The Pinkamena Diaries

by FlutterDash777

The FlutterDash Theory

-The FlutterDash Theory

I could feel a throbbing against my head. I could hear their voices calling out to me, but I couldn't answer them. Pinkie. Pinkie. Pinkie. That's all I could hear echoing through my ears, and pounding against my chest. I felt that same strange feeling in my chest, and before I could do anything the world around me began to blacken away.

"Uh....What....What happened?" Pinkie Pie raised her head slowly. While rubbing her eyes she managed to sit up. She could feel a soft bed under her hindquarters, and once she regained her vision she looked around her.

Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack were all standing before her. Their wide eyes stared at her in concern, and she blankly blinked back at them.

'How did I get here?' Pinkie thought to herself. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she tried to put together her situation. How did she end up at Twilight's library? Wasn't she just asleep in her bed at SugarCube Corner?

"How are you feeling, Pinkie?" Twilight raised her hoof towards Pinkie's head. She rested it against her pink forehead, and she seemed as if she were thinking.

"It feels like your fever is going down. But just in case I need you to rest here for a while before getting up." Twilight lowered her hoof from Pinkie, and signaled Rarity to get another wash cloth from her bathroom. At this Rarity trotted away.

"I had a fever?" Pinkie looked confused, and she put her own hooves to her head to feel for herself. Her head did feel quite warm, but considering what Twilight said, her fever had gone down.

"Ya' sure did, sugarcube. Y'all had us worried sick." Applejack crossed her front forelegs, and gave Pinkie a relieved look.

Pinkie looked back at the purple unicorn, and orange earth pony. She seemed to have a look of relief upon her face as well.

'Oh so I was sick, and my friends were all worried about me! But...why did they take me to Twilight's still?' Pinkie crinkled her muzzle in her confusion, but she tried to brush away the pesky thoughts.

Rarity soon returned to the room with a soft wet rag, and she slowly rested it upon Pinkie's forehead, and directed her to lay back down. Pinkie did as she was instructed, and she gave her friends a heartened smile.

"I love you guys! You're the best for taking such good care of me!" Pinkie softly giggled, but then her eyes started to feel weary indicating that tiredness was drifting upon her body once again.

"I think we should let Pinkie rest, and when she wakes up I'm sure she will be better!" Twilight looked to her other friends, and turned from Pinkie. The pink pony watched as her three friends left her side, and her eyelids began to slowly close.

'I sure have been sleeping a lot lately....' Pinkie rustled a little, and then she drifted away into yet another slumber.

I saw my chance, and I swiftly began to squeeze my way through. After observing that whole ordeal from inside Pinkie, I was able to learn some more about her.

I felt somewhat happy inside. Pinkie had told her friends that she loved them. Did that mean that she loved all of her friends? As friends? Including Rainbow Dash?

My eyes began to open, and I felt a wet object over my head. I reached for it, and grabbed the cloth in my hooves. How peculiar. However, putting that to the side, I got up from the foreign bed I was laying upon, and made my way down the wooden ladder. I could slightly hear some ponies talking in another room, and without a sound I slowly walked for the exiting door.

I tried to maneuver my way through all the books that were scattered everywhere. I looked frantically around me trying to make my way out of this room. I wasn't exactly sure where I was, but I was pretty sure it was one of Pinkie's friends home. I wasn't even exactly sure how I got here. I was at Rarity's store earlier, but then....what happened again?

'Rainbow Dash..... You two would make a great couple.....'

Those words suddenly rung through my mind, and I almost wanted to scream out at the sound of them. But nevertheless I ended up finding the door, and without hesitation I jolted out as quietly as possible.

I wasn't sure exactly where I was going to go, but I knew who I was going to go find.

Trying to remember my way around Ponyville from what I had seen from looking through Pinkie, I slowly began to learn where I was. I looked behind me at the house I had just left. It was a big tree it seemed, and I wasn't sure exactly who it belonged to, but considering the many books about I decided to call it the library.

I turned back to what was in front of me, and I could see numerous homes lined up side by side. Many ponies were out walking, and talking with one another. I tried to keep my profile low, and I didn't want any attention to be drawn to myself. I wouldn't know what to do if somepony I didn't recognized began to speak to me. How would I respond without looking suspicious?

With this question in mind, I made it a full duty to keep attention away from me while I tried to find Rainbow Dash.

I continued to walk along the street, and tried to keep a smile upon my face. Everypony that I walked by would smile back at me, and every once in a while they would say Hello, but I kept on walking, and tried to not make any eye contact.

In the distance I could see a building that I fully recognized. It was SugarCube Corner! Pinkie's home. It stood tall as always, and it's colors shined in the sunlight. I was glad to see a place that I knew, and if I remember correctly I could see the same path that Pinkie took to go to her picnic yesterday.

I strained my neck to make sure I was right, and even though I wasn't fully positive I had a good feeling that this was the right way to go.

I began to walk again down the path towards what I was hoping was the meadow. Deep down I had a feeling that somewhere around there would be Rainbow Dash, or even Fluttershy. At the moment either of them would work, and I was ready to get my hooves down to business, and find out the true meaning behind Rarity, and Applejacks suggestions.

As my hooves began to feel tired, I could finally see the meadow. I knew that I was going in the right direction all along!

I kept on walking until I could completely see the meadow, but as I looked around swaying my head side to side I didn't catch any sight of either Fluttershy, or Rainbow Dash. Where could they be?

I looked up to the skies to see if maybe they were flying around, but there was a lot of air in Equestria, and if they were flying I doubt I would be able to see them from here. I lowered my head in thought. What was I suppose to do now? Where was I suppose to look? How could I find them?

I kicked at the grass with a pink hoof, and I could feel the cold soil making it's way through. I couldn't believe that they weren't here. I was wasting precious time. Who knows when Pinkie would snap back into reality, sending me back inside? I didn't have anymore time to lose...but what was I going to do?

Before I could allow anymore questions to form within me, I heard a laugh coming from overhead. My eyes lit up at the sudden giggle, and my head jerked up frantically. I tried to follow the continuous laughter, and finally I came upon a small home hidden within some brush.

I could see small creatures surrounding the cottage, and towering over them were two mares. My lips curled in excitement as I realized that I had found whom I was looking for.

"What are you doing Angel Bunny?" Fluttershy looked down to a small white creature, and softly stroked his tiny head. I watched the creature furiously wailing it's little arms all around, pointing at the other pony.

"He just really doesn't like me. I don't see how he could not like my awesomeness!" Rainbow Dash hovered above the grass, and she had a smirk upon her muzzle. I almost wanted to snatch her face off, but I kept low, and continued to quietly observe.

"Oh I wouldn't say he doesn't like you. He just....doesn't feel comfortable with you that's all." Fluttershy looked up at the hovering blue pegasus. She timidly smiled at Rainbow Dash, and then gave the white creature some vegetables. Satisfied, the creature scurried away, but first stuck out it's tongue at Dashie. I couldn't help but snicker.

"Hm? Did you hear that, Flutters?" Rainbow Dash looked up curiously. I quickly dove down under the bushes, avoiding them catching me, and to my relief they shook it off, and started talking about other things again.

At the moment I faded out their words, and began to memorize a few things in my mind. For the Fluttershy and Dashie part of my book.

So far they seem to just be good friends. Maybe Rainbow Dash doesn't like Fluttershy. But then again Fluttershy really acts like she likes Rainbow Dash. Maybe it's one sided? I guess I will have to observe more before I can make any conclusions, but I surely hope that that damn pegasus doesn't have a thing for my Pinkie Pie...

I shook my thoughts away again, and slowly peeked my head over the brush. I could see the two ponies were now laying under a tree. A few flying creatures were resting upon it's branches, and furry land creatures were laying under the tree as well. Fluttershy was smiling, and talking to them while Dashie watched Fluttershy in what seemed like sheer amazement.

Rainbow has amazement for Fluttershy perhaps? What sort of amazement.....

"Flutters you know you're really good at that..." Rainbow looked at the creamy yellow pegasus, and slightly grinned at her. Rainbow's multicolored mane fell on her eyes, and she quickly brushed them to the side, and now had a sort of sheepish smile upon her muzzle.

"What do you mean, Rainbow?" Fluttershy looked up into Rainbow's pink eyes. I could see that Fluttershy's cheeks looked quite red; flustered even.

"The way you talk to them. The animals I mean....They seem to really love you." Rainbow Dash lifted a hoof behind her head, and seemed to be scratching at her mane. She was doing such an awful job though. I wasn't convinced by her act at all.

"Oh well I love them too!" Fluttershy smiled larger than I had ever seen her smile before. She always acted so timid, but for some reason it seemed as if she were acting more laid back now. She seemed comfortable now.

What's going on between them? I can't tell! Why do they have to be so vague with their feelings? I'm not sure if they are friends, or much more than that! What are they to each other?!

I was so frustrated with their small talk that I could almost rip my mane out, but considering this was Pinkie's body I was going to respect it. Pinkie's body is my temple, and I was going to take great care of it while I use it.


I turned my head back to the two pegasi. Rainbow Dash was now closer to Fluttershy, and she was staring straight into her eyes. They were so close to each other I could almost see them heating up. What did Rainbow think she was doing? My heart raced as I contently looked upon the scene.

"Yes?" Fluttershy looked quite frightened now. She didn't even blink for the slightest second, and I could almost make out the beating of her heart.....or was that mine?

I bit my bottom lip softly as I was at the edge of the bush with anticipation. It was as if I were watching some sort of forbidden act, and for some odd reason I was drawn into it completely. For a moment I considered what I was doing to be weird. Watching two ponies from a slight distance as they shared moments together, but I let that consideration fade. I didn't care! I was about to get some essential information that I could use in my new theory. I couldn't let this pass me by no matter how creepy it was to watch them. They would never know anyways.

I watched as Rainbow edged in closer to the yellow pony. Her eyes glimmered, and I could faintly see her cheeks were now an awkward pink.

"I...I love you." Rainbow Dash moved in, and touched her lips against Fluttershy.

I wasn't sure if I needed to watch this, but I did anyways.

Fluttershy looked shocked at first, but I could see that she was slowly melting away into Rainbow Dash's lips. She began to close her eyes, and she reached her arms around her cyan companion.

No matter how tempting, I turned away from their love scene. I didn't need to see anymore. I already got what I needed, and I was relieved deep within me that I was able to witness this.

Rarity, and Applejack know nothing. Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash may be good friends, but I see that Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash are much....much more.

With a smile upon my muzzle, I got up from my hiding position, and quietly fled from the cottage. Leaving the secret couple in each others warm embrace.