//------------------------------// // You can get used to anything... // Story: Rarity on Earth // by whatmustido //------------------------------// Your time with the physicists was… not enjoyable. You don’t want to talk about it. There was a lot of yelling and Marshall had to punch somepony in the face. Your time with the historians was much nicer. They were able to fill in a number of details about this world. Much more than you wanted to know, honestly; you’re a fashionista, and none of them really seemed to care about that. They knew nothing about fashion trends that you could use to help your business back in Ponyville. And they were extremely interested in your world, about all the ‘mythological’ creatures you had there. For each species you named, they had a number of legends about them. Most of their stories fit against what you knew about the races in your world. Except for the sea serpents. Stephen Magnet would never do anything like that! But he is very flamboyant… Not that it’s important. After the historians, you had dinner. It seemed that Marshall’s warning took on everypony, because nopony tried bothering you while you ate. It was sad, honestly. You didn’t want to spend all your time in this place friendless and alone. But maybe you can get Anonymous back, at least. After dinner, Marshall escorted you back to your room. “There will be a guard outside of your room during the night. It’ll either be Evans or Mark, depending on the time. The clock on your mantel is right. You will be woken up at eight in the morning. You’ll have half an hour to yourself, then breakfast, another trip to the biologists, and the rest can be told by whoever’s guarding you tomorrow.” “It won’t be you?” “Nope. My entire squad was given over to guard you. That’s ten men. Two shifts at night, three in the day. I was with you all day today, but it won’t be like that normally. If you have a problem with any of the troopers, tell me. I will deal with that problem.” “Oh, I’m sure everything will be fine. Will I get to talk to the colonel again?” “You’ll probably see him at breakfast. You can ask to talk to him then. If he isn’t there, I can let him know you want to see him.” You walk over to the bathroom and poke your head in. Still nothing you can use to really clean yourself with. You look back out. “Is there any chance I can get a toothbrush, perhaps? And some soap or anything?” “You can talk to the bio people tomorrow about that. I know I hate having grimy teeth. Do you need anything else before I call in the night guard?” “A book or two might be nice, if you have any.” “Genre?” “…Romance?” You don’t like the grin on his face. “I’ll tell the night guard to bring one by. He should be here in fifteen.” He touches something by his helmet and murmurs some stuff into it. You hear a crackle in recognition. “Mark’ll stop by the base library and pick you something up. It might be smut, but it’ll be romantic smut.” “That’ll be just fine.” Now you just need to figure out what smut is. Half an hour later, your blushing face is testament to knowing exactly what smut is. How can humans write filth like this? …And why do you like it? You press your face further into the book, devouring its lines. You expected a book with the title of Fifty Shades of Grey to be boring, but this… It puts a heat in a place you aren’t comfortable having one right now. After some very well needed ‘alone time,’ you finally lie down to sleep, out cold as soon as your head hits the pillow. A gentle knock at the door wakes you up. You sit up, bleary-eyed, as the day’s guard walks in. “Name’s Vance, ma’am. I’m your guard for the morning.” You blink at him, tired after being woken up in the middle of a dream. “I’m Rarity. You’re welcome to call me that.” “No ma’am. Sarge’ll tan my hide. You have half an hour to… do whatever ponies do in the morning before they eat.” You sigh, standing up. He seems to back away as you walk around the bed. “What’s wrong?” “…Nothing, ma’am. As long as that horn don’t light up I should be fine.” “You all keep saying that. ‘Light up.’ What do you mean?” “Magic, ma’am. Sarge told me that when you do magic it lights up.” “That’s preposterous.” To prove it, you pool magic into it. Vance flinches back, jerking his weapon. “How did you know I was pooling magic?” “It lit up! Christ but that’ll take getting used to… why me?” “I assure you that I won’t hurt you, Vance. I just want to go home, not hurt anypony.” He takes a deep breath. “I know, ma’am. But I saw pictures of what you did to that room with DELTA. Threw them about like ragdolls. Frankly, that’s kinda scary.” You couldn’t deny that. “It was an accident. And I don’t know how I did it anyway. I’m not that strong in magic.” “Don’t change that it happened. You just get ready. I’ll be outside, waiting.” He leaves before you can try to calm him further. It’s depressing that you scared somepony that badly on accident. Now you have to worry about overzealous guards scaring away potential friends and you have to worry about humans that are scared of you… You think about how you can improve your image while you shower. Sure, you can’t clean yourself well without soap, but sitting under the warm water is nice. And actually having towels is also nice. You were waiting for Vance when he knocked on the door the second time. You hopped down and followed him to the… mess hall. When you asked Marshall about that name he just laughed. You quickly grabbed a tray and picked out breakfast. After unsuccessfully trying to get Vance to eat as well, you find the colonel sitting alone at a table and join him. He looks down at you as you join him and says, “Marshall told me you were looking to talk. What do you need?” “Have you gotten an answer about Anonymous?” “Yes ma’am. The general agreed that it was unorthodox, but he mentioned that as a foreign ambassador you have the ability to make some small demands. And if this will make you comfortable, for whatever Godforsaken reason, you are welcome to have Kain as your bodyguard. There are conditions, of course. He has to stay clean of any drugs, he has to be recalled to active service, and he will have to change his name to Anonymous or whatever so we can ignore all the laws he broke.” You grin, happy to hear that you might get a friend again. “And, of course, he’ll have to agree to it. We can’t force him to do anything. I’ll talk to him sometime today and get his answer back to you tonight.” “Why can’t we go now?” “Because we both have to eat. And it’ll be some time before he can become your guard anyway, since he’ll have to undergo some pretty serious physical training to get back in shape, assuming he says yes. Now, how has your time here been so far? I heard there were problems yesterday.” “Some of the… physicists were less than happy with my limited knowledge of how magic works. They were barely able to measure what I did under any… I don’t know the sciencey words. They didn’t like that they had no way to understand what I did.” “Eh, give them time. I’m sure they’ll be able to help you get home if anyone can. Hell, maybe they can even open a portal or something. Wouldn’t that be neat?” Neat is one word you could use. You aren’t certain you want the humans anywhere near Equestria, though. Not after learning some of their history… He continued, “I’ll talk to you some time later tonight, ma’am. Oh, and one more thing before I go. One of the technicians asked me to give you this.” He passes you a piece of paper. “I suggest waiting until after you finish eating to read it, if it means what I think it means.” You don’t like the sound of that. You thank him and continue eating as he leaves. When you finish, you hesitantly unfold the scrap of paper. There are cameras in your room. If you ever want ‘private time’ again, please give us some kind of signal so we can leave the room or something. … OH CELESTIA WHY?! Your head hits the table. You feel completely mortified. And a little offended, honestly. Were you not pretty enough for the hu—WHAT KIND OF THOUGHT IS THAT?! Stop that, Rarity! “Ma’am? Is everything okay?” At least your guard sounds somewhat concerned. You can’t tell him. You crumble up the paper with your hooves and stick it on the tray. “Everything’s… fine.” You can’t hide your blush, though. Vance takes your tray and puts it up for you before leading you out. You try to think of anything to take your mind off what you just learned. “So I keep hearing you all talk about God and lords or something. What exactly is that?” He flinches. “Oh God… Ask the historians about religion. That’s all I’ll say.” Now you’re really curious. Is that some manner of curse? You resolve to ask the others. Your day goes much better than the last. The biologists promise to have soap and several other niceties sent to your room before you get back. Hernandez promised that they would help any equine look nice and beautiful. Not that you need it, of course. You are Rarity, after all. The physicists are much nicer this time around. Probably because Marshall told your new guard—a fellow named Jones—to threaten them with the beating of a lifetime if they don’t settle down. You learned all about the horrors of religion from the historians. And when you finally got back to your room for the night, you saw Colonel Ide waiting for you. “When does he start?” you happily ask. After the past few days, you could really use a friend or somepony that you could just talk to. Ide shook his head. “He said no. Marshall and his squad will be with you until—” “What do you mean he said no? Why would he say no?” You thought he liked you! Why wouldn’t he want to help you? Especially if it meant he could stay out of prison! Ide shrugged. “Don’t know. You’re welcome to talk to him if you want. It means cutting down on your sleeping time, though.” You puff up your cheeks. “Take me to him.” “Jones, is it? Take Miss Rarity to the holding cells. The guards there know she has permission to see him. Ma’am, if he changes his mind, the deal is still there. Just get word to me.” You nod, eager to talk some sense into Anon. Why would he deny you like that? Jones leads you further into the base than you’ve ever been before. “What kind of building is this, anyway?” you ask to pass the time. Jones answers, “It’s a base carved into a mountain. We don’t really use it for all that much anymore, but a number of facilities were still here so the higher ups decided to just go ahead and put you here.” Carved into a mountain? Well, it couldn’t be any harder than building on the side of a mountain like Canterlot. Still, they did it without magic, which is amazing enough. When the two of you get to the holding cells, the guards there take you to see Anon. The guard opens a large metal door and you find Anon within, lying on a hard-looking cot. He looks up as the door opens. “Sup, Rarity?” “Why wouldn’t you be my bodyguard?” He shrugs, sitting up. “Prison’s easier and involves less of me being in the military again.” “But it’s prison!” “And? That place is heaven for people that know how to get drugs. I might get a little bored, but I also won’t be getting shot at by insane fucks that want to hurt you because you’re different.” “But I thought you wanted to help me…” He nods at Jones, who is standing at the door. “Looks like you get people helping you already. I don’t really want to get in the way of that. Besides, if I’m looking at this right, he’s a ranger. I was just regular army. They’ll be better at protecting you anyway.” Jones answers, “Not entirely. If you decide to help her you’ll be forced to train with the rangers for a few weeks.” Anon scoffs and says, “Definitely fuck that, then. That kind of training while I’m detoxing could kill me.” “Everypony keeps saying that word! What does detoxing mean?” Anon sighs and says, “When you get hooked on drugs, getting off of them is hard. Your body goes through withdrawal and you have several negative effects. Detoxing is when you get help while you’re going through it.” Jones shrugged. “You wouldn’t have to worry about dying. It wouldn’t be easy, though. Besides, you wouldn’t go to regular prison. You’d go to military prison.” Anonymous’s eyes go wide. “That bastard colonel didn’t tell me that!” He leans back against the wall, closing his eyes and presumably thinking. You see his mouth muttering. “Well, Anonymous?” You grin to yourself. It looks like he’s trapped now! “Fucking… Fine. Tell him I’ll take the damn deal.” You smile deepens. Even if Anon is doing it for all the wrong reasons, you know you can help him out of his dark place. “I promise, you won’t regret it!” “Whatever. Just… go. This’ll probably be my last chance for a good night’s sleep in the next month.” You nod and start to depart before something occurs to you. “Anon, why didn’t you sell me out? You were a poacher, you said. Why did you decide to help me?” You see that he’s already lying down again. Without looking up he answers, “Because you remind me of someone I once knew and you needed help.” Well, at least you know he’s not just a mindless killer and criminal. That means he’ll be easier to help. Although… “Who did I remind you of?” He was silent for some time. Eventually he said, “Go away, Rarity.” You did just get him to do something he didn’t want to… Maybe respecting his privacy is for the best right now. “Very well, Anon. I will see you later, then.” He doesn’t answer and you depart, leaving him in silence and darkness. Jones closes the door behind you before following. “Not a very nice fellow. Why do you want him as a guard, again?” “There’s something wrong with him and I want to help. This way I can keep him around and do so.” “Oooo… That’s a bad idea, ma’am. You’re welcome to try it, but I don’t think it’ll end well.” “And just why is that? A little generosity goes a long way, young man.” You assume he’s young, at least. “Maybe with ponies. You’re more likely to piss a human off doing something like that than you are to change them.” “Be that as it may, I have to try. He took me in and helped me when I was in a bad spot, so I have to do the same for him.” He just shrugs. You have to wonder, though… What if the humans were right? Marshall called Kain an… asshole. You don’t know what that means, but it sounded like an insult. Ide had a very low opinion of him and seemed to think he would be better off in prison. And Anon himself didn’t seem that eager to help you anymore. Were you making a mistake? Well… if you were, it was a mistake you were going to make. You are going to do your best to help Anon. Even if it doesn’t work, you can at least say you tried. The next day, the physicists have a very… troubling experiment for you. One of them explains, “So basically, we’re going to run small amounts of electricity through your horn and see what happens.” You turn and look at your guard for the time, Marshall. “Just so I’m sure, electricity is the human version of magic, right?” All of the physicists scoff, but Marshall nods. “Sort of, yes. That’s a very basic way of putting it. If the eggheads think it’s a good idea, it might be.” He looks up at one of them. “But you better not hurt her.” “Wouldn’t dream of it, sergeant.” You know they would, after your less than satisfying explanation of magic. One of the physicists leads you to a machine with two wires leading off of it, both with clamps attached to the end. “Alright, here’s how this works: We put one clamp on the top of your horn and the other on the bottom, then we measure your magic output as we slowly increase the voltage. If it ever starts hurting, let us know and we’ll immediately shut it off.” “You’re going to… clamp my horn?” You should slap him for even suggesting such a thing! You aren’t into that kinky stuff! Well… not usually. “Is that a problem?” one asks, actually sounding somewhat concerned. Oh. You forgot that most humans don’t know about your horn’s sensitivity. “Horns are… sensitive. And clamping them is considered… well, not something a lady would let just anypony do.” The physicists share looks. One grins and says, “So basically we’re about to do some bdsm shit in here?” The other two face-claw. The oldest one sighs. “It’s nothing sexual, Rarity. It’s just something we have to test. Once we saw footage of your magic output increasing greatly when you were hit with a taser, we wondered if electricity would magnify your magic output. Any insult is accidental, as is any feelings of pleasure you might get from this.” Once again, you don’t know if you should be insulted or not. “…Fine. Let’s just do this quickly.” Maybe you can stop yourself from feeling aroused by this. When one of them gently puts the clamp around your horn, you feel your tail involuntarily twitch. When the other clamp attaches, your ears drop and you feel a blush on your face. There’s silence in the room at your reactions. Eventually one of them says in an amused voice, “Starting the experiment. Normal magic power capped at sixty-seven pounds of force. Apply ten volts.” You immediately begin to feel a tingling in your horn. It doesn’t hurt, but it doesn’t feel all that good, either. “Punch the target, if you would,” one requests. These fellows had set up a target for you to ‘punch’ at with telekinetic force. You hit it as hard as you can. “Seventy-five pounds.” “Wonderful! Twenty volts.” The tingling increases and you repeat the process of punching the target. “Eighty-three.” “Thirty volts.” You hit it again. “Ninety-six. Are you in any pain, ma’am?” You take a slow breath. “No. It just feels… strange.” Your voice was strained, though. “Slowly bring it up to a hundred.” As one of the others rushes to comply, you feel your legs start getting shaky. When the scientist reports that the power is up, you punch the target again. “Two hundred and twelve. Any pain?” “N-n-no…” “Decrease to eighty.” The other does so and you punch again. “One hundred and seventy-three.” “It bears more testing later, but it appears that pouring electricity into the focal point of your magic increases magic power. Rarity, are you willing to try a much higher number?” “I… I can try.” “Let us know if you need to stop. Put it on a thousand.” The strange feeling intensifies until you can barely stand. Eventually the scientist reports it at a thousand. You punch the target so hard that it creaks. “Over two thousand.” “Slowly bring the power down to zero. Well Rarity, it seems we found your way home. If you can figure out how to make a small portal, we can use this to increase your magic output until you’re strong enough to get home.” “That’s… wonderful, darling.” And with that little revelation, you faint.