How I became an Equestrian

by Raybony

Trials of The Night

I acted quickly as soon as I heard them. I drop the Element of Kindness on top of Fluttershy, which somehow landed on her neck and secure itself around it. I used my telekinesis then to pull Shy out of the room and close the door.

Just in time as the Timberwolves slammed into the door, breaking part of the wood and exposing their wooden claws.

"Downstairs, now" I yelled, holding the door in place to buy us some time to run. The girls quickly left me and headed for the stairs. I waited until they got to them before letting go of the door and follow them.

Immediately the door burst open to reveal two Timberwolves standing in the room, but something was off about them. The eyes which should be bright and the colour of fireflies was not there, instead a deep black filled their eyes, emanating a thin dark mist from the corners.

I didn’t stay to wonder about it though; I sprinted down the hallway to the stairs. But when I was half way down them I heard the girls scream in terror.

I could see from where I was that another three Timberwolves were in the living room, blocking our only way to get out. “What do we do? We’re surrounded.” Twilight said, trembling in fear a bit from the situation we were in.

“Don’t worry, I got my Party Cannon with me.” Pinkie said bringing out of one of Fluttershy’s cupboard. Seriously, where does she keep this stuff, or better still, how did she fit that in a cupboard?

Pinkie turned the party cannon towards the Timberwolves, grinning evilly a bit; she pressed the button on the cannon and… nothing. “Oh not now, why does it jam at the worst of times?” Pinkie said pressing the button repeatedly hoping for it to work.

This was bad, we were corner in the stairs, the two Timberwolves were on the top of the stairs, stalking us as they came down the stairs.

‘Oh, what can we do?’ I was panicking now, we were running out of time and were about to become lunch.

The two Timberwolves saw how nervous I was and decided that they could take me now. Lckly I saw as they flexed to jump at me, at the last moment I jumped off the stairs and landed in front of the girls.

Half a second later, I heard hard wood hit something hard and… bits of wood falling to the floor? I turned around to see logs and twigs scatter around at the base of the stairs, some logs resembling parts of the Timberwolves.
I took me a second to process what I just saw. They are weak, they smashed against a wall a fell apart. I turn around to face the other three Timberwolves; they didn’t seemed affected by their comrades deaths, but I knew what to do now.

“Girls get behind me; I’m going to get us out of here.” I said, not turning to look at them, a small smirk in my face.

“What are you thinking? You can’t fight them, they are stronger than you.” Rarity said, worry for my well being.

“Don’t worry, I got this.” I ready my stance ready to take these bastards down, I don’t know why but this sounded like a good place to do it. “Alright, let’s do this.” I said starting to sprint towards the Timberwolves. “LEROOOOOYYYYYY” I crashed into all three of them, and as expected they broke apart really easily. “JEEENKIIIIINGS”

I turned around when I reached the door to face the girls. Twilight and Rarity looked shocked at what I had done; Fluttershy, Pinkie and Applejack looked a bit confused as to why I said that; and Rainbow was…annoyed?

“Hey, that’s my thing; I’m suing you for copyright.” Rainbow said, really not liking me doing ‘her thing’.

Copyright, is she serious? I rolled my eyes at her, playing along with her, if she was joking. I waved at them to follow me out the house. Fluttershy taking Angel out from the little rabbit’s prison.

When I got outside I was bombarded with questions and scolds for my actions.

“What were you thinking? You could have gotten killed.”
“You really should have though about it darling, what would have happened if you got hurt?”
“Why did ya charge at them like that? Wouldn’ it been easie’ to buck them in the face?”
“Who in Equestria is Leroy Jenkings anyway?”
“What is 2 + 2?”

We all turn to Pinkie with an eyebrow raised? “What? You were asking him questions, so I though I should join in.” She said with a smile plastered in her face.

“Pinkie, you’re so random.” Dash and I said at the same time. We looked at each other when we saw that we said it at the same time, so we only did the best thing, burst out laughing.

“You find this funny? My house just got attacked by Timberwolves and you just laugh about it?” Fluttershy said, her anger diverted between me and Rainbow, but she gave that same angry look from early.

“Shy I’m sorry okay? I never though-“

“Exactly, you never think, you said what is best for and go with it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to clean my house.” She turned away from us to head back to the cottage, the windows and the door totally destroyed.

“Fluttershy, we still need you to come with us, without you we can’t use the Elements of Harmony.” Twilight tried to reason with her.

“I told you, I don’t care, if he is involved then count me out.” She didn’t even bother to turn around to face us.

“Shy wait a-“

All of a sudden, a small rumbling started to happen, it wasn’t an earthquake, earthquakes never occurred in Ponyville as it was nowhere near a tectonic plate, from what Twilight has told me that is.

I then saw that the inside of Fluttershy’ house was glowing dimly, unless it was a dark shine that was glowing brightly.

Next thing I know, her house explodes, debris flying into the air and landing in the white snow covered ground. From the dust that was lifted I could make out the shape of a Timberwolf, only thing is that it looked about the size of a two storey, maybe three storey building.

“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me, they rebuild themselves but also make themselves bigger? That is so fucking unfair.” I yelled out, catching the attention of the giant Timberwolf.

“Hey, watch that mouth mister.” Pinkie said, a frown planted on her face.

I dodge a paw from the beast as it try to squash me. “We are being attack by a fucking giant Timberwolf, and you want to question my selection of vocabulary?” I yelled to her, ducking to avoid a swipe from the beast.

“Now’s not the time guys.” Twilight said, sending magic blasts to the beast taking away part of it’s body, only for a black aura to surround it and fix it back on.

Rainbow was flying around it’s head, trying to land a few kicks and bucks to face, that only made it more angry. Applejack was having no luck either, even her hardest kicks for apple bucking were doing nothing to it. “Darn it, shoul’ have brough’ my lasso.”

We were dogging blow after blow from this monster, getting harder to avoid them as we got more tire, with dash even getting swatted out of the sky into the snow.

“Twilight, isn’t there a way to stop it?” I yelled, the tail of the beast sending to a tree hard.

“According to my books, Timberwolfs depend on the everfree forest to survive, but we are too far away for it to get any.” Great, so we are essentially fucked.

“Is there any other way to stop it?” Fluttershy yelled, running away from the Timberwolf as it chased her.

“The only other way is to destroy it’s magic source. They use the canopy to make an armour for their bodies, so they can protect their magic source.”

“Skip the details and just tell us how to kill it.” Rainbow said as she was swung around in the Timberwolf’s tail.

“We need to blast it in the chest, where the hard is, but this Timberwolf is too big, its armour is too thick for me penetrate it.” She said before being sent flying by a swipe of the Timberwolf’s arm.

This is just great, we are too tire to do anything to this thing, we can’t keep going for much longer, everyone is too tired to keep evading it’s attacks, and we can’t run to town and let cause chaos in Ponyville.

‘If only we attack it from the inside we could-‘ then an idea hit me. This could be consider the worst idea ever, but it was the only one I got.

I run to the front of the Timberwolf and started yelling. “Hey ugly, down here.” It turn to look at me, forgetting about Applejack. “I bet you don’t have the gut to try and eat me. Come on, are you scare that I’ll give indigestion?”

“Luis, are you crazy?” Rainbow said, believing I had gone mad and was trying to kill myself.

“What kind of wolf are you if you don’t plan to eat your prey, come on eat me.” It looked at me a bit curious at to why I was saying such things. “EAT ME” it made it’s mind up, as it opened it’s mouth wide open to bring it down. “This…is going to stink.” I said before it brought it’s head down, burring it’s face in the ground.

“LUISSSS!” All the girls screamed in terror, after seeing their friend being eaten by the Timberwolf.

It took it’s head out of the dirt, with an audible *Gulp* it emptied it’s mouth before liking it’s lips, liking the taste of pony meat. It slowly turn it’s head towards the remaining 6 ponies, wanting to have another one.

The girls were in too much shock at the moment to see as the Timberworlf came closer to them.

“He-he’s gone.” The voice of Rarity sounded, her eyes were filled with tears, she couldn’t believe it, after all that has happen, she has lost a good friend to this beast.

“I never got to say goodbye.” Pinkie was standing there, her mane flat as it represented her mood. Her first human/pony friend and he was gone.

The others stay silent, tears in their eyes; they couldn’t believe what just happened. The human friend that they made not just five months ago was gone, they wanted to believe that all of this was dream, a horrible twisted dream.

“I-I-I never wanted this to happen.” Fluttershy said, her whole body trembling. The Timberwolf was nearly on top of them, a wide toothy grin in its face. “I didn’t want him death I just…just.” She stopped there, her head going down feeling sorry for the human.

She snapped her head up, the look of remorse gone, replace by hatred, the kind that kills. “I’m gonna make you pay you… Nightmare.” She said launching herself to the air to land a kick on it’s nose.

The Timberwolf whimpered a bit at the pain of getting it’s nose kick so hard. It turn around just in time to see a magic bolt being sent to it’s face.

“You are going to pay. Get him girls.” Twilight shouted as she sent more magic bolts to it’s face and legs, trying to cripple him.

“Rainbowwwwww Dasshhhhhh” Dash said charging with all her strength to the back of the Timberwolf, making a loud snap sound.

Applejack manage to find an old rope in Fluttershy’s garden pent, and used it to make herself a lasso. She send it flying making it land on the Timberwolf’s snout, Pulling back harder that she had ever done before she manage to lower it’s head to ground level.

“You messed with the wrong pony mister Meany mac mean pants.” Pinkie said, her hair still flat against her form. Her party cannon was now in front of the Timberwolf’s face, she pressed the button hard, making the cannon launch a barrage of fireworks that exploded on contact with the Timberfolf’s face, making it to catch fire a bit too.

“You’re gonna regret ever being born you lowlife beast.” Rarity said, bringing out a set of a hundred sewing needles, what was surprising was that went she launched them, they buried themselves into the timberwolf, before doing miniature explosions, making a whole leg to crumble down.

The Timberwolf was getting a beating, but he was not done yet, it gathered it’s magic and used it all in a loud roar. The girls were pushed back by the sheer force of the roar, before being pushed back a wave magic making them hit the trees harder than normal.

The Timberwolf manage to get it’s body parts back together, before heading for the nearest of the ponies, this one being the butter yellow one with pink hair. She tried to get up, but the Timberwolf put a paw on top of her to pin her down.

Fluttershy struggled to get free from the paw that kept her in the ground. The Timberwolf open it’s mouth to bring it down on the pony, when it felt a pain in it’s chest, then again, and again, and again. Each one being more painful than the last one.

The Timberwolf let go of Fluttershy as it grabbed it’s chest with one paw. Fluttershy saw how ithold it’s chest in pain, but it also saw how a small light started to form in it’s chest.

Soon the Timberwolf was whimpering in pain, it’s chest felt like it was on fire, it was even worst than when all the other ponies were attacking him at the same time. And then, he felt it, it’s heart, it’s magic heart was destroyed to pieces by some invisible form.

It howled in pain, as it’s whole body was enveloped in a bright light before exploding, bits of wood were sent flying to the air or to the trees nearby, shattering at the speed and force they were going at.

All the girls saw the even from the different places that they were sent flying to, they didn’t know what happened that made the Timberwolf explode like. Even less as to why the wood from the creature started to turn into a dark mist collecting itself in one point, before flying off quickly towards the everfree.

But they didn’t pay attention to that, as they saw the shape of a pony lay on the ground. “LUIS” They all exclaim, running to the unicorn, Fluttershy being the closest got there first, holding him close with tears in her eyes, not wanting to let go of him.

“Luis, are you alright? Say something” Twilight said, worry sick for the well being of her friend.

“ggh ath dtti”

“What?” Twilight asked, all of the girls leaned in to listen better to him.

“Got a neutralizer?” I mange to say with a smile before falling unconscious