying to get him out of bed. “Come... on, you shouldn’t be... sleeping on this day.” She groaned as she tried to push the giant out of bed, but she could clearly see that she just didn’t have enough power to push him out of the bed. Just when she was about to give up, she saw Rainbow Dash standing in the doorway, a grin on her face. She winked at Scootaloo and Scootaloo immediately got the message. She jumped off the bed and saw Rainbow walking towards the bed. There she got into bucking position and boom, she bucked the mattress and sent Jack flying.

Jack hit his head against the cloud ceiling, which hurt a bit, and fell back down on the mattress. He rubbed one of his hooves against his head and glared at Rainbow. “Why did you do that?”

She pointed at Scootaloo who had trouble to hold in her laughter. “Because you ignored this filly. I especially picked her up from the orphanage so she could celebrate this day with us.” She explained while ruffling Scootaloo’s mane. Needless to say, she didn’t like that.

“And this is my punishment, me hitting my head against the ceiling?” He, of course, didn’t like it that he was always Rainbow’s victim, but he knew that came with being in a relationship with her; he was the submissive one.

She rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue. “Aw, don’t be such a baby, the ceiling is made of clouds and besides, I could give you a worse punishment if you desire.” Jack could see that devilish glint her eyes and he was afraid to ask about the punishment, but eventually his curiosity won.

“What kind of punishment?”

She chuckled lightly. “Well, I could throw your present through the window or I could throw it into the fireplace. Which one do you prefer?”

Jack’s expression changed to a terrified one. “Neither!” He quickly answered her, trying to save his present. She could do anything with him, but she had to stay away from his present. “Go, I just need to comb my mane and tail, it won’t take long at all.” When he saw that Rainbow and Scootaloo were out of the room, he shouted with all the power in his voice, so that they could hear it. “And stay away from my present!”


Ten minutes and a nice combed mane later, Jack walked out of the bedroom and to the living room where the Christmas tree stood. Rainbow and he had decided to mix Hearth’s Warming and Christmas into one celebration, so that both cultures had equal values.

When he entered the living room, he was met by the warm air that originated from the fireplace and Scootaloo’s laughter. He looked around him and saw the Christmas tree standing next to the fireplace, but a safe distance away from it, and under it lay three presents. One for Scootaloo, one for Rainbow Dash, and one for himself. Rainbow had chosen his present, he had chosen Rainbow’s present and both of them had chosen Scootaloo’s present, a present she was going to love.

He saw Rainbow sitting on the couch and she had a wing draped over Scootaloo who was sitting to her right. It appeared that she was reading a book, which had to be a Daring Do book, aloud for Scootaloo. It warmed his heart to see such a beautiful scene, but what warmed him more was that today he was going to get a present. He felt like a boy again, once again reunited with his parents. The moment those thought appeared into his mind, he shook them away. Today was no day for mourning, today was a day of giving and receiving presents and love.

“Are you two ready for the presents?” He asked them when he heard that Rainbow had reached the end of a chapter.
Scootaloo immediately jumped out of the couch and ran to the Christmas tree. When she arrived there she took the present, which was rather large rectangle, with her name on it and waited for Jack and Rainbow to arrive at the tree. “Please me first, pleaaaaasse?” She begged when Jack and Rainbow had arrived at tree.

Rainbow chuckled and nodded. “Alright, squirt, you first.”

The moment that sentence had left Rainbow’s mouth, Scootaloo tore the wrapping paper, with reindeer design on it, to pieces. She just couldn’t wait to see what Rainbow and Jack had gotten for her. In less than a minute, the whole present was clear of wrapping paper and her eyes grew as wide as saucers when she laid eyes on her present. In her hooves lay a box, but the thing in it was more important and that thing was the SuperScooter 8000, one of the fastest scooters in Equestria. “Yes, this so awesome. Thank you, Rainbow” She said as she hugged Rainbow, but then let go and hugged Jack. “Thank you, Jack.”

Jack chuckled and lightly pushed Scootaloo away from him, so that he could breathe again. “It’s alright, Scootaloo, that’s what Christmas or Hearth’s Warming is for and of course being with your friends and family. Now why don’t you go back to the couch and assemble the scooter, so that you can go scooting after Rainbow and I open up our presents.” He ruffled her mane and off she went, to the couch with her new scooter. He then turned to Rainbow and smiled. “Now us?”

She nodded and took the two presents. “Now us.” She gave her present to Jack and kept Jack’s present at her side. When she saw that Jack was giving her a confused look, she smiled and gave his present to him. “Merry Christmas, you oaf.” She said with that warm smile of hers.

In an instant everything clicked inside Jack’s mind and he gave Rainbow’s present to her. “Happy Hearth’s Warming.” He rivaled her warm smile with one of his. Both of them waited for the other to open the present, but when Jack made the ‘continue’ motion with his hooves, she obliged and began to tear the wrapping paper off the rather small cube that was her present.

She opened the cardboard cube and laid eyes upon a present she was going to treasure until the day she died. Her present was an exact replica of the Wonderbolt suit and it was even signed by Spitfire. It read: ‘Just keep practising, love Spitfire. PS: Jack, you owe me one hundred bits for that suit.’ The last part was written in ink that you couldn’t remove, as it was just a reminder for Jack to repay his debts. “Ommygosh, ommygosh, ommygosh. How did you even get this? Not even I can get this, even if I begged Spitfire.”

“Drinking with Soarin has its benefits. Now my present.” He said as he rubbed his hooves together and looked at his small rectangle gift. He unwrapped it, opened the box and saw that the present was a twenty year old bottle of ‘Berry Punch’s whiskey: makes you drunk as a skunk.’ and with the present came two glasses. In each glass was a name engraved, the first glass read Rainbow Dash and the other Jack. “Thank you, Rainbow. I really like it, especially the glasses.”

Rainbow smiled, dropped the suit and came closer to him. “No, thank you.” She said and closed the distance between their lips, determined to show him how grateful she was. Their lips and tongues moved against each other, both of them wrestling for dominance, but neither won.

After a couple of seconds of kissing, they both could hear Scootaloo speaking. “Ewww, is that really necessary?” She asked as she stood next to her now assembled scooter. “Come on, I want to try out my scooter.”

They stopped kissing when they heard the filly’s voice, but with much regret, and stared at each other, both of their eyes filled with lust. Rainbow came closer to his ear and whispered with a lusty voice. “Tonight, you, me, the suit and the bottle of whiskey.” She then winked at Jack and walked to Scootaloo. “Alright, squirt, let’s try out your scooter, but first we need to clear the snow under the house.”

Due to his wingboner, Jack couldn’t fly down immediately, but he knew he was going to have one good night. It was officially his best Christmas ever.

Merry Christmas, y’all.