//------------------------------// // Diplomatic Relations // Story: The Equestrian Hero's Call: Homecoming // by Genis94 //------------------------------// I was beyond relieved to get home. I was actually half expecting a police car to stop us on the way back to ask "Would you happen to know anything about the giant golem that attacked the mall?". Anyway, everyone had enough clothes to last them until wash loads could be done, the Xbox 360s were all set up and had plenty of games, and we all just wanted to have fun and relax. "So what do you all want to do?" I asked. "Inside of course." I quickly added. "Well, partner, Ah don't really feel in the mood to play on those 360 whatsits. Y'all wouldn't happen to have somethin' active we could do in here, would ya?" Applejack asked. Walter courteously stepped into the conversation. "Ms. Applejack, I think you'll be pleased to be informed that we do have an indoor swimming pool. It's large in size, has a hot tub nearby, and it even has a plasma screen situated for both swimmers and loungers to enjoy." I pumped my fists in excitement. "Yes! I love a good swim. Good thing we grabbed swim suits while we were at the mall." Everyone seemed to be on board with the idea, though I thought I sensed hesitation from Rainbow Dash. I decided to ignore it as we all went back to our rooms to change. I dashed up the stairs and quickly put on my swim trunks, running back down the stairs to the corridor that Walter pointed me to. I didn't need to find a sign to know I was headed in the right direction. Indoor pools always give off the smell of chlorine, but it's actually quite the nice smell. It reminded me of when I used to be on the swim team as a kid. I gave it up after trying it out during the summer. Pools get damned cold overnight, and practice was always in the morning at the local swim club, so no indoor heating. The pool was BIG. Probably just a tad smaller than a pool used for swim meets, but the luxury of it made it a thousand times better. There was only one detail that Walter forgot to mention, but it was easy to forget considering how common it was with pools. The diving board. Without hesitation, I ran over to the diving board and began running to the edge. As my feet reached the edge, I crouched low and uncoiled my legs into a solid front flip. *Splash!* I hit the water and was comforted by the temperature. Not too warm, but not cold either. It was the perfect lukewarm temperature of water. I began paddling through the water towards the shallow end. I allowed my feet to rest on the floor of the pool as my attention was directed to the recently opened door. My jaw dropped as I saw each of the women wearing a varying assortment of bikinis and one-pieces. And boy did they wear them well. That's when I noticed with slight embarrassment that they still had their cutie marks on their... flanks. Luna made her way over to the side of the pool nervously. "W-well? How do I look?" She asked with uncertainty. I studied her form intently. She looked gorgeous in her black bikini. It had one of those cloth wraps around the waist to boost her elegance factor. After a moment I shook my head to regain my focus. "I guess I see why people always say how beautiful the Moon and the stars are. You look amazing." I told her with the utmost sincerity. Luna giggled with that sweet little voice of hers. "Well, what are you waiting for? The water's fine!" I cheered as I began swimming back to the diving board. The others began whooping and hollering as they plunged into the waters, aside form Rainbow Dash who opted to take a nap on one of the lounge chairs. Celestia herself made her way to the diving board. Rather than take a calm and collected dive as I expected, Celestia let loose and jumped into the air for a cannon ball, flapping her wings in midair to get the largest splash possible. The girls and I were covered in the resulting wave of water. Rarity fidgeted a bit from the comfort of her inflatable chair in the water, but she continued to relax. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a puff of pink hair gliding through the waters nearby, circling the chair. I swear, I could hear Jaws music playing in my head. After building up suspense, Pinkie darted under the chair and pushed up with all her might, sending Rarity screaming into the water. "Ohhh! Pinkie! When I get my hands on you!" She fumed. Pinkie playfully giggled at the furious fashionista. "Have to catch me first!" Pinkie began playfully swimming around to avoid Rarity's wrath, and an idea popped in my head. Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep in her lounge chair, and the opportunity for revenge had presented itself. I swam over to Luna and whispered the details in her ear. She giggled as she complied with the request, lifting Rainbow from her chair with levitation magic. The rainbow haired girl remained blissfully unaware of the fact that she was now hovering inches above the pool. Suddenly Luna's horn stopped glowing and Rainbow Dash plunged into the waters below. "AAAAHHHHHHH!" She screamed as she flailed around in the water and latched onto the nearest thing, which happened to be my arm. I blushed as she clung close to me and her breasts pushed against my arm. She had her eyes closed tightly and she wailed at me for help. "Don't just stand there! Get me out of the water!" She shrieked. "Rainbow Dash." I tried to speak. "Just get me out!" "Rainbow." "Please! Just hurry up!" "Rainbow Dash!" I shouted. Rainbow opened her eyes and looked to my face. "You're in the shallow end." I finally told her. Rainbow looked down and felt her feet connect with the surface. She blushed and released me from her death grip. "Uh... sorry. I just... got a little startled is all." She apologized. "A little startled? You were screaming bloody murder!" I chided. Rainbow looked to the ground in shame. "The truth is... I can't swim..." "What was that?" I asked. "I said I can't swim! There, are you happy?! The best flier in Equestria can't even swim! Laugh it up!" She shouted in anger. I was taken aback from her response. "Rainbow, why would I laugh about that?" "Because... everyone else can do it but me..." She said as tears began to well up in her eyes. She quickly turned away to hide any tears that could be seen. She didn't want to look anymore weak than she already had. I grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around. "Hey, there's lots of things I can't do. I can't fly, I can't use magic, and you know how bad I am at drawing." I comforted. Rainbow chuckled a bit. "Yeah, you do suck at drawing." "You don't have to be ashamed about not being able to do something. Look, I can teach you how to swim if you want." "You'd do that for me?" "I Pinkie Pie promise." I told her as I did the gestures of the promise. -------- "Alright, now kick your legs like I showed you." I instructed Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash began clumsily fluttering her legs as I held her arms to keep her steady. "Argh! I'm never going to get this right!" She fumed. "You can do it, Rainbow. Just pretend you're running as you kick. Just kick one leg at a time." I assured her. Rainbow sighed, but adjusted her kicking to my advice. The splashes became audibly smoother and her movements steadied. Rainbow Dash smiled as she looked at her progress. "Not bad. Now I can teach you how to do freestyle." I released her hands and stood with my chest lowered to the water level. "Alright, now what you need to do is kick like you were, but you need to move your arms like this." I began moving my arms forward one at a time in great strokes to demonstrate the movement to Rainbow Dash. "While you're doing this, keep your head in the water and turn your head to the side when you need to breathe." I turned to Rainbow Dash. "Go ahead and try it on your own. I'm right here if you need me." Rainbow Dash took in a deep breath. "Okay... I can do this." Slowly Rainbow began paddling outwards as she kicked her legs to propel herself forward. Soon enough she began making her way over to the other end of the pool. She turned her head to breathe, but couldn't help but beam at her success. "I'm doing it! I'm swimming!" She cheered in triumph. She turned around and swam over to me. I prepared to give her a high five, but instead she wrapped me in a hug. "Thank you sooooo much! I can actually swim now!" She thanked me. "Hey, what are friends for, right?" I responded. Rainbow Dash released me and smiled at me. "Well, you're still my best pal. Sorry about earlier... You know, with Luna and..." I raised my hand dismissively. "Hey, that's all in the past now. Just don't do anything to mess with our relationship from now on. Deal?" "You got it." She promised. Soon Rainbow Dash was giggling as she joined in with the others as they played in the waters. I decided to take a break and relax in the hot tub. The warm waters instantly made me relax, and soon I was settled in a comfortable position as I basked in the warmth. Soon I noticed that another body had entered the tub, and a very regal one at that. "Robert." "Celestia." I responded. Celestia sighed and looked me in the eyes with a serious look. "You seem awful quick to forget about the centurion that attacked the mall." "I didn't forget. I just didn't want everyone to worry." I responded with an equally serious stare. "Be that as it may, you can't dismiss it forever. Something strange is going on. These recent events are too much to be coincidence." "That centurion was probably made by whatever brought us to Earth." I reasoned "That's what I'm afraid of. Whatever is causing this has power beyond my wildest fantasies. The power needed to cross the void between dimensions is incredible, and the fact that it could summon an automaton of that caliber so soon just goes to show how large of a threat it is." "But we don't even know what 'it' is! We have no way of tracking it or knowing what it's after. We're flying blind, Celestia. Until we can gather more intel on this force, we should just relax and avoid starting a panic." I concluded. "Perhaps, but we should still be on our guard." She added. "Vinyl! Put me down!" Octavia yelled. Celestia and I turned to see what the commotion was. Vinyl was holding Octavia bridal style at the end of the diving board. "Hey everybody! I'm used to dropping the base, but I wanna see what happens when I drop the cellist!" She laughed. Octavia looked up to Vinyl with a furious glare. "Vinyl. Don't. You. Dare." Vinyl payed the warning no heed, and dropped Octavia unceremoniously into the water. Soon everyone was caught in a fit of giggles as Octavia breached the surface with a look of pure hate. Vinyl was laughing so hard she began swaying and clutching her sides. "W-whoa!" She cried out as she began losing her balance. Soon Vinyl had fallen into the water after her roommate, eliciting more laughter from everyone. Celestia let out a small chuckle. "I suppose you're right about letting them relax." I smiled as I looked at the ruler of Equestria. "Wouldn't want to spoil this." -------- After having our fill of swimming, we all dried off and retired to the living room to watch TV. I took the remote and flipped through the channels. Nothing seemed to catch my interest, until a news bulletin came up. "New developments on our earlier story. The remains of the robot that attacked a mall in Pennsylvania have mysteriously disintegrated. Officials claim that no chemical residues have been discovered, leaving them baffled as to how it suddenly decomposed." A female anchor stated. "Disintegrated?" I wondered. "Perhaps it was a fail safe in the animation spell?" Twilight offered her explanation. "Maybe." The male anchor began reading from the teleprompter. "For those of you just joining in, we would like to direct you to surveillance footage recovered from the attack." The screen transitioned to a black and white recording of the centurion about to crush the boy. The recording continued to show my intervention, up to the point that I crushed its body with the move I had dubbed "Crescent Crush". "Eye witnesses reported this individual stating that 'The automaton was magic, and that the ones to be thanked were Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna of Equestria.'" The reporter grimaced as he read the last bit. "Though, we cannot attest to the credibility of these witnesses. We will report further details as they are brought to our attention." It seems not everyone was satisfied with the news coverage. "That was completely bogus!" Spike shouted. "Whoa. Calm down, man." I quickly told him. "They're not even accepting that you totally saved the day there, or that Celestia and Luna really helped by giving you those weapons in the first place!" I shushed Spike's tantrum. "Hey, I don't do this for the praise, I do it because ponies and people have needed me. It may not be fair, but the people at the news just aren't ready for this kind of stuff. Heck, I doubt many people on Earth are ready to learn that we aren't alone and that magic exists." "Well, they're gonna have to start getting used to it if this ruckus keeps up." Applejack said. Octavia nodded. "While I'm sure people have their reasons for not being able to adapt to such knowledge, they may have to if they're going to be able to put this to rest." "We'll figure it out one step at a time. For now, let's just order some pizza." I said. -------- After the meal, I retired to my room for the rest of the night. I had to have time to think about everything that was happening, and how we would deal with it. This wasn't like my previous adventures where I had a clear enemy. I had no idea what I was up against, or if I could defeat it. "Whatever this thing is, it has power that Celestia said she could barely dream of. What if I can't beat it? Everyone on Earth could be in danger. And Luna and my friends..." I rubbed my temples in frustration as I lay in bed, trying to find rest among the thoughts fluttering around in my mind. Luna entered the room and seemed to notice my distress. Slowly she made her way over to the bed and took her spot beside me. "Is something wrong?" She asked. I didn't want to burden Luna with my worry, but experience told me that it was best to be honest. "Luna... I'm worried about whatever is causing this. I don't know what I can do to stop whatever is behind everything that's happened, and I'm terrified about what would happen to you and the others if I failed." Luna wrapped her arms around me in a hug. "You have always succeeded in the past. I have faith that you can do it once again. No matter what happens, I will always be by your side." I smiled and returned the embrace. I doubted I could ever be unhappy as long as she was there. I pulled Luna in closer and passionately caressed her lips. Luna shut her eyes as her emotions took hold and she returned the favor. Soon, I drew away from her with a smile. "Thanks Luna. I love you." I told her as I drew back the covers for sleep. Luna crawled under the covers as well, cuddling close to me as we both began to drift off to sleep. -------- *Knock Knock Knock* "*Groan*" I groggily roused myself from my sleep as I heard the knocking on my door. I made sure not to disturb Luna as I got up and put on a robe to answer the door. I was greeted by Walter who politely bowed, his monocle glared by the light. "Apologies for waking you, sir, but you have an important visitor." He informed. I yawned before responding. "Well, can they wait for a bit? I'm still kinda tired." "I doubt you would want to keep this guest waiting for another second, and I'm certain you know of him. Would a Barack Obama be familiar to you?" My eyes widened to a size that didn't even seem possible. I stood silent for at least a minute as I made sense of this information. But that was the problem: I couldn't make sense of it. "WHAAAAAAT?!?!" I blurted. I quickly covered my mouth as I realized how loud that was. I turned to see Luna slowly stirring from her sleep, rather than jumping out of the bed as I expected. She yawned as she rubbed one eye with her hand, which I found to be entirely too cute. "What's going on?" "A-apparently the... the President of the United States is downstairs for me." I managed to mumble out as the numbness of this revelation still affected me. "The President? I believe you told me that he was your governing power." "He's the elected leader of the United States, but there are many other representatives in the government. But... What's he doing here?" I wondered. "I'm afraid he didn't tell me, sir. I'll inform him that you'll be with him shortly." Walter said. I wasted no time getting a quick shower, brushing my teeth, and getting dressed. As Luna took her turn in the shower, I began knocking on the other doors and informing the others about what was going on. The reactions were mixed. Twilight began running around frantically trying to prepare a proper speech and look professional, Rarity ran straight for the bathroom to get her makeup done, Fluttershy started hyperventilating as she thought of the worst, and Octavia went through her routine to build confidence before a performance. Everybody else was just a little surprised, save for Spike who was insistent on sleeping in. After waiting a few moments so that everyone wouldn't be too far behind once I greeted him, I went downstairs to meet the most powerful man in the free world. Well, no amount of mental preparation could help me once I got downstairs. Standing there in a formal suit, was Barack Obama. My brain went into an almost complete shutdown as he extended his hand. "So you're the one that I've been hearing so much about? It's good to finally meet you." He said. "Hi I'm President Obama it's good to meet you, Robert." I said without thinking. "W-wait, I mean-" "It's alright, son. I don't exactly blame you for being nervous considering I came unannounced." "R-right. Wait, how do you know who I am?" "I was given a report on you from the leader of Ascension, Alexander Anderson." My blood came to a boil at the mention of that individual. "Yeah, he liked to say 'hello' using bullets." "He mentioned that in his report. He said we should just nuke your home to make sure you and your friends stayed down. He's been dishonorably discharged and is pending court marshal. It's one thing to have fired on a civilian, but he broke several first contact regulations by acting with lethal force. I understand if you don't exactly trust me or any other representatives of the government, but there are matters that require your immediate intervention." My curiosity was certainly piqued. "I'm listening." "That incident at the mall yesterday has gotten most of the politicians stirred up. They want answers that I can't give them. That's why I need you to come with me to the House of Representatives, along with the princesses you mentioned. No matter how ridiculous it may sound to them, I need you to give them something so that they can rest easy and focus on getting our government moving." "Pray tell, are you the president?" I turned to see Luna descending the stairs. She certainly worked hard to make herself presentable. I couldn't spot a single wrinkle on her dress, and her silver-blue eye shadow and lipstick were applied with artistic precision. "You must be one of the princesses that was mentioned in the news." Barack said as he held out his hand to shake. "I'm Barack Obama, president of the United States of America." Luna took his hand and shook. "I am Princess Luna of Equestria. My older sister, Celestia will be down in a moment." "Are those wings on your back? And that horn..." "She's an alicorn, sir. A unicorn with the wings of a pegasus. I suppose you could consider her the goddess of the night." I explained. "But she's human!" "My sister used a spell to transform us into human forms. She was not able to change certain parts of our anatomy, but it does help to cause less alarm when humans see us." "I suppose I should have prepared myself after hearing Anderson's report. So, this Equestria... what's it like?" "It is a land filled with many denizens that your kind would consider mythical. The ponies that live in our kingdom are happy and care free as they spend time with their friends and enjoy the many wonders of our land. There is always the threat of monstrous beasts and other beings of supernatural power, but Robert and my personal student's friends have always managed to keep the peace." "Ah, there you are, sister." Luna noted as Celestia made her entrance. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. President. Robert here told me all about you during his time in Equestria." "Really?" He asked as he shook her hand. "He said that you were a forward thinking individual who did his best to fix the problems that the country was facing." "I'm flattered, though I'm sad to say that progress on fixing these problems hasn't been the best. We've started seeing progress in getting our economy back on track, but these problems have been eight years in the making. Our war in the Middle East wasn't exactly the most opportune time for tax cuts to be made." "Ah yes, I believe Robert told me about the war. I must agree with him that it is a horrible thing to have to see such pointless conflict." Celestia said. "The reasons behind it were poor to say the least. I just wish that it was so simple as to shake hands and stop the fighting, but what's done is done." I figured it was best to get back on track. "So, you said you wanted to take us to the House of Representatives?" "That's correct. We need the three of you to explain what happened at the mall so that we can put it behind us and get back to running our country." Celestia frowned. "I wish it were so simple as to simply put it behind us, but this may only be the prelude to a grim chapter for both our worlds." I flinched at Celestia's words. "Celestia! Do you want to start a panic?!" She turned and faced me with a tone that I would normally associate with a teacher scolding a trouble student. "This is not up for discussion. We can't just sweep this under the rug and try and do this alone. Your people deserve to know what is going on instead of running around with uncertainty as to what is creating such strange phenomena on their world." I sighed in defeat. "I suppose you're right. I shouldn't be acting like the councilors in Mass Effect, now should I?" I said with a chuckle. "What do you mean 'it can't be swept under the rug'?" Obama asked. "Well, we think that something is deliberately behind the incident at the mall. We were pulled her from Equestria, by some sort of magical force, the same one that created the centurion that attacked the mall." Celestia explained. Obama took a moment to think about the situation. "Alright, I suppose we'll have to skip the formalities and take you to the House of Representatives right away. My helicopter is out front, but it's no exactly a passenger jet. You three will be the only ones coming." "I'm afraid I won't be able to leave my little ponies alone. I can't leave when their safety is not guaranteed.." Celestia demanded. Fortunately an idea popped in my head. Well, I suppose it would be more accurate to say I got the idea from an anime, but it was still a good plan. "Don't worry, Celestia. Equestrian law states that the first sizeable building in a new country can be declared an embassy with the consent of the owners, remember?" I asked with a wink. Celestia grinned as she caught on to my scheme. "Oh yes, that's right. And as an embassy, any act against the diplomats inside is considered an act of war, and I doubt anyone would want that." She said as her eyes drifted to the president. "I'll order a group of MPs to guard the estate as a newly established embassy. Don't worry, your student and her friends are in good hands." It was good to know that there wouldn't be any crazies or angry Ascension members trying to butcher my friends while we were gone. Twilight and the others descended the stairs as we prepared to leave for Washington DC. "Where are all of you going? Aren't we supposed to meet the president?" Twilight asked. "Actually Celestia, Luna, and I have been asked to go to the House of Representatives to explain what's been happening lately. All of you need to stay here until we get back. Also the house is an embassy, so you have diplomatic immunity." I explained before heading out the door. "Oh, OK... Wait, what?" -------- The helicopter ride over was fairly uneventful. It was mostly just a back and forth between Obama and Celestia, explaining the differences between their governments, how magic works, stuff like that. When we finally touched down we were escorted to a limo that had a police escort to the House of Representatives. Barack took the time to try and prepare me for my job. "Are you ready to speak in front of the representatives? They've been pretty restless lately." "I don't know... I'm just a soldier; I'm no politician." "I don't need you to be either. I just need you to get them focusing on the bigger picture." "We're here, sir." The driver announced. Obama nodded and began leading us up the steps to the House of Representatives. Everyone inside was arguing among themselves about each trivial thing that came to mind as we made our way down to the front of the main chamber. "Politics in action." I muttered. President Obama went up to the microphone and tapped it to be certain that it was on. "Everyone, if I could have your attention I'd like to call this emergency meeting to order. All eyes fell upon the president, but they quickly shifted to the princesses and I. "What's this supposed to be?" One representative shouted as he pointed to us. Another representative stood up. "Indeed. Just what is the meaning of bringing these... 'unique' individuals into such an important meeting?" "These three are here to finally answer all the questions you have about the recent incident at that mall in Pennsylvania." Obama replied. He then waved me up to the podium, and I could feel my knees buckle. With a gulp, I made my way up and addressed the representatives. "H-hello. My name is Robert Shearer, and I-" "Wait a second! That's the man from the surveillance tapes!" "Why hasn't he been arrested?! He's clearly involved in whatever deranged terrorist plot created that robot!" "Terrorist?! In case you didn't notice, I risked my life to save the people in that mall! And that 'robot' was a magical automaton!" I angrily responded. The representatives began to howl with laughter. "Oh yes, 'magic', that explains everything! I'm sure we can just go ahead and pardon you right now" I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "Then what exactly do you make of them?!" I asked as I pointed to Celestia and Luna. "Any hack from Hollywood could be payed to do that makeup and hair effect. Mr. President, I knew you were on a slippery slope during your first term, but now that you've secured a second one you think you can pull such ridiculous jokes during crisis' of national security?! I believe this meeting should be changed to a vote of impeachment!" I was getting pissed. These old morons were too caught up trying to win their little pissing contests, that they couldn't see what was right in front of them. I began hearing a commotion from the back of the room, and spotted a slender red form dart across the room. "Ragna?" "Where is security?! Get this filthy little rat out of here!" "Hey! Don't call my pet a rat, you withered old prick!" I shouted. Ragna darted across the room and made a beeline for me. He began frantically spinning in circles and waving his arms in a panic. "What's wrong boy? And how the hell did you sneak your way on the chopper?" I asked. Ragna responded by darting towards the door. Picking up on the message, I began chasing after him to see what had him in such a panic. I followed him out the doors towards the main entrance, bringing a crowd of curious diplomats with me. When I reached the top of the stairs leading down to the streets below. I groaned in annoyance. "Can't even go a fucking day without things going FUBAR, can I?" At first glance it looked like it was a bunch of insane rioters smashing up cars as they made their way towards the building, but upon getting a good look, I noticed that they had glowing red eyes underneath their hoodies. Each of them was wielding a steel pole with either electricity or fire bursting from the ends. "Piercing light of the sun! Eternal shadow of the moon! Grant me your power in my time of need, and vanquish my enemies!" I chanted. Unfortunately I didn't see the orbs of my weapons upon finishing the ritual. I realized that being a state away meant that it was going to take a minute or two for them to get here. The small army of restless hoodlums were getting closer by the second. "Just what the hell is going on here?!" The representative I argued with asked. "Just an army of magically created rioters." I replied dryly. "Oh, that's right, magic doesn't exist. I guess there's nothing I can do here, huh?" Clearly my plan was working as I watched sweat pour down his neck. "Y-you wouldn't just leave us to fend for ourselves, would you?" "Of course not. Just get everyone back inside." I turned to face the princesses. "Celestia. Luna. I really hate to say this, but I need you to help me out until my weapons get here." "You say that as though we couldn't possibly hold our own in a fight." Celestia teased. "I promised I would stay by your side. I won't go back on my word now." Luna assured. I cracked my knuckles as I began stepping down the stairs. Until my weapons got there, I would have to take care of things the old fashioned way. "Here we go." I ran down the stairs towards the first batch of freaks, jumping in the air and planting both feet firmly into his face. The poor sap was knocked back into several of his allies. Another one of the freaks readied for a swing, but was blasted by a beam of golden energy. "You know, for having one eye always covered by your hair, you're a good shot." I complemented. Celestia fired another blast from her horn that pierced through multiple foes. "Not that I don't appreciate the complement, but I believe we have other things to focus on." I shrugged and picked up one of the electric poles that was dropped in the chaos. One of the rioters with a flaming pole charged at me and swung high. I easily ducked under it and thrust the pole into his chest, sending a couple hundred-thousand volts running through his body. As he fell limp I turned to face another group and tossed the fire pole at them, sending them screaming as the flames engulfed their magic bodies. I noticed two shadows looming over me and turned to face my attackers. These two had caught me by surprise and the two solid hits against my head and arm were evidence of that. The shadowy rioters chuckled as they prepared to beat me into a pulp. *Ba-Bang!* Two bullets tore through the heads of my attackers, causing their bodies to disintegrate. I looked around in shock to try and find the source, when I noticed more gunshots nearby. I looked to the noise and saw Luna... in a skintight leather suit... with two large handguns in her hands and two on her high-heels. "Uh....." Was all I could manage. Celestia was in an equal state of shock as Luna began sending her attackers flying away with bullets, punches, and kicks. "Sister... What are you wearing?" Celestia asked as she casually blasted another rioter that tried to ambush her. "It was in a game that Robert let me play. At first I was a little scared about it, but he showed me just what to do." She responded before firing another barrage of bullets. Celestia turned to me at break neck speed. And that glare she had... It was the kind of glare that made weaker minded men go mad from fear, and stronger minded ones piss themselves. Luckily I had used the facilities earlier, so I was safe from embarrassment. "I-I can explain later! First let's finish taking care of these guys." I told her before closing in on the last group of rioters. "You'd better watch what you say, or I'll give you a one-way ticket to the Moon!" She shouted at me. With our combined strength, the last few rioters fell before us with hardly any effort. "Well, that takes care of that. I didn't even need my weapons!" I boasted. Celestia inched her face right past my comfort zone. "I believe you were going to explain why my sister is wearing that, and just what 'game' you showed her." I gulped reflexively, but kept my composure. "Look, the outfit is from a game called Bayonetta. I let her play it when she came to hang out. It was the whole reason she forgot to lower the Moon!" Celestia covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. I was confused why she was laughing after she had been shown to be completely wrong, but then I turned around. Luna was inches away from my face. "I thought we were going to forget that happened." She said with a glare. "W-well... I just meant that..." Suddenly a massive scaled hand burst from the ground and grabbed me. A massive lizard humanoid surfaced from underground and began squeezing his fingers around my body with enough force to leave me gasping for breath. The strain began to crack my ribs, and I could feel my arms breaking. Just as I began to tear up from the pain, a few bullets blasted the creature in the side, distracting it and loosening its grip. "Get your hands off my man!" Luna shouted. The monster was not amused, and proceeded to use me as a club against Luna. Luna was unwilling to risk harming me, so she took the full brunt of the attack, sending her several feet away. Celestia began charging up her magic, but the monster held me in the line of fire, forcing her to hold her attack. The situation was looking grim, but in the corner of my eye I spotted two distinct lights getting closer. "The... Arm..." I wheezed. Celestia nodded, and fired a small blast at the creature's arm, forcing him to release me. My weapons arrived just as I hit the ground and I spun around to my enemy. I held my shield dead-center at the monster, and held my sword horizontally across it. A sphere of shadow energy appeared on the surface, while my sword began shining with light energy. "Cosmos Drive!" I shouted. A massive beam of light and shadow blasted the monster apart, leaving only chunks that immediately disintegrated. I collapsed from exhaustion, but my mind was not focusing on my own well being. "Luna... Is Luna okay?" I asked. I sighed with relief as I saw her leather wearing form sprint over to my side, though the tears in her eyes made me feel bad. "Please, be okay! I'm sorry I couldn't get you out of there!" She began apologizing frantically. "What are you apologizing for? I'm alive, and you're safe. That's all that matters to me." I winced in pain as she hugged me. "Though, some morphine couldn't hurt. How long until my regeneration works again?" I asked Celestia. "I would estimate about an hour." She answered with a neutral tone. My eyes sunk as I realized I was going to have to sit around in this kind of pain for that long. "I'll be passing out now. Wake me up when I'm healed." True to my word, the pain and exhaustion from the Cosmos Drive kicked in, and I was out faster than Enrico Pollini from Rat Race.