How I became an Equestrian

by Raybony

Social Talk

The Sun started raising to the sky, announcing the beginning of a new day, the ponies started to wake up to get ready for there every day lives, well all except for me. I was still laying on my bed, not the smallest desire to get up, I just wanted to lay down on bed, and sleep until noon.

"Luishy, get up" Oh great, I forgot I have Pinkie as my alarm clock. "It's morning and there is lots of orders to fill for Heart's Warming Eve." Wow, it's hard to believe that I've been here for about five months, already It's Christmas time, or Heart's Warming Eve in here, but not even an order for the holidays was going to separate me of my bed.

"Leave me alone Pinkie, I don't feel like doing anything", I said mumbling with my pillow on top of me, "Wake me up in a couple of hours."

Pinkie frowned at my answer but replace it with a small naughty grin. "Oh so is this how it's going to be?" I heard hooves going out from the room, and I relax a bit in bed. 'Ah much better, but I wonder what she meant by that?'

"PHRUUUUUMMM" I heard the loud note from a tuba, right next to my ear, jolting me wide awake. "Yarrghhh" I scream flying all the way to the ceiling, which in the process planted my horn to it. "Pinkie, haven't I told you I get jump scare easily?" I yell at her in frustration, while trying to get my horn unstuck from the ceiling.

She just giggle like a little girl after playing a prank on someone. "I know, so I knew it would wake you up, you sleepy-maclazy-pants, now come on we got cakes to bake." She said, going for the door.

"Pinkie" She stopped and looked back to me with a 'Yes?', not seeing that I was stuck. "I can't go anywhere if I'm stuck in the ceiling, care to help?"

"Oops, sorry, just give me a moment." She said before going to one of the walls in the room and taping it slightly with her hoof.

"Pinkie, What are yooooaaaaarrrrrgh" I felt my horn, getting free from the wood, and me falling back to the floor with a 'uphh', I always forget that Pinkie can do basically anything, so don't ask her how she does it.

"Can we go baking now? Mr. and Mrs. Cake said that this was the last order for the month, so we can get the rest of the week free, isn't that great?" She said helping me back up, and having a big grin on her face.

"That's great Pinkie, but I got this headache and I think I need to rest it so -"

"Pills here" Pinkie shouted, handing a small bottle of painkillers in front of me.

"What?" I don't know if this was Pinkie trying to make a joke or was this just plain coincidence.

"Well don't just stand there, take some pills for the headache so we can go to work." She said, her smile never leaving her face.

"O, K," I took the bottle in my magic and took two pills and swallow them in one gulp. "So what is left to do on the baking list?" I asked her, trying to remember what we made so far, so I could remember what was my ammunition for today. Pinkie has this thing of having a food fight, with all the extra product that we made for the day, around winter time, says that it helps on keeping warm.

"Oh it's my favorite, care to guess what?" I think already knew the answer, but I decided to go along with her game. "Is it cupcakes?" I asked her, but her face told me that it wasn't, but I really didn't know what was her favorite, so I gave up.

"It's my favorite type for food fights, it's fruit cake." That, made my whole coat shiver, hard fruit cakes to use in food fight?

"This is going to hurt, a lot."


I was walking around town, holding a bag of frozen peas against a small bruise in my head. If you think fruit cake hurts when you throw it to someone, then imagine half a dozen fruit cakes, being fired from Pinkie's Party Cannon. Yeah, not a pretty sight.

"Uugh, good thing that this was the last order, I don't think I would have survived another day like that." I was talking to myself out-loud, a bad habit of mine.

"What wouldn't you survive darling?" I heard a familiar voice from my left, and when I looked I saw Rarity and Fluttershy, coming out of the Spa.

"Oh hi Rarity, hi Shy, its good to see you."

Fluttershy notice the small bruise in my head, and started to inspected. "Oh what happened, are you okay, does it hurt a lot?" she was asking in concern to my well being, I swear, I've being with the girls for so long, but I still can't stand the adorableness of Shy.

"It's ok Shy, it doesn't hurt a lot, I just had one of Pinkie's food fight, that's all" I gave them a small smile, trying to make her calm down.

"Oh we have heard of her little hoobie, but I still can't imagine how could something so childish, result in something so, physical, for lack of better word." Rarity said with her high class attitude.

"Well, it's because we were making...fruit cake?" They just raised their eyebrows, not understanding how I could get that bad of a bruise, from just thrown fruit cake. "Being fired from her Party Cannon" With that, they had face of shock.

"Oh my" was all Fluttershy could say at the moment.

"Oh how dare her, who would have the will to harm such a nice looking stallion with bake products, it is just outrageous" Rarity said, stomping on the last part.

Wait, did she just say? "Did you say 'nice looking'?" She just stood there, her cheeks going to a shade of pink.

"Oh i-it's not like that, I meant in fashion standards, you could make a great model if you aspire to." She chuckled a bit, as trying to hide something, but I payed it no mind.

"Ok then, I'll see you two later." I was about to leave, until Fluttershy stop me by putting her hoof on my shoulder.

"Luis, would you...Umm, I mean if you can...umm, come with me to my cottage...I-I mean, if you want to." She was hiding behind her mane slightly, and I could see a small blush on her face.

"Sure Shy, I would love to." I could see her blush getting deeper, but she showed a small smile.

"Thanks, I'll see you later Rarity, it was a nice day in the Spa."

"You too Fluttershy, well I'll be going now, ta-ta" She said, waving a hoof a she left us.

"Ok Shy, shall we go?" I said to her, eager to go to her cottage.

"Ok" She responded barely above a whisper, but she set off towards her cottage near the outside of Ponyville.


We have been walking most of the time in silence, starting a few conversations here and there, but nothing that interesting. But I decided to pop a small question. "Hey Shy, why did you want me to come to your cottage?"

She hid behind her mane again, but answer none the less. "Oh, I just wanted a bit of help with getting all of my little friends, to go in hibernation, some are still not willing to go to sleep, and I though that i just needed a bit of help."

That was something that I would never imagine Shy say, but I guess not everything from the show is true, so I just nodded to her in understanding.

Not long after, we arrived to Fluttershy's house, and she greeted all of her friends that were still awake during winter. I then notice a small white rabbit, that was staring at me, like looking for something wrong in me. I leaned down and greeted him. "Hello there, are you by any chance Shy's pet bunny?" I don't know what I said, because in a flash he was on top of me and pulling my mane and stomping his foot on my head.

"Ah, get him off, get him off, get him off." I yelled while trying to shake the angry bunny off my head, but he just kept holding on.

"Angel, get off him, he's a friend" I felt Angel letting go of my mane and jumping off my head unto Shy's back.

"Did I do something wrong?" I was really confused, I only said a sentence to him and he jumps and attacks me.

"It's nothing, he is really not really friendly to strangers, and he doesn't like ponies calling me Shy." That actually made some sense, I guess he is just protective of Shy.

"I'm guessing that he can't go to hibernate either." I asked her, which she shook her head in response, "Well, shall we get started, we don't want to make them stay awake during the whole of winter?" She smiled and set Angel down to one side, while we started to get the animals to sleep.


I don't know why Shy needed my help in the first place, there were barely any animals that were still needed to be put to sleep, and I barely manage to get a mouse family to fall to sleep. But after about a few hours, we have manage to put the majority to bed for winter, and now we were just relaxing in front of the fireplace, getting warm.

"Have you ever liked somepony?" Shy suddenly asked, taking me by surprise.

"Uh, what?"

"Have you ever liked somepony, but have never said anything to them?" She was saying, the light from the fire reflecting on her eyes.

"Yes, Yes I have." it was something from when I was in High School, I had a small crush on this girl in my class, but never said anything for 3 years.

"Do you regret not saying anything to her, after all the time that you had?" She was inching in closer, but I didn't notice, I was lost on the memory to pay attention.

"I do, and I still do from this day, I always think 'what if I had said something to her' 'what if I had the guts to talk to her', I wonder if we could have been more than friends, *sigh* guess I will never find out now, she has a boyfriend, and I think they are getting married."

"I'm sorry, did you like her a lot?" she messing with her hooves as if trying to distract herself.

"Yeah, but after that, I moved on, but I always think what could have happened if I had done something different?"

"What would you tell somepony, if they had that kind of problem?" he was now looking at me, her eyes glimmering.

I think she meant Spike, guess she is trying to get him to move on. "I would tell them to not think about it, that they should go and see if it works out, because even if they say no to you, it's worst to keep it bottled until it's too late." I looked at her, her eyes seem to be lost in a trance of which I don't know what. "Why do you a-" I didn't get to finish, as her mussel touched mine, and locked our lips in a kiss.

'OH MY GOD, She is kissing me'