Kirby's Nightmare in Equestria

by munomana

At the Library

Kirby's Nightmare in Equestria

Asking Around

The group was silent. They were stunned by the words the mare had muttered. Nopony knew the origins of the pony, yet it knew of Kirby. Somehow, this pony knew more than they did about Kirby than they did when they first started by muttering a single word. The silence lingered for a while, each pony contemplating on their own subjects.

Twilight herself was confused. She couldn't find a logical explanation for why that mare knew about Kirby. She realized that the mare had obviously had some prior knowledge of Kirby, whether it be folklore, myth, or straight-up history.

'Perhaps the mare has been in acquaintance with him sometime in the past...'

She deemed it unlikely, but knew it was a viable answer to her question.

'Okay, Kirby is an extra-terrestrial being... His age is unknown... Perhaps he had arrived before, yet that doesn't make sense, seeing as to how Celestia would have spoken more about him.'

She looked towards the rest of the ponies. They all exchanged looks before they all rested on Kirby.

Kirby was the most confused of all. He couldn't shake the feeling that he knew the pony. He could feel it in his stomach. She knew him, and he needed to know her. Simple as that. Maybe he had met her before. Needless to say, her cutie mark was ridiculously familiar. He had seen that mask on multiple occasions. Kirby understood his origins, but he couldn't pinpoint the information on the mare before him.

He continued to stare at the mare, eyes prying for detail. Nothing came to mind. He couldn't stop staring at her cutie mark. It struck him at the core. He knew she was a pony, but he just knew he had known her before.

He quietly walked over to the resting body before placing his arms on her and softly shook her from her slumber. The mare's blue eyes slowly opened as she came to. She squinted her eyes, attempting to block out the blinding sun. She had been stuck in a black crystal for a thousand years. A thousand years without light. She was also glad to finally be out of there.

The mare tried to think back, but an impending head-ache intervened before-hoof.

As the mare began to sit up, Twilight jumped into action.

"Hello there! My name is Twilight Sparkle and how did-"

Twilight was interrupted by a white hoof being shoved into her mouth.

"Darling! This mare has just awoken after a thousand year slumber! Let the poor mare breathe!"

Rarity glared at Twilight, who then proceeded to slump back onto the floor sheepishly. Rarity then turned to the mare before reaching out her hoof. The mare's hoof met with Rarity's as she was pulled from the floor.

"Apologies, Darling. Twilight does let curiosity take the best of her sometimes..." She sighed lightly, glancing back at the sheepish Twilight behind her. "...but I can assure you that she is as friendly as anypony once you get acquainted with her. That aside, My name is Rarity, a pleasure to meet you." Rarity said with a curt bow.

The mare seemed to relax as she had finally met a friendly face.

"Hello, it's really nice to meet a friendly face after so long. My name is, uh," The mare stopped for a second, trying to recollect as much as she could while ignoring the slight head-ache she received. Suddenly, she remembered. "Galacta! Galacta, er... Noble!"

Rarity was glad to see that she could retain that much memory, but was concerned on her health in general.

"Well I might as well introduce you to the rest of the group!" She gestured to the ponies, Kirby, and Spike. "These are, respectively, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Spike, and Kirby."

Galacta seemed to pause at the mention of Kirby. Rarity took notice of it and decided to pounce on it.

"Say, you seem to know about Kirby... have you ever been, say, acquainted with him before?"

Galacta thought back on it. She tried pressing for info, but nothing came up. All she could remember was a dark face with piercing green eyes. It didn't scare her, but it confused her. She didn't know exactly what had happened, only that she had been trapped by a mysterious being and lost her memory.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but we must interrogate the ponies in search of an answer to stopping Sombra. I'd be delighted if you could stay with us, seeing as we need to help you obtain you memory once again."

Galacta looked around before shrugging. "Okay, I hope I'll be able to help in some way."

She looked over to Kirby quickly as the respective ponies turned and split up. Each pony went in separate directions, but Kirby and Galacta decided to stick together. Galacta couldn't shake the feeling she knew Kirby, and Kirby couldn't either. They then decided on pursuing the task at hand. The only problem was that no one had informed them as to what they were supposedly doing. They had no general idea of what to ask, seeing as how Kirby couldn't speak and Galacta was clueless.

The pair just decided to walk back to the area under the large tower in the center of the Empire.

They waited while the other went around asking. Galacta tried to get something out of Kirby, but she was just met with multiple, "Poyos".

They waited and waited until Twilight and the others piled up in there. They each told a small summary of what happened. One weird part was that Pinkie came back as Fluttershy, but they placed it aside. Each mare shared their story of failure, and how everypony was clueless.

Twilight sighed, things were not going her way. Not a single pony had any memory of before. They could only account on their agony from Sombra.

'Where could I find the knowledge I need...'

Then it hit her.


Everyponys' eyes fell upon Twilight from the sudden outburst.

"Girls, let's all go to the library! They're bound to have something on the Crystal Empire!"

Everypony nodded in agreement as they slowly filed out of the area behind Twilight.

Eventually, they arrived at a large pony with the symbol of a book plastered on the surface of the crystal formation, symbolizing it's purpose. They all filed in.

Twilight was stunned. There were so many books. So many stories, journeys, and information. She could barely withhold herself. She could spend all day reading books in here. There were books piled from floor to ceiling, reaching stories high.

Twilight would have grown wings and high-tailed it towards those books, but she had more important things to do. She looked around before seeing an elderly mare staring at them.

Applejack approached her, assuming that she was in charge of the library.

"Excuse me. Do ya' know where Ah can find some books on the history of the Crystal Empire?"

The mare looked around in uncertainty.

"I don't know, maybe? I don't even know if I work here."

The ponies all sighed in annoyance.

Applejack turned around before shrugging. Twilight then stepped up.

"I guess we'll have to check around ourselves! Not like I have a problem with it."

For the next thirty minutes, the ponies scoured the bookshelves, searching for anything that could help them. Rainbow Dash fly through the lines of books at an unreasonably fast paste. She didn't even seem to be looking at the names as she threw them to the floor below. Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity Looked through each row, one by one, examining each book making sure not to miss one. Pinkie Pie did the most unreasonable of them all. She jumped stories high, just looking at random books on different areas. She was going so fast, she might not have been looking at each book.

Twilight and Kirby stood side-by-side as Twilight levitated a continuous line of books. She made sure to examine each book carefully, just to make sure that she didn't skip over anything. Kirby just stood beside her, standing idly. Spike and Galacta scoured Twilight's pile of past books to double-check she didn't miss anything.

"Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, no-, Wait, yes!"

Twilight screamed as she released her grasp on the other surrounding books. They all fell to the floor in a thud as she laid her eyes on the book before her.

The history of the Crystal Empire

Kirby stared at the back of the book curiosity growing inside him. He watched as Twilight skimmed each page in extreme focus

"Crystal Heart... Crystal Fair... Happiness... Evil..."

She stopped as she closed the book and threw it off to the side. Twilight had read enough. She managed to find just what she was looking for: a way to protect the crystal empire.

One thing confused her, though. This plan was almost infallible, but that was the problem. She looked in front of her. Kirby stood there, oblivious to Twilight's thoughts and concerns. She knew she could easily do this herself.

'Why did Celestia bring Kirby all along?'

She quickly shrugged off the fact before turning to the group behind her.

"Okay, girls! It's time to set up a Crystal Fair!"