The Aura Of Music

by Kumare Tanamaru


"And this is Sugarcube Corner!" Twilight said closing her book.

"Well, that was pleasant. Aurora, did you enjoy that?" Octavia said turning around to look at her sister.

Aurora was busy eating a mess of cotton candy that Pinkie Pie had offered her awhile ago, so she didn't hear her sister's question.

"Well, that's the history of Ponyville! I'm glad you enjoyed my presentation!" Twilight said with a grin. "Well Aurora, what would you like too do next?"

Aurora's ears perked up and she looked up at Twilight from her sweet treat, trying to remember what was going on. When she remembered, she took out her parcel and quill and started scribbling on it furiously.

"I would like to look around the town myself, if that's okay with you and Tavi..."

Twilight smiled and nodded.

"Of course you can! I didn't get to know Ponyville so well by sitting in the library all day. What do you think Octavia?"

"I guess it'll be alright," she said uneasily. "You sure you'll be alright?"

Aurora nodded and put on a sarcastic worried look.

"Alright... Go have fun, but be back before 7! I don't want you getting lost!" she said giving her sister a hug.

Aurora rolled her eyes and trotted off into the distance to see the sights she had really wanted to see: the populace.


"I'm glad we came out here... Work has been exceptionally tiring this week with learning new drill. I'm so happy that I get to spend time with the mare I love." Trey said holding Fluttershy close to him.

Fluttershy batted loving eyes at Trey and kissed his cheek, to which he replied with a kiss of his own.

"I'm going to come by tomorrow, um, if that's alright?"

Trey laughed and smiled at her shyness that he adored.

"Of course it's alright. I just wish I could spend more time with you during the day to take care of the kids..." he said lowering his head a little. "I miss you all. I'm always thinking about you Flutterheart."

Fluttershy blushed as Trey came in for another kiss beneath the setting sun. After the accident, Trey and Fluttershy decided to settle down and have kids after the drama with the two love ponies had wound down. Since the little ones were born, Trey has had to work harder to get more money to support his family, so he hasn't had very much time to spend with his wife, or children.

"I wish you could stay home more often Trey... We really miss you. I really miss you." she said as she nuzzled her head into her chest.

"I know, I know... but you know I can't get off of work that often or I run the risk of losing my job. Not to mention that BOE and the area marching competitions are coming up, and we finally have a show that will knock the stuffing out of the Canterlot High band!" he said with confidence. "But," he continued. "I would give that up to see my family grow." he said kissing his wife's forehead.

Aurora watched this picnic unfold before her as she saw Trey and Fluttershy kiss and love each other. Something tugged in Aurora's heart that pulled her into a slight depression. She understood what she saw, and she wanted it for herself. She had never experienced love from a male pony herself, so she didn't really know what to do in a relationship. Perhaps it was just a dream, but she wanted a family of her own... She wanted a mate. Aurora caught herself shedding a few tears and quickly wiped them away as she continued to watch the lovers banter sweet nothings to each other.

I wonder why they call it 'sweet nothings,' Aurora thought. When it means absolutely everything to the other pony.

Trey had just finished kissing his wife and hugging her close when he noticed the yellow pony standing there watching him and Fluttershy be in each others presence.

"How long have you been standing there?" he called out to Aurora.

Aurora, surprised by this question, jumped back a bit as Fluttershy whipped her head around and blushed.

"Well? It's only a simple question, I didn't mean for it to be rude. You can come here and chat with us if you want."

Aurora stayed frozen, unable to think of what to do. Her mind raced as she took a step forward in experimentation.

"Don't be shy," Trey said as he laughed at himself.

Trey knew shyness was what he liked, so he brushed off his comment and smiled at the harmless pony walking towards the lovers. When Aurora was about three feet away, Trey asked for her name and offered her a seat. Aurora took out her quill and parcel and began scribbling on it. Trey and Fluttershy looked at each other in confusion as she wrote, almost as if she was trying to tear the paper in half with the sharp tip of the writing utensil.

"I apologize for my silence, my name is Aurora. I... Can't speak. I'm sorry I was eavesdropping on you two, I didn't mean to. I was just curious is all. I've never seen anything like it. Such passion in my life only exists through music, and it's not even me. It's my sister Octavia."

"Well, I'm Fluttershy, and this is my husband Trey. You're welcome to stay and chat with us if you'd like..."

Aurora nodded her head and smiled. Trey moved forward a bit, intrigued by Aurora's letter.

"You say you have musical talent? What kind?"

Aurora took back her paper and thought for a second, then began scribbling on it. After she finished, she handed the paper to Trey for him to look at.

"I do have musical talent. I play the violin. I'm not very good, but I try really hard for my sister and mother. They were the ones who wanted to preserve the musical talent as much as possible. I wish I could be better, but I haven't had much time between practice, shows, and cleaning."

"Well," he said. "It just so happens that I'm a band director here at the local high school. If you'd like, you can swing by and watch us practice sometime. I think we finally have a show that will knock the stuffing out of the competition!"

Aurora tilted her head, obviously intrigued with what she was hearing.

"Our show this year is 'Phobia: What are you Afraid of" He said in a light bragging manor. "Isn't it genius?"

Aurora nodded and showed an even bigger interest in the situation.

"Well, the band practices at 8:00 tomorrow morning. We'd love to have you! I can put off some of rehearsal to show you around the sections as well if you'd like. We've got some pretty interesting characters in our band family. What do you say?"

Aurora smiled a huge, showing teeth smile and nodded profusely.

"Oh boy!" Fluttershy said. "I'll bring Flutterwing and Anacrusis along so they can see as well. They also might like you meet you Aurora."

Wow, Aurora thought to herself I can't believe that I'm being invited to hang out with one of Twilight's friends!


Aurora opened the door to the library and sighed a brilliant smile onto her face. 7:00, and not a worry in the world.

"Glad to see you made it back in time for dinner Aurora! Spike made it."

Aurora looked at her plate full of alfalfa and bean sprouts. There was a bowl full of steamed vegetables in front of her and her stomach growled.

"Dig in Aurora!" Spike said. "I made it special for you and your sister Octavia."

Aurora held out her hooves to Spike to her left, and Twilight to her right, in hopes that they understood.

"Aurora, dear, I don't think they do that before they eat." her sister said looking down at her plate.

Aurora blushed and slowly put her hooves into her lap and prayed a loud, silent prayer. She looked up and smiled sheepishly to Twilight and Spike, who returned the smile with a warm welcome. A tear welled up in Aurora's eye, but she held it back for the sake of the meal.

After the ponies had finished eating, Twilight showed Octavia and Aurora where they were to sleep for the night. It was their own room in the left wing of the library, and had two small mattresses laid out in a perfectly organized manner.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to wake me up." Twilight said in the doorway. "Goodnight!"

Aurora gave her friend a goodnight nod and looked at her sister.

Oh! I forgot to tell Tavi about the outing tomorrow morning!

Aurora fumbled around looking for her paper and quill.

"What are you doing Aurora?"

Aurora picked up her quill and carefully dipped it in ink. She wrote fiercely, and finished with a giant, pleading look on her face. Aurora handed her sister the note and patiently awaited a response.

"You want to go see a bunch of kids run around in the hot sun getting yelled at and playing instruments?"

Aurora nodded and smiled.

"And you want me to come...?"

Aurora sat there, waiting for an answer.

"Well... I guess I don't see why not. We'll be there promptly at 8, so don't stay up too late."

Aurora thought for a second and instantly buried herself in her blankets.

Tomorrow is going to be a blast, sweetheart.

Make us proud.