How I became an Equestrian

by Raybony

Conflict of Feelings

I just stood there, wide eyes as Fluttershy hold the kiss, it took a few more seconds before I could regain control and pull away. "Fluttershy, what are you doing?" I asked her in shock at her sudden action.

Upon realizing what she did, Fluttershy curled into a small ball, out of embarrassment. "I-I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, please, please don't hate me." She was trembling, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I-It's ok Shy, I just want to know, why?" I was really surprise to know that someone, no, somepony, would ever like me, let alone when we are different species; even if that doesn't apply a lot right now.

"I just, have always like how you treat everypony, you are always caring and like to help anypony when they need help. You help everypony, but don't ask anything in return." She looked away moment before continuing. "And you are always there for me when I need it the most. You make me feel brave to do things, you help me get hear by everyponny, and you make me feel safe wherever I am." She said nuzzling me in the neck.

I step away, I was feeling really freaked out right now. "Shy I'm touched, really, but I don't feel the same way, it just feels...wrong." okay, scream at me all you want, I blame myself for saying that, but I wasn't thinking straight, and I was just saying things. And Fluttershy didn't look pleased at all, or sad or disharted, but rather angry, and I mean REALLY angry.

"What is that suppose to mean?" She was raising her voice, and she had extended her wings out of anger. "Do you find, liking a pony wrong, is that it?" I was trying to say something but she cut me before I could say anything. "I go and show you my true feelings for you, and what do you do? You smash them in my face and tell me that it just can't be." by this time she had tears running down her cheeks, it really pained me to see her like this.

"Shy, please, let me explain." She didn't, she just gave The Stare, but this one was different, this one took away all of my breath, and made me feel like a terrified rabbit in front of a hungry fox.

"I don't need you to explain anything, you are just another slob that likes to crush ponies. You are just like the others." She was marching away, towards the staircase.

"Wait others?" What did she mean by that? I needed to know.

"Nothing that concerns you, now leave." She said, without looking back at me.


"GET OUT" She screamed at me, at her shout alone was enough to sent me flying out the door, onto the snow filled garden. Before I could get back to her, she had slam the door in my face.

"Fluttershy, please open up, I'm sorry for saying those things, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry" I was banging on the door, trying to get back in.

"Go away" I heard her yell from the other side of the door, but I could also hear her crying her heart out.

"Fluttershy...I'm sorry" I said in a whisper, as if hoping that she could hear the remorse in my voice, my vision was blurry from the tears that I had in my eyes, I just caused one of the most caring and fragile souls get her heart broken. 'What have I done?'

After just standing there, crying myself out, I left, I just hope that we can sort this out.


I walked back to town, the memory of what I caused Flutershy still haunting me. I go and show you my true feelings for you, and what do you do? You smash them in my face and tell me that it just can't be. I never really though about it, I was a pony now, and even if I had the mind of a human, I still needed to take in account others people feelings.

I don't need you to explain anything, you are just another slob that likes to crush ponies. You are just like the others. That stood out a lot to me, what did she mean by 'others', had this kind of thing happened before? Was she bullied back then, for liking other species? I din't know, but right now there was only one pony that could help me with.

Now with a new target set in mind, I started runing around Ponyville, trying to find Shy's best friend from childhood. "Where are you Rainbow?"


I had spent the next hour looking for Rainbow Dash, with no success. No one had any idea where to find her, I had search at Applejack's Farm, thinking that maybe she was hanging at there, I tried her house, calling out to her but she never appeared, I even tried the Library for heavens sake, but no matter where I looked I couldn't find her.

"This is getting me nowhere, *sigh* might as well just relax a bit" The sun was starting to go down, and I didn't want to search for her in the dark, so I decided to head back to Sugar Cube Corner, maybe a bit of rest will help me clear my mind.

"So Luis, I was wondering if you wanted to come and hang out with me sometime. No that won't work... I heard Dash's voice, I though that she was talking to me at first, but I heard her again. "Hey Luis, I heard of this sweet spot to practice flying, wanna tag along? No that's just stupid, he can's fly. Rrrgh, why is talking to stallions so hard?"

I searched the source of her voice, to a small clearing just outside of Ponyville, I saw dash pacing around, trying to think of something. "Sup Luis, listen, what do you think of going to grab some lunch, my treat, NO, that wont work at all."

"Dash, tell me you are not trying to get me to go on a date with you" I asked her in a monotone voice, not really wanting to go over the whole liking thing.

"AAAGH, Luis, h-how long have you been here?" She clearly was startled, and she had deep crimson shade on her cheeks.

"Long enough to see you trying to come up with a way to get me in a date with you. Please, don't do it, I just had a bad experience and I want to avoid any repeats of it." I told her looking to my hooves, I really didn't want to talk about it, but Rainbow isn't one to be kept on the dark for long.

"Repeat, what happened?" She was now curios and concern for me, but I still felt uncertain of telling her the truth. "You can tell me anything, that's what friends are for." She gave me a warm smile, easing my nerves a bit.

I took a deep breath and waited a few seconds before responding. "I-I...Shy told me she likes me and...well." I
t was really hard to say, it pained me to even think about it.

"She likes you? so what, everypony likes someone, but I don't see why you're bother by it"

"Well I...I kind of told her I didn't feel the same way, and...well, she got angry at me." I told her and she looked at me with worry and shock.

"Please tell me you didn't, oh for Celestia's sake, tell me you didn't." She was holding me by the shoulder and had a look of worry that she rarely has.

"I-It's something wrong with it?" I asked her a bit worry myself, she knows Fluttershy the longest and knows when something is wrong with her.

"Everything is wrong with it, you don't know what she's being through." She let go of me and started walking nervously around. "The last time it took me two whole weeks to calm her down, I just hope it's not as serious this time."

"Dash, I was wondering, why did she react like that? she mention something about others, and you seem to know what happened to her."

She looked away, not really wanting to tell me about it. "It's nothing don't worry about it." She looked like she was uneasy about and I knew.

"Dash please, I need to know what happened to her, this isn't anything like the Shy I know." I gave her my best pleading look, hoping that she will tell me something.

She let go a small sigh before responding. "I guess you need to know, she... she was kind of popular back at the flight training school." Popular? from the way those bullies were treating her in that episode, it didn't seem really likely. "She was really popular with the colts on our group, and she liked the attention. But that was before it happened."


Shy was getting the attention of a lot of the colts back then, you could say was a magnet for them. Well that lead to her meeting this one colt, his name was Iron Cloud, he was one of the toughest pegasus in the school, and that's when she made a big.

"Hey cutey, want to hang with a real stallion?" Iron Cloud was a charm with the fillies, and Fluttershy liked his type.

"Well, aren't you good looking, and where would 'say' stallion take such cute filly?" Fluttershy was back then very seductive and liked to play around with the colts.

"hmm, how about the Green Horseshoe, would that be fancy enough for you?"

"Oh certainly, but I do hope you bring enough bits to please my needs"

So they started dating since then, Shy falling more for him every time, she started to miss some flight lessons just to go with Iron Cloud, she started to lose interest on her grades, and she started to fall down the list. She had basically lost all interest on school and wanted to spent more time with him.

But one night, 'the' night that everything change, she decided to move their relationship to the next level, she told me that she had wanted to do it for the first time with the one she loved, but she didn't expect for him to not give back the feelings.

"But Cloudy, what do you mean you can't do it? don't you love me."

"Love you, bah, I just wanted to make my old marefriend to feel jealous, and thanks to you it worked, did you really think somepony would ever like you?"

"But I though-"

"Well you though wrong, why would you think I would ever want to spent all of my time with you. You are just a stupid, little foal; making every stallion like, when all they are doing is laughing at you behind your back."

"Th-that's not true-"

"Face it Fluttershy, you are nothing and nopony will ever love you."

Since that day, Shy excluded herself from all the colts, and all the fillies started laughing at her for being so gullible with Iron Cloud. I stood by her ever since, trying to help her get through, but no matter what I do, it seems that she sees every stallion as Iron Cloud.

Every time she tried to start a relationship with anypony and doesn't work out, she pictures Iron Cloud, and just starts excluding them out of her life.


"So that's why she reacted like that with you, it was you saying that you didn't like her, and for that she thinks of you as Iron Cloud." Dash finished telling me Shy's story, I never knew she had been through that, and I made her remember all that with a simple respond.

"I-I never knew, I just never imagine that she could go through something like that. I can't believe it, I-I'm sorry." I was starting to feel tears welling up in my eyes, I could have avoided all this, but I let my stupidity get me, and now Shy hates me.

"I know you didn't mean to. But I have to ask." I looked at her and she had a serious face. "Do you actually don't like her, or is that a lie to yourself?" That caught me off guard, I never actually though it through.

"I well... I'm not sure" I was fidgeting with my hooves, I was unsure of what to think, a part of me was telling that it just wasn't possible, that I would just leave her in the end and I wouldn't be able to go back. But another part was yelling a t me that yes, I really cared for Shy, she was caring, compassionate and would always stand up for her friends.

I shook my head, thinking about wasn't going to help me out, and I wanted to help Shy out. So I said what I though was right. "Y-yes...I do"

Rainbow gave me a warm smile and put her arm around my neck. "See, it wasn't that hard was it?"

"You aren't upset, angry or something?" If it was me, I would have being a bit angry for saying no to Fluttershy in the first. "And aren't you upset that I like Shy and not? you 'were trying to get me to like you."

She just chuckled at that. "Please, you won't catch me getting jealous so easily. If you like somepony then you do, I won't stop, specially if it's Fluttershy we are talking about, I've been trying to get that girl a stallion for years now, you are the first one to get as close."

I chuckled with her, feeling a bit better now. "Thanks, I'll do my best to make her happy"

"You better, or I'll kick your flank all the way to the moon." She gave me smirk, which didn't make me feel any better.

"O-Okay, but what do I do now?"

She stifled a yawn before answering. "We'll see what we do in the morning, for now I just want to hit the hay." I looked to the sky and saw the moon high in the sky, wow, time sure flies by when you talk to a friend, even if it isn't on the best of cases.

"Oh right, well *yawns* I'll see tomorrow Rainbow, and thanks for telling me about Shy." I gave her a wave of goodbye as she speed up to the sky. While I just walked back towards Ponyville, unaware of the pair of eyes, watching from the everfree forest.

Well, it seems that my old creator has a new love the chuckled to himself, and a pony no less. And it seems that he has problems with her, how lovely. It turn around, heading back to the everfree, But I think I want that problem to remain a bit longer, the more troubles he has, the less time he will spend trying to stop me

It looked directly to Canterlot, eyeing the same dots of magic that moved around the palace of the royal sisters. I guess it's time to act, I wanted to try this for some time now A thick black mist started to seep out of the ground and surround the Nightmare, the mist hiding its features even more as it engulf its entire body, only it's eyes were visible now. Time for the main meal, I have always wonder how does the sun and moon taste like.

And as soon as the eyes were hidden, the mist shot out at a speed that would even rival Rainbow Dash's speed after doing a rainboom. Ready or not royal sisters, here comes your worst nightmare. The voice of the Nightmare said as it drifted in the air.