The Darkness in our Souls

by Black Light

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

I didn’t think it was possible. I never thought that I would see him again. I stood up from my chair and started to walk towards the crimson red pegasus. I could see the shock on his face he never expected to see me again either.

“Shadow. What are you doing here?” Flare said. I reached out my power and found his fear, still scared of me it would seem.

“This is the latest town I’ve come to. I am kind of wandering around right now.” I answered.

“Brother, who is this?” I looked down and saw Skies standing next to me.

Flare raised an eyebrow at this. “Brother?”

“I’ll explain later. Skies this was an old friend of mine from school years ago, Flare Blitz.” I said

“Well it’s nice to meet you Flare Blitz” Skies said with a smile.
I smiled too, and then I heard the sound of a match being lit and a fuse starting to go. So I yelled

“DUCK AND COVER!” as I jumped to the side covering my ears thus exposing Flare to the barrel of a large pink cannon pointed at his face. Then, it blew. Horns went off, confetti went flying, and a very surprised Flare stood in the middle of a rain of balloons. “Pinkie I think you broke him.” I said as I raised my head.

“What was that?” Flare asked regaining his senses.

“That would be a party cannon.” I answered.

“A party, for what?” asked Flare.

“A party for you silly.” Pinkie said atop my back. How she got there without me knowing I will never know. “I always throw a party for new ponies, and I’ve never seen you before so you must be a new pony. Do you want anything to eat? We have cupcakes.”

As Pinkie said those last words I saw Flares eyes go wide. His mouth started to salivate slightly. “I got this.” I said. “One vanilla cupcake with chocolate icing and rainbow sprinkles. It’s still your favorite right?” I asked.

“Yeah still my favorite.” He said with the slight hint of a smile. Within a second Pinkie was standing in front of him with the cupcake. He took it and took his first bite of a Pinkie Pie cupcake. His eyes grew wide and if his mouth wasn’t too preoccupied chewing it would probably be hanging open in shock.

“They’re good aren’t they?” I asked

All he did was nod as he took the rest of the cupcake and stuffed it into his mouth. He wiped away the frosting from his mouth and looked at me again. I could see the confusion in his eyes. He then asked me.

“Shadow, could I talk to you in private?”

I nodded my head to him as I followed him out of the building. He turned to me and looked at me. His eyes showed a mix of different emotions. Hate, sorrow, fear, and regret.

“What happened that day at the school house?”

I lowered my head remembering that day. “That was my special talent apparently. When I tried to understand your fear of teachers the spell I used had an unexpected side effect. I am constantly sensing the dark emotions of ponies now. I can feel the fear you have towards me right now. What happened that day was terrible and I regret it every day. I got possessed by the darkness inside of me that day and his goal was to spread darkness that’s all he wants. I have been traveling ever since run out of town after town. Never being able to stay in one town I have to constantly run from the damage I’ve caused.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I don’t know what I would feel if that was me, and about that day in the hospital I’m really sor-“he started

“Stop right there.” I said “I’ve already forgiven you for that. There is no need for you to apologize to me. If anypony should apologize it should be me.”

“Okay, but now I have one more question. Sister?”

“Yeah, I expected as much. I met Bright Skies in San Franciscolt. Her real parent had been killed in a robbery gone bad.” I saw his eyes go wide when I said that. “I took her in and she’s been traveling with me for the last five years. For some reason whenever I go possessed the darkness won’t hurt her. She’s the only pony who has been able to bring me out of that state. She may not be a biological sister but I love her like one just the same.” I finished with a smile.

“Listen Shadow, why don’t you come back to Canterlot with me? I’m sure we can work things out there, and find out what’s causing this and stop it from happening.” He said.

“I can’t” he looked at me disappointed. “I’ve just started to get used to living here. I have friends who actually accept this curse of mine, and like I’ve told them I can’t get rid of this. It’s a part of me, my special talent. It is who I am if you take that away I won’t be me anymore.” I looked up at him. “It’s enough for me to know that you’ve actually forgiven me.” I turned around and started towards the door. “Oh, and by the way since I’ve grown up. When you do go back to Canterlot could you do me a favor and give my parents a message for me.”

“Sure what do you want me to tell them?” he asked.

“Tell them ‘Buck you, you inconsiderate sorry excuse for parents’” I said with a smile as Flares mouth hung a little bit open.

“Well I’m done here. You want to get back to the party?” I asked.

He smiled a little. “Yeah let’s get back to that. I want another cupcake.” We walked back inside to the party and started laughing with all the other guests. It looks like my life is looking up.

~~~Some time later~~~

“Oh, remind me never to eat that many cupcakes again.” Flare said next to me as we were walking back towards the train station.

“Oh shut it. I ate so many more than you. I’m pretty sure I’m in a worse condition.” I retorted one hoof clutching my stomach.

“Okay fine.” He said with a small chuckle. As we approached the train platform the conductor started yelling for boarding.

“Well I guess I’ll see you later.”

“Yeah, if you need me again I’ll probably be here. Who knows with my condition?” I said extending my hoof.

“Yeah, until next time Shadow.” He said as he bumped my hoof. “Just don’t forget about me. You’re always welcome at my place. Just don’t go all possessed on me.”

“Don’t worry I’ll try. Don't forget to keep in touch.” I said as he stepped onto the train. I began my walk back to Twilight's who had been kind enough to offer Skies and me a place to stay for tonight. It was only about a five minute walk to her house. When I walked in I found Skies sitting in the living room asleep on the couch with her head in a book. I used my magic and the book was encased in a black glow. I levitated the book down to the table and put it there. I then went over and put Skies onto my back and took her up to the guest bedroom that Twilight had told us about. I opened the door and tucked Skies into the bed. Then I walked back out and quietly shut the door. I left the house and spread my wings. I pushed up and started to fly towards the cloud layer. I found a cloud that I liked and landed on it. I sat down on my back and looked up at the moon and the starts. I then began to feel my eyes become heavy and I let sleep come over me.

I woke up in the morning to the sound of flapping wings. I looked off the side of my cloud and saw Bright Skies flying up to my cloud. “I thought I’d find you up here.”

“Yeah, you sleep well?” I asked.

“Pretty good. You?”

“No bed like a cloud.”

“Well what do we do now?”

“Well, I was hoping you could go back to the school house. I want to try and actually keep my job on the weather team, so I need to go to work today.”

“Okay, I’ll go back to the school house even though it’s boring. They’re teaching a very low level curriculum there.”

“No Skies they have a good curriculum. You just are on a very high level curriculum.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ll see you when you’re done.” And with that Skies flew off towards the school house. I decided it was time to go to the weather team and find out what I will be doing.

I took off to try and find Rainbow Dash so she could tell me where I need to go to get an assignment. I found here sleeping on a cloud not very far away from mine, so I woke her up the only way I knew how… I kicked the cloud and made it dissipate. She woke up as soon as she felt herself falling, but the shock of falling cause her to take a while to get herself righted and fly back up to me.

“What was that for?” she asked.

“Well, you were asleep so I decided to wake you up.”


“Because I plan on working on the weather team and I have no idea what to do.”

“Okay fine we just need to go clear out the clouds over the town center.”

I knew the perfect way to get this job done as fast as possible. “Okay, but I bet I can do it faster than you.”

“Oh, you think you’re faster than me?”


“Alright you’re on. Ready, GO!”

And just like that both of us were speeding off towards the town center. I knew that I would be slower with her, so instead I decided to use my mind to keep up. She may have speed, but I have magic. I started to use my magical abilities to manipulate my pegasus magic. Rainbow was already at the first cloud breaking it she then started to turn herself around to go to the next one. This was where I would catch up. I hit the first cloud, but it didn’t disappear instead it stretched inward and I shot off the cloud like it was a trampoline as it dissipated. Although I wasn’t as fast as Rainbow my turn around time was much quicker. The clouds were all gone quickly and Dash and I were in the middle.
Then we both said “Fifteen!”

“A tie it seems” I said.

“Not bad. You’re pretty quick.”

“As are you, but now I hunger so I am going to get something to eat.”

“Alright seeya later Shadow. I’m going back to my nap.” She said as she started to fly off.

“Seeya” I said with a chuckle. How could such a fast pegasus seem so lazy.
And like that I flew off in the other direction. With my work done I decided to fly around and see what there was to do in this town. Then I felt the pounding in my head again.

“You don’t give me a break do you?” I said clutching my head and flying off to a hill on the outskirts of town. When I landed I felt the presence start to push harder, and I started to push back. This wasn’t how I wanted to spend my free-time. After a long battle between our two consciences I finally felt the presence start to recede. “Well I think that’s it for me. I’m going to head back and sleep now.” I said flying back in the direction of town. I’ve been lucky here so far. Maybe this town will be different.