Welcome To Equestria!

by BluPony

-2- Transformations

Welcome to Equestria
The Pre-Arc..

~~~~Chapter Two~~~~


So, you didn’t think this was going to be much, eh? Probably a little entertaining, but not exactly adventure worthy? Well there’s more to come and it’s just getting started. Sit back, relax, and here’s the next part of the adventure. Enjoy!

~Blu and Hotshot

~~~~Viewpoint: Blu~~~~

Celestia agreed to remain where we were conversing since our parents were going to come back soon after spending the day at the beach with my sister there too. We didn’t want to go so we were allowed to stay at Hotshot’s as long as we didn’t go out, invite anyone else over, or light the house on fire.

Obviously, we kind of broke the second rule, but for the princess of the sun, she was going to be an exception to that rule.

A few minutes passed as we continued to converse about various aspects of pony life and the immensity of the decision. We all agreed that it was what we wanted and possible with her magical power.

The time came and our parents came back home. We weren’t sure exactly what we could do but Celestia said she had it covered. We just had to meet our parents outside and stall them for a bit.

“What!” Said Hotshot in brief alarm. “How the heck are we suppose to do that?”

"I have an idea." I said with a little too much ambition. “Just follow my lead, buddy.”

Hotshot nodded and we stepped outside. Our parents were chatting for a little as they spotted us. A concerned look spread across their faces, but it was wiped away for a few moments as they greeted us with a smile and a wave.

“Hey boy.” My dad said as he we came within speaking distance. (Side Note: That probably sounds weird, doesn’t it? Nevertheless, that’s what he calls me.)

“‘Ello mate.” I replied with a small, but somewhat nervous grin. “How was the beach?”

“Katepwa was quite, interesting.” Hotshot’s mom replied. His parents did not go to the beach that often. “But we enjoyed the sun, the sounds of the waves, and the relaxation.” She added with a happy sigh.

”Even though kids ended up kicking sand in our faces.” Hotshot’s dad said with a laugh.

My mom changed the subject. “Why did you two meet us outside?” She asked suspiciously. “Is there something inside that you’re hiding?”

“Ish...” I told her with a small grin. I never liked having to lie to my parents so I usually stuck with half-truths.

“What do you mean, ‘Ish’?” My dad asked. I tried to play it as a joke, but Hotshot cut me off.
“He means no there is nothing that we’re hiding.”

Just then, a flash of light came from inside the house. Our dad’s raised their eyebrows and suggested we head inside. I had to force myself to keep it cool as I walked inside with Hotshot.

Inside was quite the same as it was as before. Our parents could not figure out what we did so they shrugged it off for the moment. That is, until we looked in Hotshot’s room. Inside it was a little stack of books against the wall and a small filly princess reading ‘1001 ways to make Italian”. The moment I walked in, my first thought was ‘What the heck?!’ However, before I could think of the obvious ‘What are our parents going to think of this,’ My sister came inside.

“Hi there!” She squeaked as she got close to the white filly. The filly looked up from the cookbook with an interesting smile.

“Oh sweet Celestia...” I heard Hotshot mutter.

“Well hello there little one.” Filly Celestia said.

“She’s calling her the little one...” Mumbled my dad, slightly in shock at what his eyes were telling him.

“My name is Princess Celestia. Though, in my current form, just Celestia would be fine.” Celestia told my sister who was still excited of the situation she had encountered.

“It’s no use talking to her when she is hyped up like this.” I sighed, but somewhat happily. It was kinda hard to be stressed when a filly was just chilling with you and looking adorable. Then again, we were reminded she was here for a reason as we heard a ‘thud’ coming from behind us.

“Your mom doesn’t have a history of heart attacks, does she?” Hotshot asked with a small grin on his face.

“Nope.” I said with a smile of my own.

~~~~Viewpoint: Hotshot~~~~

We had all gathered into the living room to discuss things.

“So if you haven’t guessed already, I’m here for a reason.” The little filly said, as serious as a filly can look. Which, at the time, wasn’t too much to our parents.

“Ok,” Blu’s dad responded, “And that reason is?”

“These two boys have a special chance to go to Equestria with me,” she then cleared her throat, “However there are a few catches. One: Their absences will be noticed, as you would think. Two: Extreme headaches will occur when they either overwork themselves, change forms, or change worlds.”

“You never mentioned anything about the headaches.” I interrupted.

“I said I would work the detail out, which I did..” The white filly commented with an annoyed look

“No offence, but I don’t feel comfortable with a young pony transporting my son to another world.” My dad said while I just rolled my eyes.

“Ah, yes. Let me fix that for you then.” Filly Celestia said with a small smile. “You may want to shut your eyes or look away for a moment.” She warned.

Our mothers looked away while our fathers were not exactly convinced. Luckily for them, the process started slow as another flash of light like we saw earlier started to envelop the filly princess, giving our dad’s enough time to shut their eyes while realizing how serious the young pony was.

I shut my eyes as well, opening them after about five seconds in which I and Blu saw Celestia’s full form once again, along with the rest of the family of course seeing it for the first time.

“I wish the transformation was as easy as that for you two. Too bad it isn’t though.” Princess Celestia joked.

“Exactly how bad are these headaches again?” Blu asked.

“Well, it’s not exactly a fast and quick transformation, so it may be quite extreme for the both of you.” She stated after regaining her composure. “I would not suggest transforming twice in a day, for that would be quite risky and potentially life-threatening.”

“Well that doesn’t seem too pleasant.” I commented.

“The third catch I should mention is the process will be quite straining to the body, so you may hear some, ‘unpleasant’, sounds, especially with the ears.” She groaned lowly and shuddered at the thought.

Regaining composure for the second time, seriousness struck to her face. “Now that I’ve discussed this with all of you, I will ask again and allow all of you to discuss everything concerning the circumstances. Do you two still want to go to Equestria?”

“Personally, those are very small catches for such an epic opportunity.” I said with a grin on my face.

“I agree with you on that, buddy.” Blu said. “But, it is quite a big responsibility to travel to another world, even if we sort of know about it already. We’ll have to think about so many other things, and part of it will also be back here. Our past won’t escape us, and we’ll probably have to visit every once in awhile as well to let our parents know we’re still alive and fill them in on our adventures, even the boring ones.”

“Then there’s always the fact about school as well!” My mom said.

“Honestly, Equestria is a learning experience in itself.” I started. “It’s not just full of talking ponies, it’s full of Civilized talking ponies. That should mean something to you.” My voice grew in volume as I finished. Pausing for a moment to fix my voice, I continued. “We’ll drop out and say we are continuing our own studies independently, which if you think about it, that’s basically what we’re doing.”

Blu shot me a wink as to say ‘Awesome job.’ I smiled as Blu’s mom prepared to speak.

“That, I can’t believe I’m saying this, may actually make sense.” She said as a smile crept onto her face. Her expression changed however as another thought crossed her mind. “What about the relatives and all your friends here? Certainly you don’t want to leave them behind, do you?”

“Mom...” Blu interrupted with a small sigh. “We won’t be gone forever. Maybe for starters, we’ll visit for awhile every two months. And who knows? We may be able to contact you from Equestria sooner or later.” He said with a smile as his mother hugged him briefly. Celestia’s face suggested the latter of the statement, but he chuckled it off.

“Actually, I have another question.” I said.

“What might that be?” Celestia said curiously.

“How about our ageing process, what effect will that have on us?” I asked, slightly fearing what her response might be.

“That, I’m afraid, may be quite difficult for me and for the both of you.” Celestia said as she briefly closed her eyes. “By my understanding of how this world works, you may lose many years of your lives since Equestria works different than in this world.”

Moments went by as the bit of information sinked in. Out of the blue, literally, something was set to ease the mood.

“YOLO!” Blu shouted as we both started laughing. He spoke up once more as the laughter died down and what was left was stern expressions from our parents. “Relax, I’m kidding. But more seriously, I think even if we lose a bit of life due to it. I’d say it’s life well spent.”

“I’d have to agree with Blu on this one.” I said. Everyone nodded at this point. I turned to Celestia for one last question. “When do we leave?”

“Whenever you're ready to.” said Celestia with a smile.

“Okay then, let’s get...”

“WAIT!!” Interrupted Blu, “Can we at least try the transformation before we go?”

“Ah, right. I think it would be best if you were able to transport yourselves right away so you’re used to it when you get to Equestria.” The princess of the sun said. Focusing her magic, she summoned up two golden amulets, infused with her magic.

One had a small six pointed star design for a shape, while it had a small yellow spiral outlined as a design on the inside, like a wisp of sunshine. The other was a full moon design for it’s shape designed with a navy blue orb in the middle of it, as the aqua blue color of the amulet itself perfectly blended together with the navy blue spiral that surrounded it, it looked like Luna made it.

“Well no use just standing around, let’s try this out.” Blu said as Celestia hovered the amulets to us. We carefully placed them on our necks. To our surprise, they conformed to our neck sizes, which was great for us comfort-wise. Blu looked at me and I looked back at him. Holding out his fist, we shared one last human brohoof before we started the transformations.

“Alright, now how do these things work?” I asked the white alicorn princess.

“Simple. You must put one of your hands, preferably your right one, onto the amulet. Then, you must let your inner magic flow through you and concentrate on changing your forms into those of your dreams and imaginations.” She explained. Both of us nodded and did as she said.

When the transformation started, we could already hear the strain on our bodies. it started off with the sound of our bones cracking and crunching while they moved into place, the sound of our organs swishing into place as they slid between the bones, some organs even ended up melting into place, a sudden alter made us fall on our knees to accustom the pony body, the sound of our vertebrae slowly shrinking. But the strangest feeling was the feeling that wasn’t there... The pain for some reason wasn’t there. No pain at all. I was guessing it was because of the advanced magic inside the amulets. Finally, after all those noises and disturbing crunches, we were left, gasping for air.

Visually, we were very different. Our skin had turned to fur. Mine was a green colour while Blu’s was, of course, a light shade of blue. I felt the added weight on my forehead to be my horn, the same colour as my fur, and wings at my sides. I had vibrant shades of blue and green in my hair, while Blu’s was still blue. His mane was curved back to have the full view of his horn while mine sort of looked like Rainbow Dash’s. Our tails were both Twilight style with the same colour schemes.

“That was very disturb....AAHHHHHHH!!!!” A sudden pain stabbed through my head like an elephant was stepping on it, the pain was almost unbearable. I could not do anything about the extremes of the extensive headache. I couldn’t move from my brain’s pain restricting my new system. The only thing I could do was sit there and try to restrain my screams with my friend, but after awhile the pain stopped suddenly. Both Blu and I took a big sigh of relief.

“What in the name of all things good was that?!” My parents commented.

“What the...? Oh, I totally forgot we were still in your house, Hotshot.” Blu exclaimed.

“I did too.” I said weakly with a small laugh. “How’s everyone’s ears?”

“I contained you two in a small magic bubble so your relatives didn’t have to hear you. I’d have to say, you two were louder than I thought you would be.” Celestia told us with a small grin.

~~~~Viewpoint: Blu~~~~

“Well you two, it’s time to leave for Equestria. Say your goodbye’s, and we’ll be on our way.” Celestia told us after a few minutes of regaining our composure.

My sister came in after being sent to her room to play her games on her computer. She spotted us and went directly to Hotshot. “Ooo!” She squealed just like when she saw Filly Celestia, only a bit louder, considering there was now three ponies in the household opposed to just the one.

“Hey Blu?” Hotshot asked me.

“Yup?” I responded, holding back my laughter.

“Might you please get your sister off of me?” He said with a grunt as my sister hugged him.

I couldn’t hold back my laughter any longer. I rolled onto my back and flailed my hooves up in the air, laughing at the hilariously awesome day it’s turned out to be.