Bart and Scoots

by Gazmanafc

Chapter Nine: And Scootaloo Makes Four

Chapter Nine
And Scootaloo Makes Four

The following afternoon, Homer and Scootaloo are sitting in the living room watching TV as Bart and Lisa come home from school, in the kitchen are Marge working on cleaning the room, and in her high chair watching is the youngest member of the family, Maggie.

“Hey Bart, Lisa, how was lamo-school?” asks Scootaloo.
“Just as you say, Scoot. Lame.” replies Bart.
“Oh, Bart, Lisa you're home” Marge says walking in from the kitchen. “We got these letters from Scootaloo's friends, but she wanted to wait until you two got home to read them.
“Why?” asks Bart
“Because you're my friends, isn't that reason enough?” Scootaloo replies.

Marge gives the three notes to Scootaloo to read, she opens the first one.

Dear Scoot,

I can understand why you would be conflicted about losing your wings, and how proud you are to be a pegasus, we are the coolest race in all of Equestria right? Heh. Anyway, if you're after my opinion in changing to a human, I think you should do it. It's not going to be forever, so you WILL get your wings back, and you WILL get to fly, I can promise you that.

Rainbow Dash


Dear Scootaloo,

We are so happy to get an update from you in Springfield! I remember the vacation we took when we walked through that field of Poison Joke, so I can see why you would be not certain on becoming a human. Rainbow Dash has said that you have nothing to worry about and not going to be for long, so I think that you should go for it! We want to hear all about it when you get back to Equestria!

Sweetie Belle.


Dear Scootaloo,

We're glad to hear that you're doing well in Springfield still. I want you to know that Sweetie Belle and I miss you. I don't know what you want me to say about your decision about becoming human, but after some talks about it with Sweetie Belle and Rainbow Dash, I agree with them that I think it would be a good idea to do it.

In fact, we want to hear all about it when you get home!

Apple Bloom

“So, they think that I should do it too.” says Scootaloo.
“And, will you?” asks Lisa.
“Sure. If my friends and Rainbow Dash think it's a good idea, then it has to be, right?”
“But what about your wings?” Lisa reminds.
“Well... sure, I'll lose them for now but when I'm a pony again, I'll have my wings back and then Rainbow Dash and I can hang out together and she can teach me to fly!”
“Before we transform you though, we should get you a pair of plastic wings to wear. Right?” says Marge.
“Of course.”
“Homie, go get Ned!” Marge says.

Sighing though annoyed, Homer gets up off the couch and steps out into the back yard, where his next door neighbour is raking leaves which is a natural result of the autumn fall which has just started.

“Hey Flanders, get your ugly butt into the kitchen, we need you in there.” Homer says.
“Okilly-Dokilly Homer!” Flanders replies cheerfully, maybe just ignoring the somewhat hostile behaviour Homer displayed towards him, the fat bald man was already swiftly turning around to the kitchen to sit in a chair with a can of Duff Beer, his favourite brand.

A few minutes later, a man with brown hair, and a mustache enters the kitchen. He sports a Green Sweater covering a pink shirt with grey pants.

“So what did you didilly need me for Homer?” he asks.
“Ned, we want to introduce you to someone” says Marge who is also in the room.

Taking this as her cue, Scootaloo trots into the kitchen from the dinning room that connects with Bart and Lisa. Flanders has a shocked look on his face for being introduced to a pony, one that he noticed rather quickly to sport wings on it's back.

“Mr. Flanders, this is Scootaloo.” says Lisa.
“Hello, Mr. Flanders.” says Scootaloo.

Flanders's natural response was predictable. He was stunned that the small pony-with-wings could actually talk.

“Uh... Marge. Was it just me, or did I hear this little pony talk?” Flanders asks.
“Yes Ned, you did” replies Marge confirming Flanders's suspicions.
“H-How is that didilly possible?”
“You see Ned, Scootaloo is from a different dimension, in her dimension ponies are the dominant race, they even have various forms of magic.” says Marge.
“And she doesn't mean Card Tricks” comments Bart.
“Bart!” Grunts Homer.
“ I was saying. I'm sure you've noticed that she has wings.” says Marge.

Flanders nods to allow Marge to continue her story.

“She was practicing her flying, when one of her friends accidentally used a teleportation spell to send her here to Springfield. She's staying here until her friends in her homeworld can figure out a way to take her home. Problem is, she cant stay cooped up in the house, she's got a lot of energy, we want to allow her to go into town, but can't unless she is human. Her mother has allowed us to transform her into a human while she's here, and her worlds ruler, Princess Celestia has provided me with some mana power to do that with. But there's one problem...” says Marge.
“What would that be Marge?” asks Flanders.
“Her wings. She's proud to be a pegasus, and doesn't want to lose them. She's agreed to turn human, on the condition that she gets to wear some fake wings instead. Now Ned, I know I don't ask much from you–”
“You want me to make them for her?”
“That's right. Think you can do it?”
“Sure Marge. I can didilly do that for ya.”
“Thank you Mr. Flanders” Scootaloo replies.
“No problem little one. I'll need proper measurements. So you'll need to be human before I can make them. Do you think you can hold out a day or two without them?”
“I guess so.” says Scootaloo.
“So, shall we do the transformation now?” asks Lisa.
“Okay.” Says Scootaloo.
“Maybe it'll be a good idea to do this in Lisa's room.” says Marge.
“Why?” says Bart.
“Human decency Bart.” says Marge. “Scootaloo's naked right now, and she will be when she's human.”
“Ah. Gotcha.” says Bart.

Marge, Lisa and Scootaloo leave upstairs into Lisa's room, with Marge grabbing Princess Celestia's bottle of mana before she leaves.

In Lisa's room, while Lisa closes the curtains just to be on the safe side, Marge opens Lisa's wardrobe which has a blue sword which had a hook at the tip of the blade and a saxophone key-chain attached to the hilt hidden in the back and gets out one of Lisa's spare outfits consisting of a dark grey short sleeve hoodie with cyan cuffs, dark green shorts, and black shoes with a cyan rim.

“You ready Scootaloo?” asks Marge.
“I guess so.” says the young pony.
“Okay then,” Marge opens the bottle of Celestia's Mana, “Mannulus ad humanam” she states, as instructed by the letter from Princess Celestia.

At the statement of the incantation, the glowing yellow mana flies out of the bottle then starts to spin around Scootaloo, as a reflex her wings start to buzz, the mana turns from a glowing light yellow colour to a shade that matches the colour of the skin Marge and Lisa have mixed with the orange colour of her coat and the purple colour of her mane and tail. The spinning starts from the ground and then works it's way upwards to Scootaloo's head, it then flies upwards and shoots into Scootaloo's body, a bright flash causes Marge and Lisa to shield their eyes from the bright light and when they can open their eyes again a young girl, of Lisa's height and age is on the floor in front of them, she maintains her purple hair, as suspected, Scootaloo's wings are missing, breathing, slightly short of breath. Lisa turns to help Scootaloo to her feet and wraps Scootaloo's arm around her shoulder.

“Well, it looks that worked.” Says Lisa.
“Wow... This is too weird...” comments Scootaloo.
“You might want to take it easy with your new body. First, lets get you dressed so that Ned can measure you for your plastic wings.” says Marge.

Marge aid's Scootaloo in getting dressed.