//------------------------------// // -3- The Not-So-Grand Entrance // Story: Welcome To Equestria! // by BluPony //------------------------------// Welcome to Equestria The Pre-Arc... ~~~~Chapter Three~~~~ ~~~~The Not-So-Grand Entrance~~~~ Not exciting enough still?! Okay, okay, settle your kettles. After a little more detail before we finally get to Equestria, We’ll make Pinkie Promises that you’ll at least see one fight scene. Cross our hearts, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eye- OW! Okay, that worked better when we were ponies. Anyway, here we go again. ~Blu and Hotshot ~~~~Viewpoint: Hotshot~~~~ The goodbye’s were short and sweet from that point on. We both promised to visit when we could. Our parents still weren’t used to our pony forms yet, but Blu’s sister certainly helped lighten the mood. We helped to decide where to attune our teleportation spot in the house with a little of Celestia’s assistance. Or a lot of it. Either way, we were grateful we wouldn’t just be teleported at a random place like on top of the TV or on something breakable. Soon enough, the time came that we needed to go and after a final wave, we left our families behind while we had to concentrate on the princess’ instruction. In position, we were instructed to put our horns together and produce a mental spark, whatever that means. Then, with a bit of magical help from the amulets we had on, what looked to be a small black hole formed between us and expanded to engulf both us and the princess. I couldn't remember anything else beyond that. ~~~~World Warp: Equestria~~~~ Me and Blu took a moment to catch our breath as Celestia surveyed our surroundings. Soon enough, we noticed it too. “Uh, Princess, why are we in the Everfree?” Blu asked. “It seems your teleportation spell landed us here.” Celestia said with a smile. “Looks like you’ll be stuck teleporting here for now until you have enough power to change it.” “Isn’t this place dangerous?” I asked. “Only if you can’t handle yourself.” She told us. “You two have enough wit to know how to handle yourselves, don’t you?” “Well, we’re screwed.” Blu said with a laugh. “We’ll be fine.” I said with a chuckle. “But it’s nice to know we got to keep our Cutiemarks.” “I agree. However, will we be able to do what our Cutiemarks intended?” Blu turned to Celestia with yet another question. “Well you two are full of questions, but yes, I believe you can.” She answered with a slight nod. “Will you be contacting us once something comes up?” I asked curiously. “The amulets will shine when I or my sister need you.” She simply answered. “I must leave you now as I have some business in Canterlot your first destination shall be Ponyville.” We nodded in acknowledgement as she prepared her teleportion spell. Blu waved goodbye with a hoof while I had figured out to wave with a wing. “Alright then, so what now?” Blu asked. “I guess we should head to Ponyville.” I said. “Okay, so which way is it?” He commented. “ I don’t know to be honest.” I chuckled. “Great. That’s just.. How are we going to get out of here then? We’re lost in the Everfree and we can’t do too much about it.” Blu complained, though I couldn't blame him. “I’ll think of something” I commented even though everything but ideas were going through my head. “But for now lets just walk that way until something happens” As I pointed a random place ~~~~Viewpoint: Blu~~~~ So, here we are in Equestria. But there’s a problem... We’re lost in the Everfree forest and it’s only been a few minutes. DERP! Anyway's so no we’re continuing to walk in a random direction that Hotshot picked out and it’s getting us nowhere. “Where are we going Hotshot?” I asked “CRAZY! Oh wait, we’re already there.” He joked “But in all seriousness, I don’t know.” “Great! We’re still lo.....” I was interrupted by a large howl as we turned around. “Buck!!” Hotshot yelled. “It’s a Timberwolf! You think we could take it on?” “Honestly, no. But I’m willing to try anything. You have some fire magic in you, right?” I asked. “Yes actually. A lot of fire magic, that was what my Cutiemark was supposed to mean.”I replied. “Yeah...” I started. “But more importantly, do you know how to use it yet?” “Not yet, but it’s worth a try.” Hotshot answered. “It’s time to see what I can do and I suggest you do the same.” I nodded as I attempted to summon some form of magic. Having a quill and a blank scroll on my flank didn't quite attune me to any form of magic, opposed to Hotshot’s fireball. ‘Why did I not develop my cutie mark story before I decided to put it on my darn flank..’ I thought to myself briefly. With a grunt, I looked to my friend who had miraculously summoned a wall of fire to shield us from the Timberwolves. “I don’t know how long I can hold this up!” He said quite loudly. “Do something!” “You derp!” I responded over the crackles of the flames and the growls of the Timberwolves. “You’ll start the darn forest on fire if we don’t contain it!” “Would you like to be eaten before we meet the Elements of Harmony or would you like to do something about this stuff then?!” He yelled back. With a grunt, I concentrated on the air around me. Using my new magical sense, I directed the wind around the flames to be redirected to the Timberwolf. Instead of what I had hoped, the wooden beast leapt back a few feet, but that had given me one last opportunity. “I did something!” I shouted over to my friend. “However, I need you to lift the flames off the ground so I can direct it as one big fireball and engulf the Timberwolf.” “About time you figured something out!” Hotshot responded with a smile. “Give me a moment then!” With a small burst of magic, the flames were lifted off the ground and floated a little above their previous spots. My turn had come. I forced the wind to compress the line of flame into one large fireball. My green friend had also remembered he could fly and went up into the air to push a large gust of wind toward the newly developed fireball, which I enhanced as the flame soared in the direction of the now leaping Timberwolf. With a little more air manipulation, I managed to have the flame circle the beast and not have the flame just zoom past and probably light the forest on fire. “Wow. That was quite difficult.” Hotshot said with a lack of breath in his voice. “Indeed it was.” I responded also tiredly. “I just hope nothing else shows up and we don’t overwork ourselves.” “Yeah, I’d hate to get another one of those headaches so soon.” He said with a shudder at the thought. “Should we keep moving?” I asked. “Yes, unless you want to be eaten by another Timberwolf” He joked “I could easily fly out but then I’d leave you here which at what we just encountered. I wouldn’t want to leave my buddy to get eaten.” “Well, you could go above the trees and look for an exit.” I suggested just as he face-hoofed himself. “I am such a derp.” He complained as he flew up. After a few moments of flapping, he yelled down. “I see an exit!” He pointed, even though I couldn’t see where he was pointing. “What are you waiting for? Lets go.” He said as he landed beside me. “Gladly.” I said as we headed what I figured north to Ponyville. “I just hope we don’t meet any more unpleasant beasts.” “Don’t say that! You’ll jinx it and something will jump out at us.” He said just as a Manticore decided to show up. “Told you.” “RUN!!” I yelled as we started running at full gallop through the woods but the Manticore stopped us in our tracks as the monster struck my side with his scorpion-like tail. “BLU!!” I heard Hotshot scream. With a ‘Woosh’, I was sent flying and hit a tree that knocked me unconscious. ~~~~Viewpoint: Hotshot~~~~ I felt a rage I have never felt before as I rushed to my friend’s side. Seeing he was unconscious and had a deep gash in his side, I faced the Manticore. “That's it! You’re going down!” My horn flared with magic. Just then, an interesting Cutiemark blocked my view of the creature. Withdrawing my magic, I stepped back. “Leave, you beast! Or you’ll become part of dragons next feast!” The mysterious pony said as the Manticore fled. As she turned around, her stripes revealed her to be a familiar zebra. “Would you happen to be Zecora?” I asked as she looked at me. “Yes indeed, but how did you get into the mysterious Everfree?” She asked in rhyme. “Long story.” I responded. “ How did you find us here?” “I heard the two of you yelp, so I came to help.” Zecora said. That reminded me about Blu who was still lying on the ground. “Can you help my friend?” I asked. “Yes. You need to get him to my hut.” She instructed. “But first, you must cover the large cut.” “But there’s nothing to cover it with.” I said “It is quite tragic that you forget about your magic.” The zebra said with a disappointed look. “Oh, right.” I said as I tried to conjure a healing spell that only covered the wound. “Sorry, low on magic from the Timberwolf we fought before.” I lied as I didn't know any spells to heal my friend. “Now we must go, and ensure you are not slow.” The enchantress told as she started walking in the direction of her home. I concentrated on levitating the blue mass onto my back and expanded my wing length so I could go fast enough to keep up. As we got to the hut, I went inside and set Blu down gently with my magic which was difficult as the walk depleted my energy quite quickly. Zecora inspected him as I stepped back for a moment to regain some stamina. “Will he be okay?” I asked her worriedly. “He looks alright to me besides scratches from that tree.” She answered with a smile. “But, let it be known. Assuming you live in Ponyville, it would be wise to go home. Some rest will be needed, that I can provide. First off, before that, tell me why I saved your hide?” “Okay, I can tell a bit, but some details are private so I cannot tell them all.” I started, hoping she would buy my tale. With a nod from her, I told her a few details of how we got there, ponified of course so she would not suspect anything, but we both knew there were some missing chunks of the story. “Interesting indeed. Your story, I will believe.” The tribal zebra said. “Just one small thing, but no need to fret. I just wish to know about your’s and Blu’s amulet.” “Ah, that!” I said unexpectedly loud. Thinking quick, I made something up. “We kinda use them as magical reserves. We were born with some too small to last us enough to travel long distances and prepare spells that are a bit too complex normally. However, with these golden beauties, we kinda have, or in our case, had, a bit of an advantage over the Everfree.” “What happen?” Zecora inquired. “Did your reserves run low? Or did that Timberwolf give you quite a show?” “A bit of both actually.” I responded, grateful that she seemed to believe me. With a nod, she looked over at Blu once again. “I will make you two something to eat. After that battle, you must be quite beat.” “Indeed “ I said as she went to make us something. “However, whatever you do, don’t tamper with my precious brew.” as she pointed to a pot of bubbling green who-knows-what’s-in-there brew. “Got it.” I said as she left the room. ~~~~Viewpoint: Blu~~~~ I regained consciousness after a while. “Don’t get up to fast now.” Hotshot warned quickly. “Why does it hurt so much?” I asked him in a bit of a daze. “You were hit by the tail of a Manticore!” He said. “I managed to cover it up but It’s going to hurt for a while.” ‘A Manticore? When did- oh, right..’ I thought, then added to it out loud. “Yeah, I would guess.” I said with a little sarcasm as I laid back down for a moment. “Zecora made us dinner so when you’re ready, foods there.” He said as he pointed to the table a couple meters from me. “Hmm? Oh. Thanks Zecora.” I thanked with a small smile as I slowly got up to my feet. “You are quite welcome, though I see you are troubled. You should come out with it now, or your fun will not be doubled.” She asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice. “I’m fine. It’s nothing to worry about at the time.” I answered though neither of them believed me. “You sure?” My Alicorn friend pushed. “I assure you, it’s nothing.” I insisted. “Okay if anything is bothering you you can talk.” He offered. “Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind.” I responded with a nod. “Shall we eat and put this on hold?” Zecora interrupted. “If we continue talking, your food might get cold.” “Yes, let’s eat.” Hotshot said as we looked to our plates and dived into our first plate of Equestrian food which consisted (for Zecora anyway’s,) a few apples that were probably from Sweet Apple Acres, some wild plants, and Manticore beef!? “ I thought the Manticore was for the dragons?” I joked. “Though they can be quite vicious, they taste quite delicious.” She commented. Hotshot let out a giggle. “ Didn't expect that answer, did you Geronimo?” We both burst out laughing. Even Zecora joined in for a moment due to the fact of our laughter alone. We both guessed she had no idea what we were talking about but she didn't ask. The meal was good. Surprisingly, the Manticore meat was nice too. I expected pony taste-buds to hate meat. But, hay, I'm glad we didn't have to go meatless. Only problem is, Zecora was most likely the only mare to have meat, that meant if we wanted some prepared once again, we’d have to come visit her and probably take down another Manticore for her, which, obviously, we were not ready for yet. I sighed and got into bed that Zecora had provided, drifting off to a single thought. ‘One day, Manticore, I’ll skin your hide and eat your for lunch once more...’