I can listen

by walkonfour


As Rarity fussed with her already perfectly coiffured mane, she glanced out of her bedroom window for what felt like the hundredth time. Having spent all day preparing for her date with Big Macintosh, she now found herself at quite a loss, whiling away the last few moments before he was due to arrive.

She had chosen her own home as the venue for her date for a number of reasons. First of all, she felt perfectly in control in the carousel boutique, and if there was one thing she needed to feel right now it was in control. I don’t want a repeat of the last time I put myself out there like this, thank you very much, she thought, twirling her mane with her hoof. Aside from the need for control, she wanted her companion to feel at ease tonight; she understood Big Macintosh would proabably not be comfortable in public.

Wandering through her home, she mentally ticked off all the preparations she had made. She was satisfied she had assembled all the required ingredients for a romantic evening; the food was simple yet delicate enough for the occasion, and she had transformed her living area into a dusky retreat, lit only by candles especially for the event. Still, it wasn’t like the food or setting was going to be the focus of the evening. Recognising this, Rarity had spared no expense in her own presentation, cladding herself in an elegant purple gown bedecked in sapphires. She smiled as she reminded herself she would not look out of place in the highest echelons of the Cantelot court.

Despite her extensive preparations, some questions still refused to go away. She couldn’t shake the feeling she should be worried about tonight. In her heart she knew that no pony in Ponyville would purposely hurt her, she still hadn’t got over her last encounter with a stallion.

Prince Blueblood…. If a Prince couldn’t treat me like a lady, how can anypony? She wondered, struggling with the same insecurity that had plagued her for months. Deep down, she knew tonight would be different, but part of her didn’t want to take the risk, to face the possibility of rejection again…

A knock at the door awoke her from her obsessing. For a moment she sat there, composing herself, before, walking over to her door.

Big Macintosh stood on the doorstep of the carousel boutique. This evening, he struck quite the figure. His usually wild mane had been laid back smoothly over his neck, and in place of his ever present horse collar, he wore a stylish black tie knotted around his throat. As he waited, he gingerly ran a hoof through his mane to check he still looked presentable. Applejack would be angry if she found out he wasn’t bringing his best game tonight, especially after all the effort she put in order to get him ready on time.

Hearing movement inside, Big Macintosh picked up the rather crude bouquet of flowers he had cobbled together for the occasion. It was rude to go courting a mare without bringing something, but after the exertion of the night before, his efforts at flower arranging seemed rustic at best. Still, I’m sure she will appreciate the gesture, he reassured himself.

The door before him opened…

His jaw dropped.

Rarity. She stood there, looking simply radiant.

“Do you want to come inside?”


The next moments where disconcerting for Big Macintosh, as he followed her inside. Sure, he was quiet, but it wasn’t often he found himself completely at a loss for words. Wanting to fill the silence, his mind fumbled for a complement.

“You look amazing, Miss Rarity”

That seemed to do the trick. The Unicorn began to smile, as if the complement had relaxed her.

“Thank you, Macintosh, darling. Might I say you look good yourself. And, I have told you before, please, I’m Just Rarity to you”.

“I got you these”. Big Macintosh offered forth the simple bundle of flowers clutched in his hoof. Smiling sweetly, Rarity accepted them, levitating them out of his grasp and into a vase by the door. She didn’t seem to mind them, in fact if anything, she looked touched by the gesture. Glancing back, she motioned for Big Macintosh to follow her.

The room held to a dramatic atmosphere, the walls seeming to waver in the flickering candlight. His attention was drawn to the table in the middle, set out for two ponies.

“Please, make yourself comfortable”

Rarity had already taken the place furthest away from him. Moving opposite her, he approached the table. She had prepared a simple but elegant meal of hay and daisies.

So, big Macintosh, I wasn’t sure if you would come at such short notice”

“I wouldn’t miss it” he replied smiling.

“Of course, you wouldn’t. Anyway, now that we are finally here together, I want to know a little more about you, please”

“Of course, what do you want to Know?”


Big Macintosh was initially unsure as to what Rarity would want to hear about. In truth, Big Mackintosh knew little outside of the world of farming, despite his fears, however, the Unicorn seemed genuinely interested in his life. She listened intently as he talked about himself and his life up on the farm. Surely, I’m not that interesting, he thought, as he got to the end of a silly anecdote about his first season apple bucking.

"Anyhow, miss Rarity, you’ve had me talking far more than I’m accustomed to, which is frankly impressive. I do feel that I should ask a few questions myself though.”

“Ok Big Macintosh, what do you want to know?”

“Well Rarity, I confess I already know quite a lot about you, see. Applejack and I had a talk about you before”

“Really? What did she have to say about me?” Rarity looked worried at the revelation, fearing what one of her closest friends may have revealed about her.

“Now, it wasn’t anything secret or Nothin’. She just told me a bit about you. How you’re a fancy dressmaker and all, and how much you love helping out your friends. Oh, and how you got a thing for royalty…”

At that last statement, Rarity quailed. He knows!. How could he accept me, knowing I was humiliated like that? Her hooves moved to her mouth in a gesture of terror. If he knew that in truth, Rarity was no lady, having been treated in such an offhand manner by a prince…..

“Well, all that considered, I really got only one question….”

Rarity braced herself for the inevitable. He was going to ask why she though he could love her. Why any pony would love her. She felt the blood rushing to her cheeks.

“Yes” she replied, almost whispering.

“Well here it is. I simply don’t understand what a high class pony like you sees in somepony like me.”
She was not expecting that.

Elated, Rarity lost control of herself, throwing her forelegs across the table to catch the big workhorse in a tight embrace. Shocked, Big Macintosh paused for a moment, before returning the gesture, holding on to the unicorn tightly.

“I know this may seem sudden, but I don’t ever want you to leave”

“Don’t worry Miss Rarity. I don’t plan on going anywhere”

Big Mackintosh, a naturally quiet pony, could appreciate the value of a pony so resolved in talking with her actions. Think you might have just found what you were looking for, the earth pony thought, holding on to the Unicorn tightly.