//------------------------------// // Flare's Plunge into Darkness // Story: Flare's Descent to Madness // by tasteless trash //------------------------------// Flare woke, his arms suspending him by the chains. He had been there for... a span of time. He had lost track, considering he couldn't tell when the day passed... his best guess was about two weeks. It had been how his old questionings (on earth) had been. There was a question asked, he resisted answering, and he was cut until he would say. He had cuts everywhere. There was an especially large gash, from when he resisted a bit too much. He felt like crying practically. He only stole 3 things, and now he was being tortured by ponies. He saw a pony come in. It was one of the Masks. He sighed, preparing to be interrogated. "Guess what?" The Mask spoke, and stared at a knife on the cart of tools. If it's that I'm allowed to leave, go ahead. "No more questions!" The mare laughed. Flare perked up. Does that mean I get to leave? I guess I'll have to list- "It's time to start the checkup!" What?! What's that!? It's not... oh no... they're not going to let me go... "So, there are 3 things we do. First we examine your health. Then we examine your mental health. Lastly, we examine your organs." Flare's mouth fell open. He shook his head. "No... NO!" He strained at his restraints. The mask on the mare seemed to be laughing. He shook around. He fell limp. He started to tear up. The pony left, going to get his tools most likely. Right now, all he knew was he was in Equestria, where there were ponies and variants of ponies, and some other species rarely. He shook at his restraints. Suddenly, he heard a squeak. There was a black rat, and it was gnawing at the leg restraints. The legs were rope, which seems to mean... The rat could gnaw through! He watched the rope snap, and the leg was now mobile. He saw the rat go on to the other one. The rope snapped, and he could now move both legs. He touched the ground and for the first time in 2 weeks, things got better. He kicked up the knife on the cart. It flew towards him, and he managed to catch it with his mouth. It fell, however, and he had to kick another one up. He caught it and secured it in his mouth this time. He lifted with his arms, and picked one lock with it. It worked, and came undone. He saw the bruise on his arm. He grabbed the knife, and picked the lock on the other much faster than the first. He fell, and still holding the knife, went behind the door. A minute later, the pony came in and saw he was gone. It was too late, though. Flare grabbed a sleep drug, and injected it in the pony. The pony turned around, but instantly stumbled. The mare fell to the ground, asleep. Flare slunk through the door. The lights were bright compared to the dim torch in his room. He went back in the room, and grabbed his pile of stuff. He managed to get everything, and get his armor on. He grasped his sword, and bolted towards a window. He slid it open. There was a fountain below, and he jumped down. He grabbed on a wooden pole, however, when he saw that there was no depth to the fountain. He slid down the rocks, in the shadow of night, which he was glad about. He grabbed a laundry line, and managed to touch the ground. He let go, and slunk next to the fountain. Flare then dashed through the gate. He suddenly heard the alarms ring. They had obviously found him gone with a pony there instead. He slunk along the walls. There was still a town to get through. He slunk across the wall, then jumped on a house's roof from a small overhang. He jumped from house to house, and then managed to get to the other side. He slid down a pole, and jumped down next to the final gate. He ran through, and got to a cliff. He went down to a railroad track. He looked down the path. He started to walk, and then, he jumped down a small portion, and slid across the rock. He'd walk to where there was a small fall again, then jump again. He continued this, furthering his plunge into darkness. He was now a rouge in 'Equestria' too. He sighed heavily. What else am I good for?