//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: From on the streets to a new friend // Story: Stormy's Story // by MrBigmac1011 //------------------------------// On the streets He was hungry. He was cold, tired, wanting for a friend but more than anything, he was hungry. He would sit by the road using his magic to hold up a small cup and asking anypony that passed by for spare bits, food, anything. He was amazed how far he had fallen. Almost two years ago he was on top of the world. Now he had to beg just to stay alive. It was the same every day. He would get up, walk down the road until his hooves couldn't hold him anymore, sit down and beg, and try to sleep. He never did get much sleep, and when he did sleep, he was visited in his dreams by one certain pony. Every night it was the same dream. After the dream he would wake up with sweat on his brow and tears in his eyes. He cried because he knew that no matter how hard he tried he would never forget the mare of his dreams. So he always kept moving, because if he couldn't forget her, then no matter what he would find her. Big Macintosh was walking down the road on his way back home. He loved visiting family in Appleoosa, but he hated being away from the farm, so he moved quick enough to make sure he was back by dinner, but not too quick as to miss the beautiful country side that he passed by on that lonely dirt road. He was thinking about the food that awaited him at home when he noticed somepony on the side of the street. It was a dark blue unicorn with a royal blue mane and tail to match. Big Mac could tell he was a stallion, and he looked just a hair shorter than the farm pony. Upon closer inspection, Big Mac could tell that the pony wasn't having the best of times. Always willing to lend a helping hoof, he went up to the pony and started talking with him. "You alright there friend?" he said in his low southern drawl. "Looks like you need a little help." "I'm fine," the blue unicorn replied," just fine." "Ya don't look fine out on this here road all by yourself." "I can make it on my own, but thanks for asking." The pony was stubborn, Big Mac could tell. He had handled stubborn ponies before, like last harvest season when his sister Applejack thought she could buck all the trees in the orchard with no help. But through that, Big Mac learned that most of the time when ponies were the most stubborn, that was when they needed the most help. "Look, Ah'm just trying to help you out. Ah don't know what goin' on, but everypony needs a friend." The pony looked up at Big Mac and said, "You're the first pony to try to help me in a long time, thank you." The farm pony just smiled and said, "Follow me, Ah reckon ah can find you a place to stay. By the way, the name's Big Macintosh, but most ponies call me Big Mac." "Nice to meet you Big Mac," the unicorn replied, "I'm Stormy Weathers, but you can call me Stormy." Stormy and Big Mac spent the first part of their walk together in silence, neither pony knowing what to say. That is until Big Mac spoke up. "So, why were you out there all alone?" the big red stallion asked, "What's your story?" Stormy thought about it for a while until he decided that if this pony was going to give him a roof over his head, the least he could do was tell him why he needed it. "My family was poorer than most when I was born. My mom and dad were able to find work on a lemon tree farm so that they could earn enough money for some food. Eventually the owners of the farm gave it to us and it became our soul property. When I got older, I discovered I had a talent for magic, not just normal magic, but things most unicorns that were twice my age couldn't do. So, my parents saved up enough money and sent me to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, where I was able to truly hone my abilities. It was there also where I met the pony of my dreams. She was smart, funny, beautiful, and we fell in love the first time we saw each other. After about two years, my parents sent me a letter that I had to come back home because they were going to lose the farm. I didn't want to leave but I had to. After six months of working on the farm, the inevitable happened, we lost it. I left home with one single purpose, to find my mare so that we could be together again. I've been roaming Equestria ever since but I never could find her. I considered giving up a few times, but the thought of her always kept me going. That's my life, beginning to end." Big Mac sympathized with the blue unicorn. He truly felt bad for him. He assured Stormy that he would find his mare, and that if he needed to Big Mac would help him find her. It made Stormy feel a lot better that there was somepony that understood what he was going through and wanted to help. When they got to Sweet Apple Acres, Big Macintosh looked at Stormy and said, "Welcome to your new home, friend"