Flare's Descent to Madness

by tasteless trash

Flare's Chance to Sanity

Flare gazed down at the forest, and the village beyond. He looked down across the area, and saw a small light. He stared for a second, and it dimmed. He examined it to be a medium shade of green. He started towards it. Then he went into a dash. He, however, kept his hand on his sword. He was most likely going to see a pony, who may be a bit weird about it. He hit the edge of the forest, and hesitated. Would it be smart? He shook off the thought. He ran in, wondering if it would be the last thing he did.
Flare came to a clearing. There were leaves falling through the dark. Suddenly, a bright green light blinded him. Oh no I can't see anything. His eyes accustomed to he raw light, and it eventually died down as well. He saw a pot in the distance. There was a... zebra next to it. The zebra looked at him, and spoke. "You are the one, you must not be having fun." Flare was startled and happy at the same time. He wasn't being treated like some sort of... beast. "If you want to leave, then first the elements you will need."
Flare inquired about the so called 'elements, being quite unknowing on the subject...' "What are these... elements?" It seemed this conversation went on until early sunrise. He got multiple things out of this, all in rhyme. He needed to find and steal (his specialty) The Elements of Harmony, being held by 6 ponies.
He would find it easiest in this order: First, Fluttershy, a shy pegasai. Then, he was to steal from Rarity, a noble living style unicorn. Then, it went to Pinkie Pie, a party pony of sorts. Then, it got harder. He was to steal from Rainbow Dash, a rash and fast pegasai. Then he needed to steal from a pony named Applejack. Then, lastly, it would be Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's student, a masterful unicorn who's special skill is magic.
Flare set off towards the village of Ponyville, after saying his goodbye to the odd Zecora. It had been short, because he only had a week until he was required on Earth again. He had a large meeting with the guild of thieves. Anyway, back to the road, Flare came to the edge overlooking the town again.
He examined the area, hopeful to find the small house that Fluttershy lived in. He supposed it wasn't really to be much of a hassle, stealing from someone so shy. Flare spotted the house, somewhat far away, and started to sneak in the direction. He saw a pony and sunk into a ally-way. There must be some easier way to sneak around... Maybe I need to stay to the ally-ways a bit more... Flare went from ally-way to ally-way.
He finally arrived at the small cottage. He ran towards the edge of the chicken coop. He climbed on top. He jumped on the main building, and looked for a window. He saw only one open window, and jumped down on a wood pole above the window. He slid in the window.
There were some stairs leading to the second floor, where the element was. He had to hope the pony was not there. He tiptoed up the stairs, and then he looked around a corner. There was a pony, who was holding some sort of... necklace. The necklace! That was the element of kindness. Flare prepared his blade. He dashed in, and the pony seemed incredibly surprised, then pulled herself together. He walked towards her, and pulled his blade slightly off it's scabbard.
"I'm going to need to demand that element."
"No. Princess Celestia says you are evil!"
Flare pulled his blade out, and grabbed his knife and drew it as well. The pony slightly shook. Suddenly, she looked at his eyes. And then, she stared. But not a normal stare.

The Stare.