//------------------------------// // Flare's First Element // Story: Flare's Descent to Madness // by tasteless trash //------------------------------// As the pony stared into his eyes, he fell to his knees. It felt like his soul was being ripped up by the eyes, devouring his being. He couldn't break the unforgiving gaze. As the world came victim to darkness, Flare suddenly felt like he was being submerged in water, and was sinking into the depths. He hit a soft sand ground. He felt calm for little more than 5 seconds. Then his air started to run out. He looked from side to side, and started to swim as hard as he could up. He hit the surface, and felt the water, but it wasn't there. The only thing he could see was himself. He felt the utter calm of the water. Not a ripple. He was completely dry, but he still felt water. Suddenly, a door appeared. He swam towards it, and then he attempted to climb in. It was higher than the surface, but not by too much. After a while, he managed to get in. It seemed like nothing, but, on the spur of the moment, it turned full on white. He was startled when the door slammed behind him. It faded into white, and then became more and more transparent. It disappeared. He was in complete whiteness. Suddenly, a man in black clothes appeared. He had a cloak. When he pulled it off, Flare took a step back, and drew his sword. It was... himself. An exact copy, up to a small scar on his face. The other him pulled his blade, seeming unsurprised. They both sat there a moment. Phony (which Flare had named the copy) suddenly came in for a strike. He struck Flare's sword, and the familiar clash of metal on metal rang out, pumping Flare's blood. Flare struck down on Phony, and Phony instantly countered the attack. Flare countered that attack, and then that was countered. They had the exact same fighting style, and could not score a hit on each other, not even one. They both were getting exhausted, and this battle was going nowhere at all. Flare jumped back for what seemed like the 30th time, and then contemplated his next move. What do I do? I could keep on this until one of us gets lucky, but what if he is the one to get lucky? Flare decided to do something his instructor forbade him to do, and managed to get in a bad position. He suddenly raked across, and saw the physical damage happen to Phony. Suddenly, Flare felt the exact pain that he had caused. He was shocked by the pain. Then he got hit on the arm, and was forced to let go of his blade.. His blade clattered on the ground. He got kicked on the floor by Phony, who now had an advantage. Flare was kicked again, and he got on his knees. He coughed up blood. It stained the whiteness. He reached to his blade, but Phony stepped on his hand. He felt pain, and coughed up blood again. He looked up at himself. I'm going to kill myself. Great. Flare realized that the cut across earlier that he had managed in, and felt the pain, wasn't physical. He grabbed his undrawn knife. He coughed up more blood. He suddenly yelled, and brought his knife off his side and into Phony. He felt the excruciating pain. He sat there, and then pulled out his blade. Phony fell to the ground, completely dead. Flare suddenly felt himself on his knees, back in reality. He climbed to his feet, and with his head down, spoke. "What was that?" Fluttershy sort of gasped. What, didn't expect me to live? Suddenly, he coughed up blood. He realized all the injury caused directly to him was real now. Flare walked towards the pony, slowly, and with his head down. He ripped off the element. The pony gasped again, as if the sudden movement startled her. He walked to a window, and kicked the glass. He slid out, and rolled to soften the impact. He rolled, and then ran towards the Everfree. He came into a clearing, and fell. He looked at the necklace, and put it in his bag. He pulled out his map. The next target was Rarity, for generosity. 1 out of 6 elements, Kindness obtained.