Lunar Love

by Midnight Blackhorn

Slumber Party

Avril had been in Equestria for some time now, but she was still surprised at just how much the technology there resembled that of human tech. Of course it made sense though, ponies here are just as smart, if not smarter, than humans are, so it stands to reason that with similar intelligence comes similar technology and culture. If Avril had never seen a pony from Equestria, but had talked to one, she would've thought they were human. None of that mattered now, she had already fallen in love with a princess, had a terrible fight with said princess, and moved into a cloud house with the coolest rainbow maned pegasus ever. She still loved Luna, of course, but Dash had become her best friend. She had no romantic feelings for Dash, but she could see how someone else could easily fall for the cyan pegasus. Avril loved hanging out with her, either at home, or just...
That's what this had become. Not just Dash's house, but Equestria. This was home. When's the last time I even thought about my family? Avril thought to herself. It had been a long time. She got so caught up in raising hell with Dash and Pinkie that she had literally forgotten about them. Avril was brought out of her thoughts when Dash walked into her bedroom.

"Hey! Me and Pinkie are going out for some fun. Wanna join us?" Dash asked with a grin
"Hell yeah! What are we doing today?" Avril asked
"Probably some pranking, eating, and anything else we think of. I got my paycheck today from cloudbusting, and Pinks got paid big for her last foalsitting job, so we've got bits to burn"
"Sounds great! Let's go!"
Twilight had enabled Avril to walk on clouds, but she still couldn't fly, so Dash had set up a sort of cloud elevator for her to use. A bit strange, maybe, but effective. They headed out to downtown Ponyville where they met up with Pinkie.

"Hey girls! Are you to ready for some super duper awesome fun?"
"Totally! Today's gonna be a blast!" Dash exclaimed.
This hadn't been the first time the villagers had seen Avril, so she knew they wouldn't have a problem with her, so she was actually comfortable going into town nowadays. Matter of fact, she had found a friend in a local flower stand owner named Roseluck, who she talked to often.

After their fun filled day in town, the three headed off to Twilight's house. Spike was gone for a few days, so Twilight had invited all of her friends, including Avril, to a slumber party. It was the first slumber party Avril attended, well the first one where the rest of the girls didn't tease her the entire night anyways. Dash lead the way, and knocked on Twilight's door to signal their arrival. They were greeted by Twilight herself, who practically squeed at their arrival.
"Hey girls! Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy are already here, just make yourselves comfortable" she said, grinning.
The three walked inside and said hi to everybody, then took a seat on a couch Twilight only dragged out once in blue moon.
"Howdy Avril! How's life at RD's place?"
"Pretty great! You know, if you can get past the fact Dash likes taking my stuff" Avril said, shooting a look at Dash and grinning.
"I don't know what you're talking about" Rainbow said teasingly.
"So Fluttershy, how are the animals?" Avril asked
"Oh...umm they're fine" Fluttershy replied. She still hadn't completely warmed up to Avril yet.
Suddenly, Twilight got up and ran to the kitchen with nothing more than a "Oh Ponyfeathers!", which made Dash and Pinkie giggle. She came back with a bowl of what used to be popcorn.
"I think you overdid a bit, darling" Rarity said with a slight grin
"Eh, shit happens, right Twi?" Avril said in an attempt to cheer her up, as she seemed a bit frazzled over the ruined snack. It worked, and Twilight cracked a smile.
"You're right, I shouldn't get so worked up. I just wanted to make a snack for you guys, but I completely forgot while I was preparing for your arrival"
"Don't sweat it, Twi, we could always make more" Dash said, smiling
"That reminds me; who wants some cider?" Applejack asked.
"I wouldn't mind some" Fluttershy said happily
"Oooooh, yes! I love cider! It's so yummy and applelicious, and sweet and-"
"We get it Pinkie" Rainbow said, stuffing a forehoof into the pink mare's mouth. After a couple of seconds, she removed it "Sure AJ, I'm always up for cider" she said to Applejack
Applejack had brought over a large keg of it that Twilight stored in her kitchen. She and Twilight both retrieved mugs of cider for the rest of the girls.
"This is some of my familly's harder stuff, so might wanna take it slow" Applejack said, taking a sip of her own.
Unfortunatly, nobody really heeded her warning, and they all finished of the cider pretty quickly. About an hour or so, they all had quite the buzz going, including Avril, who had never actually gotten drunk before. Pretty soon they were all giggling uncontrollably at the slightest things, especially Rarity, who "swore to drunk she wasn't Celestia".
Avril woke up on Twilight's floor the next day with quite the hangover. She didn't remember much about the night before, but she noticed two things: 1. She was naked, with only a blanket on her. 2.She was cuddling up with Rainbow Dash.
"Fuck" was all she could manage to say