//------------------------------// // Introduction // Story: New Musician In Town // by Dulcet //------------------------------// In another day in Ponyville, the birds are chirping, ponies are wandering in the streets, and the sky is just blooming wonderfully. Out in the field of Ponyville Park, Twilight and her friends are there having a picnic, gazing at the wonderful clouds that roam in the sky. “Ughh, I am so bored!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, sturdily thumping her hooves into the ground. “Just relax, Rainbow Dash! It’s a beautiful day today in Ponyville! The only thing you should do is to just gloom into the skies and well, relax!” pointed out Rarity, with a sheer smile expressed in her face. “Yeah, sugarcube. Couldn’t think one thing else to do instead of just sky- gazing into the clouds,” added Applejack. Suddenly, out in the distance is Spike, hurriedly racing to the picnic with a letter in his claws. “Twilight! Applejack! Rarity! Pinkie! Fluttershy! Rainbow! Princess Celestia sent.. you ponies.. a letter.. with urgent.. news!” Spike mutters, collapsing into the grass, completely out of breath. “Hmmpp, let’s see what this letter says,” Twilight mutters, slowly peeling into the letter, with the other ponies closely looking as well. The letter reads: To my fellow ponies in Ponyville, Next week, it has come to my attention that the ponies in Ponyville have agreed to hold a concert that commemorates my years as ruler in all of Equestria. I will be making a personal appearance to this concert along with Princess Luna, but I wish to task you ponies with an important responsibility in organizing and planning out this concert. The musicians will be arriving to Ponyville shortly today. I hope all goes well! Yours truly, Princess Celestia “Oohh! A concert! You can’t have a concert without Pinkie Pie! Eeehh, I can have my party cannon shooting out streamers and candy to the crowd just like this!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie, taking out her party cannon and demonstrating what she just said to her friends. Rainbow Dash flew into the sky, happily cheering. “Wow, a concert in Ponyville, now that’s something to be excited about!” “I’ll tell ya, Ah’m actually really excited for this!” Applejack bellowed. “Yayyy, a concert,” Fluttershy murmured excitedly. “This concert sounds like a great idea, but when will this musician get here?!” squealed Rarity. “Oh Rarity.. I’m sure they will arrive soon, but we have some planning to do! Let’s meet up at my place and discuss how we should handle this, don’t you think” stated Twilight with a glee on her face. Back in Twilight’s home, the ponies carry out distinct plans on how to prepare for the concert. They hurdle around in a circle and share out their own ideas with one another. “Now, first things first. Where should the concert take place?” asked Twilight. “Hmmpp, how outside at Ponyville Park?” Rainbow Dash suggested. “There’s always a possibility that it could rain, Rainbow. We need anotha idea,” inquired Applejack. “How about the Auditorium? Don’t think it’s gonna be booked next week,” pointed out Fluttershy. “That’s perfect!” exclaimed the other ponies all at once. “So it’s settled. The concert will be taking place at the Auditorium,” Twilight said. The ponies cheered and “bro-hoofed” each other until a knock on the door is heard. The ponies glance at each other for a quick mere second, wondering what the noise was. The knock on the door repeats rapidly and the ponies stare at the door. Twilight then made her way to the door and carefully opened it. At the entrance was a unicorn carrying a ukulele with him. “Uhm, hi. I’m guessing you are Twilight Sparkle?” “Why yes. And you are..? asked Twilight with a confused look in her face. “Well, where are my manners. My name is Jazz, but some ponies also refer to me as 'Jazzy'. Nice to meet you, Twilight,” Jazz shakes his hoof with Twilight’s. “I am a traveling musician who has performed all around Equestria. I will be performing in Ponyville’s concert next week. I received a letter from Princess Celestia, telling me to go to you. I’m guessing you are organizing this whole concert, am I right.” “You guess right. Come on in, I’ll introduce you to my friends who are helping me organize this.” Jazz entered the premise of Twilight, observing all the books in the house. Twilight cleared her throat and pointed at her friends. “From left to right, this is Applejack.. Rainbow Dash.. Fluttershy.. Rarity.. and Pinkie Pie! Oh, I also have a baby dragon named Spike who assists me as well,” said Twilight. “Hey every pony, this is Jazz!” Twilight said, pointing at the unicorn. “Howdy there, partner!” exclaimed Applejack. “Nice to meet you,” replied Fluttershy. “Hey there!” stated Rainbow Dash. “Hey there, Jazz! Pinkie Pie rushes to greet him and pulls out her welcome wagon. “Since you are new here, I use this wagon to welcome new folks in Ponyville!” As soon as Pinkie presses the button on her wagon, she cheerfully sings her welcome song to Jazz. Confetti spurts out from the wagon and dozens of confetti fall from the air and land on the ponies. Pinkie excitedly jumps up and down, joyfully singing to him. As Jazz hears Pinkie’s song, the only thing he can do is just smile and laugh. “Ahah, that is some song you got there, Pinkie. Well, I am definitely feeling welcomed here,” “Hi there! I am Rarity and that is some instrument you got there,” Rarity exclaimed, glittering her eyes at Jazz. “Hey Rarity. This is actually a ukulele that’s been with me for as long as I can remember. It’s really the only thing that keeps me going, that keeps me motivated to play music!” Jazz then glances at the other ponies and says, “Well, I better get going. I have some auditions that I need to hear at the Auditorium.” “Auditions?” questioned Twilight. Jazz hands out a flyer to the ponies that read “Auditions being held at the Auditorium! Audition and you could be the one pony that will perform exclusively at next week’s concert in front of Princess Celestia and hundreds more ponies!” “Yes, auditions, one lucky pony will get to perform with me on stage!”