The Delta Dilemma

by Sunka

Retribution, the Fickle Mistress

Yards stretched out in his bed. It'd been a rough day. He'd apparently hurt Apple's feelings, but she'd calmed down before dinner had finished, though it was still kind of awkward. He'd read some of the notes. They looked promising, but he hadn't found the key to what he was looking for to complete his project.

There was a hesitant knock at his door.

“Come in.”

The door opened and Apple Rhubarb walked in. Quietly she closed the door behind herself.

“Yards,” she said looking down, “I just want to apologize for what happened.”

“No, it's my fault.”

She blushed softly. “It's nice of you to say that. But I shouldn't have projected my expectations on you like that.”

“Well, I...” Performance anxiety took hold of his stomach with a cold, steel fist. Why was he so afraid?

“It's well, it's...since my husband died I've been so alone.” She walked to the foot of the bed. “I...I,” her voice dropped down, she was as scared as he was. Somepony was going to have to overcome their fears. Unable to say anything, he just rolled to the foot of his bed. He felt his skin glow with his embarrassment. Her coat changed to match his shade of red.

“Yards, I...”


“Yards...” she closed her eyes and moved her head in.

“I...” He closed his eyes and leaned in. He felt his lips tingle with electricity.

“Gotcha.” The voice had a strange reverberation almost like it was spoken by a chorus rather than an individual. Suddenly he was hit with a wave of vertigo. He opened his eyes.

Teal, pupil-less eyes looked back at him. A twisted horn sat high between them. A fanged maw was twisted into a crooked grin and leering at him. A poof halo of glowing turquoise mane decorated her head. A heavy metal chain sat tight against her neck. A blue rune inscribed cameo sat over her jugular vein. Iridescent wings buzzed excitedly. Holy legs dangled above the floor.

Surprise turned to anger as Yards quickly concealed his lower half with a blanket.


She laughed then scowled. “That was for telling me I was getting fat.” Then she patted her stomach. “Mmmmm. Wow, Yards. I didn't know you cared so much.” Gently she set herself down, making as little noise as possible. “That was tasty.” She patted her stomach again before a concerned look crossed her face. Rearing up she patted her tummy a third time, looking down. “Huh. I may be putting on a few. Still, I'm in amazing shape, right?” She turned, showing off her physique. “Bread and water diet in a prison can do that.” She slapped her flank, her chitin clacking. “Hmm, though I might could use some more exercise.”

Yards had never seen a changeling this close up before. She was female. Well, at least her form was lither than the bugs he'd seen. There was also a lack of any spikes or horns other than the twisted mockery of a unicorn's on her head.

His anger was slowly cooling, leaving shame in it's place.


Her expression changed again. This time she was a mix of longing and promises. “See? I can give you anything she can...” She turned to leave, swaying her flank in his face, blatantly offering. A sparkling halo ringed her body. Instead of the white flank of Apple Rhubarb, a purple coated unicorn with a dark blue mane and tail was in her place. “And so much more.” She reverted to her old feeding form before walking out the door.

Road apple baskets, Yards though before rolling back into bed. Maybe giving her freedom from the charms wasn't the best of ideas. Maybe it was a mistake disobeying orders and letting her live. Maybe they had been right to order her death. Maybe there's something wrong with him. Maybe a strong, take charge woman would make up for his shyness. Maybe he should think about her offer.

No, no, there was one thing she couldn't give him that Apple could. Well, there was a lot. Sure, she could provide emotional and physical support and pleasure. But she'd never have the family or the financial stability Apple would. Rolling over he'd had enough for one day, time for some rest.