//------------------------------// // Ending The Day On A High Note // Story: New Musician In Town // by Dulcet //------------------------------// Noticing the sonic rainbow, Rarity walked to the location where the rainboom took place. Seeing Jazz hanging out with Rainbow Dash, Rarity sprung into action to try to spend some time with the unicorn. “Hi Jazz! Aha, I finished making your very own outfit for the concert!” “Really? You made me an outfit? Gee, thanks Rarity! Let’s go see it right now!” As Jazz followed Rarity to her house, he waved his hoof goodbye to Rainbow Dash. At the Carousel Boutique, the workshop is a complete mess. Fabric is dangling on the floor, old dresses have been trampled to the ground, and pencils, pen, needles are all scattered on the desks, but out in the center of the room is one outfit that shines exquisite taste than the other dresses. Pointing to the outfit, Rarity gleefully remarks, “There! That is going to be your new outfit for the concert! It took me quite a while to finish, but I finally was able to do the finishing touches! Here, try it on and tell me if you like it or not!” “This outfit looks stunning, Rarity. Thank you. I will definitely be wearing this when I perform!” “So you like it? That is great!” smiled Rarity. “I think fans will really like your new outfit.” All of a sudden, Jazz’s belly rumbled. “Boy, I sure am hungry right now.” “Well gosh, ya’ll should visit Sweet Apple Acres. Ah can bake the best apple pies ya’ll have ever tasted!” suggested Applejack, peaking from Rarity’s window shed. “I think apple pies sound great! Well, thanks for this magnificent outfit, Rarity!” Jazz commented. Applejack and Jazz strolled down towards Sweet Apples Acres. The sun bared down the two ponies’ faces and one unicorn’s belly rumbled even louder. Apple Bloom spotted the two and opened the gate for them to enter. Heading into the kitchen, Applejack collected all the materials needed to make the apple pie. “Would ya’ll like to learn how to bake THE best apple pies ya’ll will ever taste?” Applejack said to Jazz. Jazz looked at Applejack and then looked at the materials she laid out on the table. “Sure, why not. I’ve first seen ponies displaying pony magic, ponies doing spectacular tricks, ponies who can play 10 instruments at once, and ponies with refined beauty in fashion. Might as well learn how to bake pies while I’m at it.” “Well, first of all, ya’ll gonna need this chefs hat. Baking pies can be a might bit messy, especially if it’s your first time. Now that’s taken cared of, let’s get started.” Applejack organized her supplies and then took a deep breath. “Now, first, you’re gonna need 2 cups of flour, one teaspoon of salt, about 90 grams of unsalted butter, five tablespoons of cold water or apple cider, eggs, and then milk! Did you get all that?” Applejack then peaked at Jazz, who only gave her a bleak smile and nodded. “Okay, now this is the tough part. For the filling, ya’ll gonna need to add ½ tablespoons of lemon juice, 80mL of white and brown sugar, ¼ teaspoon of salt, 1 tsp of cinnamon, lemon zest, 3 tablespoons of flour, ½ tsp of powder, and finally between 6-8 apples – very important ingredient there-. When that’s all done, you leave it in the oven, and that’s it! Did you get that?” Jazz stared at Applejack with a blank and confused look, but managed to give her a fake smile in response. “Yeah, I think I got it… kinda.?” Applejack looked at Jazz’s progress, but only saw that he literally had nothing mixed or done in front of him. “Yeah, we’re probably gonna needa go over all that again.” Jazz’s belly roared even louder and Applejack laughed at the unicorn’s hunger. She grabbed another apple pie that was stored at the front counter and gave a slice to Jazz. “Here, bud. Have a slice.” Jazz snatched a fork and inspected the slice of pie. His taste buds were tingling and his mouth was watering. He took a piece of the pie and placed it into his mouth. He steadily munched on the slice of pie; Applejack sorely waited for Jazz’s approval of her pie. He chewed and chewed, then swallowed it. With a deep breath, he cleared his throat. “That has to be.. one of the.. BEST pies I have ever tasted!” Applejack sighed in relief. “Ya’ll really think so? That’s mighty pleasant to hear.” “The food at concerts is never good. If apple pies as good as these were being sold at concerts, I’d always be happy to show up!” Jazz suggested. “Gosh, that’s awful nice of you. Feel free to come visit if ya’ll want more pies!” Applejack insisted. “I will definitely consider it. Now, I have one more pony to visit and it’s almost getting dark. Thanks for the pie, though AJ!” Jazz complimented. As Jazz roved around Ponyville, he wondered who the last pony he needed to meet was. “Hmm, I’ve met with Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash. Who is the last pony?” Jazz then felt a slight tap from behind. He proceeded to look back and saw Fluttershy. “Uhmm, Jazz. I was just wondering if you were going to meet with me since it’s almost getting dark outside.” “Oh that’s right! You’re the last pony I need to see. Let’s go on our way then.” Jazz acknowledged. Fluttershy and Jazz headed to the meadows near Fluttershy’s house, an area where many animals sleep and hibernate. Jazz gave a disoriented look to Fluttershy. “Why are we here?” he asked. “Well, if there’s one thing you need to know about me. Uhm, it’s that I love to take care of the animals that are inhabited in Ponyville. Lemme call all the critters to meet you.” And so, one by one, critters emerged from underground, in trees, everywhere! All the animals huddled around Fluttershy and fixed their attention at Jazz. “Don’t worry. These animals are harmless unless you happen to annoy them whatsoever.” Fluttershy reiterated to Jazz. “Wow, I’ve never see so many animals at once. And you are friends with ALL of them?!” Jazz pondered. “Yupp. I also lead a bird choir too. They’ve performed in numerous events like Shining Armor and Cadence’s wedding, for instance.” “Impressive stuff, Fluttershy. I guess that’s all I need to know about you. I should be heading back. It’s getting dark.”