An Affliction of the Heart: Volume Two

by Anonymous Pegasus


Kuno stirred slowly, her eyes fluttering open and a low groan leaving her muzzle.

“Water,” the changeling croaked, her voice raspy.

A moment later, a water canteen was pressed against her lips, and she drew the end of it between her two large front teeth, suckling several large gulps of water. After several seconds, she drew back and panted hard for breath, blinking slowly up at Warden.

“How long have I been out for?” Kuno asked, trying her best to it up. The world tilted crazily, and she gave a low groan, immediately laying back down, closing her eyes.

“A day,” Warden said, as he stoppered the canteen and set it aside, frowning down at the changeling. A gentle hoof touched at her cheek, and then lifted one of her eyelids, peering down into the depths of her eye. Warden pursed his lips. “This would be so much easier if you had pupils.”

Kuno snorted once, pushing his hoof away and and then throwing a hoof over her face. “I feel terrible.”

“You turned into a dragon,” Warden pointed out, sitting down besides her, and then laying himself out gently along her side, rubbing a hoof down her form soothingly.

Kuno nodded, keeping her eyes closed and a hoof over her face. “Indeed I did.”

“I didn’t even know you could do that!” Warden gushed, wrapping his hooves around her. “That’s awesome.”

“Awesome and entirely death-defying,” Kuno murmured, squirming slightly in against the pegasus and nosing under his wing, pulling it over her face to block out the light.

“So it’s not a normal thing to do?” Warden asked, gently stroking a hoof down her form over her wings.

Kuno shook her head weakly. “I’ve only ever heard of one other changeling doing it. And that was my former Queen. An entire army of the Royal Guard where I’m from cornered my former queen... she turned into a dragon and decimated their ranks.”

Warden nodded gently, stroking a hoof down Kuno’s side slowly. “And what happened?”

“She died when she changed back,” Kuno stated simply.

Warden’s ears pinned back. “She... died?”

“The transformation takes energy, both ways. She was a very strong queen... maybe even as strong as Chrysalis. But the amount of energy needs to transfer that amount of mass... It gets harder and harder the larger you go. An alicorn is a small step up, a minotaur starts to get really strenuous and anything larger than that requires immense energy...” Kuno trailed off, nosing gently against Warden’s wing and giving a faint sigh. “At least she didn’t suffer... she just... died.”

“So... you’re not originally part of Chrysalis’ hive?” Warden queried.

Kuno shook her head against his wing. “No, my hive was from across the sea... I don’t really like to talk about it...”

Warden nodded gently at that, stroking his hoof soothingly down her form. “What... happened at the hive?”

“Which part specifically?” Kuno asked wearily.

“Well... all of it, really,” Warden said, rubbing his temple. “It’s all just a giant blur to me.”

“What do you remember?”

“I remember... waking up this morning. And heading towards the Badlands... But after that I can’t... remember...” Warden scrunched up his face, trying to concentrate, to focus.

Kuno nodded gently. “Changeling magic. It muddles your mind. It’s how we integrate with our target’s life at first.”

Warden nodded, frowning. “If I wasn’t trying to remember, then I wouldn’t even really notice...”

Carefully, Kuno peered around the edge of Warden’s wing, blinking up at the light slowly. “Well, first thing, we were met by a Stonewolf and a changeling.”

“Did it try to eat me?” Warden asked, concerned.

Kuno shook her head. “It was on a strict diet. No junk food.”

Warden rolled his eyes.

“Anyway, the stonewolf was Chrysalis-”

“-woah woah woah. the Stonewolf was Chrysalis?” Warden cut across her.

Kuno nodded once.

Warden blinked slowly. “But... why?”


Warden raised a brow slowly. “But... why not just get a changeling there?”

“So she could size us up before we got to the tower, I guess,” Kuno said helplessly. “I barely know her. It might be tradition.”

Warden nodded reasonably. “And after that?”

“Well, we went into the tower. And I spoke with Chrysalis.”

Warden frowned deeply, rubbing a hoof against his temple. “I remember... something like honeycomb.”

“The windows,” Kuno said with a slight smile. “They’re constructed from hexagonal pieces of glass. Makes them look a bit like honeycomb, yes.”

“And... a bed with a plushie on it,” Warden added, rubbing his temple.

Kuno pricked her ears upwards at that. “That’s... problematic.”

“Problematic?” Warden asked, raising a brow.

Kuno nodded. “She’s pining after Shining Armor.”

“Whatever gives you that idea?”

Pausing for a moment, Kuno tilted her head up to peer at Warden, a single ear perked. “Warden. She was going to marry him.”

“But that was for...” Warden trailed off, rubbing a hoof against his chin.

“Yeah. For nothing. You didn’t really think that her marrying him was an integral part of some evil plot to take over Canterlot? She could have done that any time she pleased. The marriage didn’t have anything to do with the whole thing. It was just convenient for her to do it all at once.”

“So Chrysalis is... in love with Shining Armor?” Warden asked faintly.

Kuno gave a thoughtful sound at that. “Perhaps. I don’t even know if she can feel love...”

Warden gave a nod at that, pausing and then hugging the changeling tightly. “I’m glad you’re not like the rest of your species.”

“All the cute and none of the personality, huh?” Kuno asked smugly.

Warden smiled, kissing her forehead. “Something like that. So... how’d I get hit with changeling magic? Was it Chrysalis?”

Kuno shook her head. “Chrysalis told us to get out. And as we were leaving, I was jumped from behind. You got dragged off by another changeling, I’m guessing that he used a spell on you to force you to project me onto him?”

Warden blinked slowly. “...Him?”

Kuno nodded simply. “Was definitely male, I saw that.”

Warden’s face drained of colour. “Nothing... happened, right?”

“Oh suuure,” Kuno crooned soothingly. “I got to you in time. I won’t tell you what Chrysalis put you through, though.”

Warden’s ears perked up.

“Suffice to say that it involved a double-ended toy with a vibrating function.” Kuno nodded once, her expression serious.

Warden stared at her. “You can’t be serious.”

“I’m not,” Kuno giggled, booping his nose with her hoof and grinning innocently.

“So, you got dragged off... what were they hoping to achieve?” Warden queried, nosing in against her cheek slowly.

“I guess Chrysalis hasn’t been feeding them. It’s been nearly two years... They’re still out there in the Badlands. I haven’t heard whispers of her coming looking for anypony else, either. Could be signs of a civil war starting.”

Warden blinked slowly. “A changeling civil war? That sounds... complicated.”

Kuno nodded once. “Indeed.”

“And you turned into a dragon.” Warden pointed out.

Kuno gave a wry smile. “I did.”

“What’s it feel like?”

“Empowering!” Kuno gushed, wiggling slightly in place. “I was so freaking huge and everything was so small! I could have toppled that giant tower with a swipe of my tail!”

“You weren’t scared of dying?” Warden asked, his tone mildly concerned.

“I was in the grips of change-euphoria. The more energy we expend in the change, the more... well, alive we feel. Plus, I have something that my former queen never had.”

Warden raised a brow.

Kuno pushed closer, rubbing her nose against his own with a smile. “I have you.”

Warden smiled at that, shaking his head and nuzzling his cheek against her own. “So... did Chrysalis say if we could have kids?”

“She confirmed what I already suspected. I’d have to stay a pony for the entire length of time.”

“You already suspected?” Warden asked, frowning deeply.

“I wasn’t willing to risk the foal on unfounded speculation,” Kuno said, mirroring his frown. “I’m childish and goofy, but I’m not reckless.”

“Changing into a dragon notwithstanding.”

Kuno grinned at that, shaking her head. “That was a calculated risk. And I have a never-ending supply of love to recover with.”

Warden huffed at that, wrapping his hooves around the changeling and pulling her tight against his chest. “You just love me because I feed you.”

Kuno giggled, kissing and then nipping gently at his chin. “Plus you’re kinda handsome.”

“Pssh. Sweet talking me trying to get more food,” Warden accused, nudging her playfully.

Kuno just smiled, pulling him into a kiss.

“So...” Warden started, peering down at her. “We gonna go through with it?”

“The foal?”


“Definitely!” Kuno said with an earnest nod. “Especially now that I got confirmation from Chrysalis herself.”

Warden pondered on that for a long moment. “But, I foresee a problem.”

Kuno pricked an ear upwards.

“If you’re gonna be a pony for nine months, then there’ll be no more freaky changeling sex!” Warden protested, nudging her with his nose firmly.

Kuno giggled and shook her head. “I’m sure you’ll survive. It’s not like we can’t enjoy our physical attributes if we’re both ponies.”

Warden gave a nod and then a sly grin. “But, I was kinda thinking... these holes in your hooves...” Warden gave Kuno a significant glance.

Kuno rolled her eyes, giggling and swatting him with a hoof. “Pervert.”

After several more hours of recovery, Kuno decided that she was capable of basic locomotion, and she and Warden began the long walk back to Dodge City.

“So, what’s our plan?” Kuno asked. She had adopted the form of the earth pony again.

Warden raised a brow at her. “I figure we walk until we get to Dodge City, we catch the train, and enjoy eachothers company on the train itself. A sleeping car... a bottle of wine... those holes in your hooves...”

Kuno snorted, sidestepping and nudging him powerfully with her nose in rebuke. “I meant in a more grand scale!”

“Well, we can die and become flowers and the grass. The circle of life continues,” Warden said with a sage nod.

Kuno snorted and nudged him again. “Quit being difficult or I’ll grant those ideas you keep alluding to.”

Warden paled slightly, and then smiled faintly. “Okay, okay! Geeze. I figure... I’ll start up the farm first. Once I get some money together, we’ll have a nice wedding, and then you can go into pony mode for a loooong time and we have that foal you want.”

Kuno pondered on that. “Why not pony form before the wedding? It’d save time.”

“And mess up the wedding,” Warden pointed out.

“How so?” Kuno asked, bewildered.

Warden slowed his steps, frowning at the changeling. “I... well...”

Kuno raised a brow at him, likewise slowing. “Spit it out. Don’t want me looking fat in the photo’s or something?”

Warden shook his head, sidestepping towards the changeling and then wrapping a hoof around her shoulders. “I just... I feel like it’s important... I feel like I’d regret it if you were a pony at our wedding.”

Kuno blinked at that, confused. “What else am I supposed to go as, a rabbit?”

“As yourself,” Warden said flatly, peering at her for a long moment. “I want to lift your wedding veil for our first kiss as husband and wife, and I want to kiss you. I don’t want to be kissing a mask, some charade you’re putting on. I want it to be you.”

Kuno gave a slow smile at that, shaking her head and throwing her hooves around him in response, kissing him warmly. “You are so backwards, Warden. It’s still me, no matter what form I take... but I understand what you mean, and I’m happy that you care enough about it.”

Warden flushed faintly, his cheeks warming as he said quietly, “You think it’s stupid...”

Kuno shook her head, nuzzling her cheek against his own. “No, I really don’t. It’s actually rather... touching that somepony cares enough about me to want me as I am, changeling and all.”

“And why not?” Warden asked challengingly, nudging her with his nose and then kissing her warmly. “After all, you have the cute goofy teeth, lovely pupil-less eyes, bug wings, and in-built armor. Not to mention freaky hoof-holes... mhmm mhmm mhmm!” Warden affected a lecherous smile, his tail flicking back and forth behind him.

Kuno laughed, shaking her and hugging around his neck tightly. “I love you so much, you goof,” she whispered, kissing his nose.