A Dragon's Wake

by Cold Spike

Chapter 7: The Talk

Spyro was now looking up at the pony that many had dubbed a goddess. Her snow-white face held a stoic expression while she tried to think of the proper lecture for the young dragon. The child was no stranger to being in trouble and felt it was best to remain quiet. Every once in a while, the princess would begin to speak only to fall short when she realized what she thought of was not the right thing to say. Spyro wanted nothing more than to break the silence, even if it meant digging himself an even deeper hole, but he remained quiet.

"Spyro…" She paused to makes sure that he was, in fact, paying attention. "…you now possess unicorn magic—"


She gave him a menacing look. He responded with a sheepish smile and kept his mouth shut. "Normally, when a unicorn is born they are given time to develop their powers and their focus. You, on the other hoof, have been given them out of the blue. This means that your body is now straining to keep up. It is speeding up the process and developing your focus much quicker than it needs to. Hence that magical surge earlier."

"So… I'm super powerful now?"

"Maybe. But that does not mean that you get to just use those powers for your own benefit. You must first train to keep them under control. I'm sure Twilight can help."

"So why doesn't she just take me in?"

She stared at him for a moment before continuing. "She has informed me of her recommendation for who should take you in. But before I say it, I want to hear who your choice is."

"I get to choose?"

"In a sense. I still get the final say, but I thought it was unfair to keep you in the dark. Is there any particular pony that you would like to stay with?"

Who do I want? I only wanted Twilight because she knows about magic, but she doesn't seem all that great. "Do they all live near each other?"

"But of course, they all reside in Ponyville. Some are closer than others but all well within walking distance."

That pink one seemed like she could be fun. Plus, she stopped me from getting into deeper trouble. "Who was that pink pony?"

"Pinkie Pie. She is quite the pony. Left an impression on you, did she?"

"Yeah, she was amazing! How did she do all of that anyway? It was so fast!"

To his surprise, she laughed and chuckled without holding back. "Oh, I can't tell you how many times a pony has asked that. Twilight has tried to discern the how and reasoning, but at the end of the day, it's just Pinkie being Pinkie."


"To put it simply, it's best not to ask that question. You will never find the answer."

"I think that is why I like her so much, she's so…" He scratched his head gently.


"Yeah! She is definitely random."

"So, if given the choice, Pinkie Pie would be who you wish to stay with?"


"That was Twilight's choice. Very interesting. I think we have that settled, but we still need a place for Claws."

"I don't think I can help with that. So… how do you control magic?"

"I suppose I can give away the basics of safety. Twilight can teach you more, but for now, I need you to keep your emotions under control. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, but is it bad to get angry with magic?"

"It is very bad, yes. Violent emotional outbursts can lead to violent magic, which can leave destruction in its wake."


Her eyes widened like dinner plates.

"Uh, I mean, not cool?"

"Not cool, indeed. Why does violent magic interest you so much?" She tilted her head to the side, betraying her curiosity but not her hidden disgust.

"I dunno. I see it so much in movies and video games, it just seems kind of cool. To be able to cause lightning storms, or summon monsters to your side to fight in battle, or to use magic to fight off an army of zombies and save the day!" Throughout his little speech, Spyro had stood up on the table twice and waved his claws around like a mad dragon. To her surprise, no magic leaked out, but she still felt cautious around him.

"I see, so it is heroism you are after?"

"Yeah, I guess. What's so wrong about that?"

"Nothing at all. But there is a difference between wanting a violent fight and being prepared to defend oneself preemptively. We do not teach such violent spells, especially to children. Being a dragon, however, you will be able to be the 'hero' as it were at some point in your life. You wouldn't believe how big you are going to get." She paused and gave him a wink which momentarily stopped his sulking. "But for now, let us focus on your magic and not the wishful acts of violence."


"Good. Now may I ask, how do your nails feel?"

"Kind of tingly. I dunno, weird?"

"Hmm. Normally, a unicorn’s horn is one of the most sensitive spots to them. It is very easy to cause bodily harm to a unicorn simply by causing harm to their horn. Your body might be trying to deal with the new magic. I would exercise caution when doing anything that requires excessive force. You may damage your, um, horns."

"Is there a spell that could, well, harden the horns?"

"Harden? Hmm… That would be useful in this situation. There may be a way. But we still do not know how your body will react to outside magical influence."


"We don't know how your body will react to other unicorns using magic on it."

"Could you test it?"

"Yes, I suppose I could, but I would rather not get knocked out again."

"Yeah, that wasn't fun. Just try and lift my body then and see what happens." He smiled up at her, giving his best puppy dog face, which looked odd with dragon eyes.

"Very well. But, Spyro, I need you to remain as calm as possible through this. No using your magic. Do not even think about magic. Just focus on the floor. Can you do that?"

"Uh, sure."

She nodded and began to channel magic into her horn, it slowly enveloped him and after a moment he was lifted into the air. She then gently put him down and stopped the spell.

"Okay, good. Your magic should be working just fine."

"So, can we get back to the group?"

"In a moment. We need to discuss something else. Spyro, do you realize what being a dragon entails?"

"Um, being awesome?" he asked while chuckling.

She narrowed her eyes. "I'm not joking here. What do you know about dragons?"

"Um, they breathe fire, eat jewels, they usually can fly, but, for some reason, I have no wings!"

"They will grow given enough time. But no, I mean… First off, dragons live for an exceptionally long time. Longer than any human or pony."

"What is not cool about that? When they told me that someday I was going to die, I asked how long… I don't think they expected that question, but death was always something that just seemed… scary. They said one hundred years at the most. Is that how long a pony lives?"

"Well, when they said one hundred years they were probably meaning a best case scenario, but, yes, that is close. Dragons, however, live much, much longer."

"Why is that a problem?"

"For many reasons. I have lived for a very long tim—"

"How old are you anyway?"

She looked down on him and her eyes slowly increased in size. "You know, it has been so long that I have lost count. I want to say well over two thousand years."

"So you just live forever? You will never die?"

"I'm sorry, but neither I nor my sister have the answer to that question, but it would seem so. The point is, when you live that long you end up watching your loved ones die, your friends, your family. You see generations come and go. It is quite taxing on the mind."

"Um, I don't have any loved ones. I lived in an orphanage."

"Not yet you don't. But I guarantee that you will in time."

"So, what, how long do I get to live anyway?"

"Most dragons live five hundred to one thousand years."

His eyes grew wide, a small smile formed on his face.

"Yes, but there are other issues about being a dragon. And stop smiling!"

He giggled a bit, but let her speak up.

"Living among ponies as a non-pony might be difficult. I’m simply warning you now; not all ponies are very accepting."

"If they don't want anything to do with me then why would I want anything to do with them?"

He surprised her yet again. She smiled while looking down at him and nodded. "I suppose that is all for now. We should get back to the others."

They retreated back to the dinner table. Everyone had all but finished by the time they arrived. However, everyone was waiting for their little talk. Spyro remained silent while he hopped back onto his seat. He noticed everyone giving him odd glares so he stuck his tongue out, causing a snicker from both Spike and Claws. They all rolled their eyes and turned their attention to Princess Celestia.

"Thank you all for waiting. I simply needed to speak with Spyro about a few matters. I have made my decision on who will be taking in young Spyro. Pinkie Pie will be the pony who will take care of him from this point on." Everypony turned to her, some looking on in shock while Twilight, Spike and even Claws simply shrugged.

"YAY!" Pinkie Pie jumped up in the air, higher than any human that Spyro had ever seen. He couldn't help but smile.

"Pinkie…" Celestia waited for her to stop cheering and turn to address her. "…I will need to speak with you when the dinner is over, regarding your new charge." Pinkie just nodded and then turned to her friends, giving them a smug smile.

"Now, have there been any decisions regarding young Claws?"

"Well, it's between Applejack and Rarity. Applejack seems fine with it, but Rarity keeps—"

"She keeps tryin' to make excuses for usin' him."

"Darling, I was not trying to suggest he would be only just my assistant. I just thought it would be a perk."

"Raisin' a child is nothin' like that. You shouldn't just see him as that!"

The two continued to bicker amongst themselves. Princess Celestia remained stoic. She looked over at Twilight who was giving her a sheepish smile and attempting to calm her friends. Then she looked down at Claws who seemed indifferent throughout the whole ordeal.


"Huh?" His name being used broke him out of his thoughts.

"Claws, who would you feel more comfortable with?" He looked up at her and then back to all the ponies at the table. Everypony had stopped talking while he swallowed what was stuck in his mouth.

He first looked at Applejack. She gave him a sincere smile. He then looked over at Rarity who did the same. Twilight gave a half-smile and gestured to her other friends. Obviously, she had no intention of keeping him. He reached out his claw in order to choose. He glanced over at Fluttershy and noticed that she had remained unusually quiet throughout the dinner. He did like quiet and being kind to others. With a shrug he pointed his right claw firmly on her.

"I want her!"


"I'm sorry, Claws. But it is between Applejack and Rarity. Fluttershy admitted she would not be the best in this situation."

He sighed and looked from Applejack to Rarity. He then looked over at Spyro for support.

"You could try eenie meenie miney mo." He said it quite loudly which caused everyone to glare at him, very confused.

"Spyro! That doesn't work every time!"

"It worked when we needed to find the ship!"

He sighed again and ignored him. He took a good long look at both ponies. He had to admit, the white unicorn did look pretty, but he honestly had no way to tell which would be better. Finally, after a moment, he pointed at Applejack and kept his claw extended.

"Applejack, do you wish to take in young Claws as your charge?"

"I reckon, yes."

"Wonderful. That is all settled then, hmm?" They all somberly nodded. Claws looked back at Applejack who simply gave him a nod.

"Pinkie, will you please come with me?"

"By taking in Spyro, do you know exactly what this means?"

"That he gets a mommy! And that's m…" She stopped talking as realization dawned on her. "That would be me, huh?"

"Yes, you will be his mother. Claws' relationship might be different. From what I can gather, dragons are used to hoards and not the concept of families. Spyro is still a human in mind, they all have families. Spyro has grown up in an orphanage his entire life. I don't even know if he understands the very concept as well as the most of us. But tell me, Pinkie, do you?"

"Of course! A mommy is supposed to be there for her children for anything. They are supposed to watch over them, teach them, play with them, um—"

"All of that is true, but what I mean is the very idea of motherhood. Has it ever interested you? Think, is this really something you want?"

"Well, for a while, no. Not that babies aren't cute; I love babies and children. For the longest time, I don't think I ever wanted kids, and then the Cakes had the foals. They changed everything. But at first, it just made me not want foals even more. They were crazy!"

"Yes, I heard of the difficulties you faced through Twilight's letters, but you said at first. Did something change?"

"Yep. I started to love them. A lot. After a while, I just started to feel sort of jealous. I tried not to. I mean, what kind of meanie pants feels jealous all the time?"

"You are only a pony; it is a very natural emotion. Just look at my sister. She felt jealous because she saw the love of our subjects was only for me. So it happens to the best of us."

"So to answer that question, yes, I want to be a mommy. Even if it's a human… or dragon. Well, you know what I mean."

"I see. And if worse comes to worst, can you put his needs in front of your own?"


"Would you support him through bad and through good?"


"Would you protect him, even if it meant putting yourself in harm’s way?"


"Even if that means that by protecting him, it could lead to your demise?"

"Er, yes."

"Good. Then young Spyro will be your son from this day forth. Oh, and, Pinkie, I don't think he realizes what it means by you taking care of him. If you know what I mean." She gave her a wink which Pinkie returned with a confused stare. After a minute, she understood what she was getting at. Her face beamed with excitement and she jumped in the air.

"Oh, before you throw said party, please make sure his magic is under control first. I don't think you will have too many problems with that, but you need to do your best to keep his emotions in check. That is, until Twilight can teach him proper magical control."

"Easy, peasy. So was that all?"

"I believe so. Are you sure the Cakes will be okay with a dragon staying in their midst?"

"Oh, I never asked them. But I'm sure they will be fine with it!"

Celestia giggled and nodded. "Then let us return. Oh, and, Pinkie."


"Welcome to motherhood."

"Okay, everything is settled. So, now what?" Twilight asked while they all looked at each other. They had been summoned to find homes for two baby dragons and they had now completed their task.

"Oh! You said that you can look in my mind and I can show you movies and video games n' stuff, right?"

"Err, yes, as long as Princess Celestia has cleared it."

"I believe it will be fine. But, Spyro…"


"Please do not show us anything too violent."

He sighed at the mention of this but agreed. "So how does it work?"

"I will concentrate on your mind and project the images into the heads of any who want to see them. I think I can keep up with everypony. You simply need to think of a movie or a 'video game' and we will see what you have seen. Anyone want in?"

Everyone agreed to have a look. Even Fluttershy let her curiosity outweigh her aversion to violence.

"Do you all want to see a whole movie?"

"For now, try to only think of a scene in a movie or a clip. I don't think we all have enough time for a whole film. Are you ready?"

He nodded and shrugged. She began the spell. For a while, they all saw a white screen, that is, until he thought up something that he wanted everyone to witness, including himself.

"Was that a movie?!" Twilight broke the spell after watching the scene unfold.

"It was part of a video game. See, they’re time travelers and they are trying to save the world."

"I see. Could you perhaps show us part of a film? That was interesting, but I would like to see real humans."

He shrugged and she fired up the spell again. She failed to notice Dash saying something about what she just witnessed being awesome.

"Spyro! I said nothing too violent!"

"Ahh c'mon!"

"Do humans always bleed that silver stuff?" Pinkie asked, tilting her head to the side.

Fluttershy chose to remain quiet and decided that she had seen enough and backed away.

"No, those were robots, not real humans. It's not like there was any blood or anything!"

Princess Celestia glared at him.

"I could learn so much from him!" Twilight did not even bat an eye at the violent scenes. She only saw potential, potential to learn.

Fluttershy was on the verge of tears in the corner of the room. It did not go unnoticed by most. Spyro certainly took note. Without warning, he walked up to her and jumped up into a hug. "It's just a movie. It's not real."

"I know. And thank you for the hug, um, Spyro. But I still don't ever want to see that again."

"Sorry." He looked down at his feet, truly feeling bad for upsetting the pink-maned pony.

"It's okay."

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" They all looked up to Rainbow Dash who was beaming with excitement. "You gotta show me that movie!"


"Another time, Dash. It's getting close to bedtime and I think we should leave our dragons alone with their new caretakers, hmm?"

"Fine. But you are showing me that movie!"

For the second time that night, Spyro stood, staring up at a pony, with nothing much to say. He wanted to get to know Pinkie better, but she seemed just as nervous as he did. What happened to that fun, loving pony?

"Um, hey?" Spyro offered.

"Hey. So it turns out that you will be staying with me from now on. How… do you feel about that?"

"Fine by me. You seem like a ton of fun!" He tried breaking her out of her mood, but all it mustered was a shy smile.

"Well, I can be, sure. But, um, Celestia told me a few things and that kind of means I need to take care of you." He noticed her words seemed awkward coming out of her mouth, and she seemed very nervous.

"Yeah. Is something wrong with that?"

"No! Nothing at all, but when it comes to your friend Claws it is a bit different. Dragons are known for hanging out in large groups like hoards, but the princess told me that humans are just like us; they have families. Did you ever have a family?"

The dragon froze, unable to respond. He knew that Pinkie was asking a very innocent question and she was nice enough to ask it gently, but it still made him feel, well, he couldn't quite tell what it made him feel. He knew the answer of course, no. Why would that matter? "Um, no I didn't." Pinkie Pie's heart nearly exploded right there. She wanted nothing more than to squeeze him and hug him to make all of his bad feeling's just vanish. But then she remembered that he now possessed unicorn magic and it was best to try and keep his emotions under control.

"Well, have you ever wanted a family?" She knew it was a very basic question and the answer should have been YES. But instead, she got something that caught her entirely off guard.

"No. Families just get in the way. Plus, no one wanted me at the orphanage so—"

"I wanted you!" Pinkie interjected in a frantic voice. Spyro stopped talking and stared at her.

"Yeah, you did. Um, how come?"

"Oh that's easy; I always wanted to be a mother!" His eyes blew wide open.

"Mother? Wha?"

"Well, yes, silly. I kind of adopted you. It's different for Claws, but from now on, I will be your mother. Is that okay?" She was giving him her best sympathetic smile. He simply nodded, unable to respond. How could he?

I have never had a mother. How am I supposed to treat her? This is just weird!

"Are you sure that you're okay?"

"Yes," he responded very quickly. She took one long glare at him but then nodded. Just then, Princess Celestia returned.

"The train to Ponyville will be leaving soon. Are you two ready?"

They looked at each other but then nodded.

The train was loaded with six ponies in one car and three dragons in another. They said their goodbyes to the princesses and the train departed. The six ponies began to converse among each other, but it was soon apparent that the most excitable among them was lost in thought. Twilight and the others were quick to realize this and decided to address her.

"Pinkie? Is something the matter?"

"What if I'm a bad mommy?!"

They turned to each other and shared an uneasy look.

"Well I—"

"What if I screw up and he hates me forever because I didn't raise him correctly?!" Pinkie was now standing on the table that divided the six ponies, not caring that her eyes were now twitching.

"Pinkie, I really must protest. You—"

"What If I mess up and his new magic goes crazy and he wrecks the town and then Princess Celestia bans both of us to the moon?!"

Twilight sighed and then slowly used her magic to levitate Pinkie Pie into the air. She then exerted her force to slam Pinkie's face into the glass. She admitted later that she went too far, but it seemed to have snapped Pinkie out of her out of it.

"Ow! Twilight, that was mean!"

"I'm sorry, but you were freaking out!"

"Oh, yeah I guess I was. Sorry."

"It's okay, Pinkie. If you are that nervous then, as your friends, we would be happy to help! I will be teaching Spyro to keep his magic under control and I'm sure the rest of us can help, right?"

"Ah raised Apple Bloom mah whole life. Ya ever need advice, just ask."

"Watching Sweetie Belle is nothing short of exhausting. She does require a good authoritative figure. And with Mother and Father gone so often, I might as well have raised her. She lives with me most of the time after all, so please do not hesitate to ask for advice, Pinkie."

"I, um, might know a few things, but I don't know anything about humans," Fluttershy admitted. She had to admit that she was curious of Spyro, but could not raise him by herself.

"I know absolutely nothing about being a mom," Dash said without skipping a beat. Twilight shot her an angry glare and then she hastily corrected herself. "But I'm here for ya when you need me!"

"Thanks, girls. I want to throw him a 'Welcome-to-Ponyville-and-welcome-to-my-family' party, but the princess said no parties until his emotions are under control, whatever that means."

"Well, unicorn magic can be quite odd at times, especially in his case. As for his emotions, they should be well balanced or more magical surges might occur." She stopped for a moment to think and then turned her attention to the pink pony. "Pinkie, what did you two talk about when you were left alone?"

"Oh, I asked him if he had ever had a family before and he said no. Then I asked him if he even wanted a family and he said that families get in the way so, no. I tried to tell him that I wanted him, badly, and that's because I wanted to be a mommy more than anything in the world. But when I mentioned being his new mother he kind of froze, like he wasn't all there… Is that bad?"

"I'm not quite sure. Maybe having a mother is just too foreign to him. It might wreak havoc with his emotions though…" Twilight admitted, much to the annoyance of everypony near her.

"Twi, what is the worst thing that can happen with magical surges?" Dash asked.

"Well, my first surge, um, I kind of turned my parents into plants," she admitted sheepishly.

"Great, that's just great. Remind me never to prank that kid, ever."

"Once we get him to control his own magic, that shouldn't be too much of a problem, Dash. But I don't know how he would respond to pranks. I hope he's okay with Spike in the other carriage though."

"Guys, um, how are you supposed to act around a mom?" Spyro asked out of the blue while they were all having a random conversation about gems.

"Beats me. Dragon's don't really have moms," Claws admitted while shrugging.

"Well, I guess Twilight is kind of like my mom. You never had one?"

Spyro shook his head.

"I guess, just be respectful and listen to her. Although, since Pinkie is now your mom, I dunno how much of what she will tell you to do will make sense."

"What do you mean?"

"Pinkie Pie is the most random pony in all of Equestria. Not that she can't handle herself, but let's just say you are in for one wild ride, Spyro."

"But I like that about her! It was so weird though, when we were left alone, it was like she was a completely different per… err, pony. I don't get it!"

"Maybe she is nervous. I will admit though, I have never seen Pinkie calm before."