//------------------------------// // Chapter 4. Heart of the Rainbow // Story: Love worth dying for // by dartmaul15 //------------------------------// Love wort dying for. By dartmaul15 Chapter 2 Heart of the Rainbow AKA: Sacrifices for salvation? Rainbow Dash quickly awoke by the faint tickling of fur against her nose. Needless to say she did enjoy it. Not because of the tickling, but because of the smell - A distinct scent of apple pie with a weak undertone of husky. On top of that she swore she could make out the smell of sap. And there were just one pony she knew that smelled precisely like that; her beloved marefriend, Applejack. Just lying there next to her marefriend were all she could wish for. The faint breathing, and the beating of her heart were like a lullaby to the light sky blue Pegasi. All her memories from the past days were like a bad dream to her. It was just her, applejack and the beeping of medical equipment. ‘Wait, medical equipment?’ The pony jolted upright, and looked around the room. It was still in the middle of the night, and the only light in the room were a sheer green glow from the medical equipment next to the bed. Despite her previous efforts to find a way to save Applejack, it had all been in vain. There was no way to do it. Despite this her words still kept on ringing in her ears; “ah’d survived if it hadn’t been for mah other wound wounds.” It was like it was telling her something, but why? She found herself staring out of the window when it struck her like lighting. Jack would survive if she got a healthy heart, and any healthy pony would be able to survive with Applejack’s heart! ‘I just needs to…’ Rainbow dash reacted instantly, and instantly alerted the doctors. A red light flashed instantly as she pulled the string to the alarm, signaling the message was sent. Now all she could do was to sit back and hope. As she sat there her eyes wandered to the Orange mare lying in the bed. She was looking so serene as she lay there with a thick blanket covering her. The hair was flowing freely and really made it apparent how long and graceful it was. It didn’t last long until a group of three stallions more or less tumbled into the room, ready to solve any medical case that were wrong with Applejack. Needless to say they were more than a little befuddled when they discovered that everything seemed perfectly fine. The monitor readings were as they should be, and nothing seemed physically wrong. That was when Rainbow dash decided to act. She stood up, and trotted over to the three ponies determined to make them agree to her plan. “Rainbow, this is your last chance to say no. Once we put you under narcosis there’s no way back.” She simply nodded in reply. Getting the doctors to understand what she had wanted to do didn’t prove that hard. However getting them to actually swap her heart with Applejack’s, and vice versa, proved to be a lot harder. They had at first blindly refused to do so, stating it was too much of a risk. In the end she had, against all odds, managed to convince them. It had worked, and now she was lying on an operating table next to Applejack. Applejack was already fast asleep from the narcosis, and lay there sprawling. “Rainbow dash, it’s time.” The doctor was holding a mask connected to a tube of sorts. She knew what it was and hesitated for a second. However a quick glimpse to the side gave her a boost of determination. “Do it”. Those two words was everything the doctor needed, and he started making the final preparations to put the mask on the pegasi. She could feel as the stallion put a rubber band behind her head. It was made to make sure the mask was firmly placed over her muzzle and snout. She closed her eyes as she felt the mask itself being put on. Already from the first breath she felt its effect. Her senses became dull, and her vision blurred. As she felt her body giving in to the effect of the narcosis she tilted her head, and looked at her marefriend. The only thought running through her head were centered around applejack, ‘Please Jack, be OK again. I don’t know what to do if you die.’ Even then she could feel the narcosis overcoming her completely, and she finally was on the brink of succumbing completely to its effects. The last thing she whispered was “Jack, promise me to survive”. With that the pegasi closed her eyelids, and fell into a deep narcosis. A bright yellow light was shining directly into her face, and made it impossible to see. Suddenly the yellow light was replaced by something orange. Rainbow Dash blinked once to focus her vision. However the orange thing didn't allow her to focus properly before it grabbed ahold of he rand pulled her into a hug. "What were ya thinking with? Ya almost killed yerself" Rainbow dash instanly recognized the voice, and replied "but it worked Jack. It worked." "Yes Sugahcube, it worked."