Apples or Lightning

by MimitehDragon

Over Pie

Fluttershy yawned, rubbing her eye with a hoof. She had been woken early when Angel bunny pounded the floor with his feet. The butter-colored mare gave Angel some food and clopped drowsily into her bathroom, taking a long bath and combing her mane. Shy made her way to Sweet Apple Acres, longing for some of Apple Jack's pie.
Fluttershy trotted along the edge of Everfree forest, humming a soft tune as she went. A whoosh sound passed her quickly, pulling her pink mane forward and almost making her tumble. The mare expected Rainbow Dash, but when she looked, there was a different trail, cloudy with some small static charges.
Who was that? Fluttershy wondered, when Rainbow shot by with a colorful trace behind her. Are they racing?
"Ahah!" Came a stallion voice from a distant cloud.
"You had a head start, Soarin!" A familiar voice called after him.
"Oh, hey Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy called softly as she came closer. "Wanna go eat some pie with me? I have some extra bits and I was on my way to Apple Jack's."
"Really?" Rainbow's head appeared over the cloud they were on. "I could go for some pie. Can Soarin tag along?"
"Cool! Thanks, Fluttershy." Rainbow cooed.
"Yeah, thanks!" A pale blue face popped up next to the cyan Pegasus. "I love pie!"
Fluttershy squeaked at his sudden appearance.
Soarin laughed and fell off the cloud. "That was both funny," He gasped, writhing with laughter on the ground, "and cute!"
He didn't seem to notice Fluttershy hide nervously behind her mane, her cheeks twinged with squeaky pink.
The stallion draped a hoof over Shy's shoulder. "Fluttershy, was it?" He pondered casually, "You're pretty cool!"
Rainbow landed sloppily beside them, laughing. "Are you freakin' high?" She chuckled, punching his shoulder.
"Maybe!" He purposely slurred his words, and staggered about with Fluttershy as his support. "It's none of your freakin' business!"
Fluttershy trotted stiffly along, trying to ignore the foreleg over her shoulder. Her cheeks were bright pink, and she forced out a quiet laugh at Soarin's "acting."
Rainbow Dash came to her other side, now also acting drunk, and put her hoof over Soarin's. "Well, join the party!"
"Did somepony say 'party??'" A pink pony called from the back of a streamer cannon, blasting decorations into the air as she passed on the rolling cannon.
The trio stared after them, eyes wide.
"Well, that was completely expected!" Soarin said sarcastically, casting a side glance at Fluttershy and pulling his lips back in a smile.
Shy smiled sheepishly back, blue eyes glancing at Rainbow in a cry for help.
Rainbow Dash was stifling a laugh. "We're here!" She called, probably trying to change the subject- not that there was much of a subject in the first place.
Rows of apple trees were scattered ahead of them, with the barn and Apple Jack's house to the left of the three ponies.
"Is Apple Jack here?" Fluttershy said softly, trotting up to Big Macintosh as he carried a barrel of apple cider on his back.
"Eyup." He pointed with his nose to the barn. "She's a bit occupied right now. Is there somethin' you might need?"
"We were gonna have some pie." Soarin said, trotting up behind her. "This uh.. Apple Jack is known for her pies."
"Mah sister is a might busy; I could fix ya'll up somethin' if ya'll don't mind none." Mac offered with a small smile.
"Oh, that's fine with me, Big Mac." Fluttershy said, "You're not too busy, are you?" She fretted suddenly.
All the while Rainbow dash watched curiously.
"You're so cute, how you do that!" Soarin chuckled, ruffling her mane with a hoof. He didn't seem intent on flirting, but Fluttershy had to stop herself from flinching away from the contact.
Big Mac gave Soarin a suspicious stare, then said with only the slightest edge, "I'm not busy at all.." He turned and clopped into the apple family house to start on the pie, while Soarin smiled like a foal watching a kitten sneeze as Fluttershy fixed her mane.
"You're soo drunk." Rainbow Dash observed as Soarin sat down at a picnic table. She sat next to him while Shy sat across from them both.
"Yeah, yeah." He retorted with a chuckle.
"So Soarin.." Fluttershy started nervously.
He looked at her and tilted his head questioningly.
"Why are you down here when you have a team of Wonderbolts in Cloudsdale to work with?" She murmured.
"I'm just on vacation, and I decided to come down here and hang out with Dashie here."
"DASHIE?!??" Rainbow Dash spat.
Soarin laughed. "I just love poking fun at you... DASHIE." He sneered jokingly.
Dash tackled him from the table; "Don't you call me 'Dashie!'" she snarled as they tumbled about.
"Hey, Dashie, could you clear that cloud for me?" Fluttershy giggled.
Eventually, the Pegasuses separated, laughing and sputtering as Fluttershy watched from the table.
Big Macintosh clopped up to the table with three steaming pies, setting them on it with a satisfied look on his face.
"Oh, here's your nine..." Fluttershy murmured. She became flushed. "Oh, I only have eight bits! I'm so so sorry, I didn't know. I.. I don't know what I can do, I just--"
"It's alright, one lil' ol bit don't matter." Big Mac assured her.
"I'll pay you back, I swear, I'll just go sell some old jewelry or something.."
"Nah, Fluttershy, you ain't got to pay me back none." He replied with a smile.
"Oh... Ok.." Shy murmured, then looked up at him. "Thanks, Big Macintosh."
"No need to thank me." Mac rubbed a hoof over the back of his neck, smiling nervously.
"Come eat with us, Mac!" Rainbow intercepted, holding up a pie.
"Oh, I donno.."
"Oh, yes, you should!" Shy added to the offer.
"Ok, then. I guess I could eat some."
They all gathered at the table, Soarin and Mac across form Rainbow and Shy, and they all dug in.