//------------------------------// // Old Habits // Story: Light in the Shadows // by Shadowbot739 //------------------------------// “I’ve been stuck in this forest for days, just how big is this cursed place” I wondered, “I think I been here for like 4 days... good thing I know how to cook, sure it took me a thousand years to get the hang of it, but I been used to working with poisons for so long, anyone can mess up and put some in their food right?” After that thought I then spot a clearing, “Yes! Finally, took long enough...and there is a town as an added bonus.” Though didn’t see any humanoids at that moment, “heck I would take a Horde town after all that”. All I could see is a bunch of horses, it was hard to tell from where I was, to see if anything was going on but it seems as they were more than mere horses. “This is going to be a long day, or night apparently” now that I actually got a good look at the sky. I decided to climb the tree to try sleep through the rest of the night as I find more joy sneaking around in plain daylight, “I’ve been doing this stuff for a long time but it still strikes me odd as how clueless things are when it comes to watching their backs”. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Accel we need you to infiltrate these ruins and disarm the traps” said the male human “I know I am good at what I do, yet you always send me on the most deadly missions possible” I answered as I knew they only want to get rid of me but in doing something that would benefit them if I succeed. “Your skill is the very reason we are sending you on this mission, and this is a direct order so you can’t refuse anyway”. “And you forget that I’m not a part of your squad nor the army so I don’t have to follow your orders, and before you try, I never was a part of the army I always have worked under my own sets of rules, I simply help the Alliance out and my fellow people when they are in deep need”. “Fine, fine how much will it cost me to get your help” he said with a scowl. “The usual price, but upfront and you pay for my armor repairs when I get back.” “Upfront?” then he begins raising his voice, “HOW CAN I TRUST YOU NOT JUST TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN OFF?” “On my honor I’ll not, and if that isn’t good enough” I pull out a dagger, “hold on to this and it’ll give me a motive to come back, that good enough for you?” “That’ll work but, I still don’t trust you to pull through”. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “ouch....that hurt... a lot, why did I sleep in that tree again?” I wondered rubbing my head. “Well I better find some food, and that town be perfect place, or maybe that apple tree field” my stomach growled, “yeah, no one would mind me taking a few apples there would they?” I started to sprint down to the farm, right after I jump the fence I went into a roll and surrounded myself with the shadows, making me completely invisible to most without proper training to see the effect. “Ah nothing like a good sprint”. “Anypony there?” said a voice. “Dang it...why do I keep doing that” I thought in frustration. “Guess it was nothin’” the voice said. “Well guess I’m in the clear...err wait it said ‘anypony’, is that what those things are?” I wondered, “and I guess that means they can talk, well its not the strangest thing I seen”. I then climbed into the nearest apple tree, and plucked an apple. “that...that is the best apple I ever tasted”. I was about to take another bite but, the tree suddenly started shaking, and I fell out. “That’s the 2nd time I fell on my head today!” I said rubbing my head “What you doing eating my apples?” the voice said “Well I was hungry and I haven't had anything to eat for a few days and... wait why should I explain myself?” I answered while I finally got a good look at the pony. It was orange with a yellow mane and a farmer hat. “YOU’RE THE ONE EATING MY APPLES!” the orange pony yelled “YOU should be explaining yourself, and what are you?” “well, errr...umm, bye” I said in return Before I gave it a chance to respond I flipped my dagger around and whacked it on the head with the blunt end, effectively knocking it out without drawing blood. “well I better get into town before anything else happens”. I pocketed a few apples before wrapped myself back into the shadows and then I went along on my sprint into town. “why this is interesting none of them even have any armor on, I guess this place isn't attacked often, or at least maybe there isn't some blood thirsty group killing for the sake of killing” I concluded, “there is clearly something amidst here with this pink puff I see popping up out of nowhere every 2 minutes”. Before I was able to continue monologue to myself, I managed to avoid running into some purple pony with a horn that clearly wasn't watching where it was going, as it was reading a book, “well I guess considering none of them could see me, well I hope, I shouldn't bother faulting that purple one but well, I been needing something to read so...” I opened the saddlebag that it had and took out a random book, and I left a few gold coins where it formerly sat. As I closed the bag, the purple pony turned its head to where I was “it can’t see me, I almost never fail at this kind of stuff” I thought to myself. “W..w..what are you?” the purple pony said “Hmm it sounded female, well I got a problem now that it CAN see me or at least the distortion in the air”, I then spoke “well I was just checking a book out ma’am and now that I have, I must get going” without giving her a chance to respond, I stepped fully within the shadows and appeared on the rooftop. “Ah how I love shadowsteping, and I’m not making the mistake of talking out loud this time”. Looking around from the roofs I found a rather simple path to get back to the forest, for me at least. I started sprinting across the rooftops jumping to the next when a gap comes up. “Well that was more roof then I thought” thinking out loud, I then face-palm “dang it, I did it again”. “I heard something from the roof twilight” a voice said “why, why can’t I brake that habit” I thought as I frantically look around for where the voice came from, then I spotted it “great…they can have wings, and well I’ll just call this one rainbow for, well its rainbow mane”. Before I could continue to run across the roofs the purple pony appeared right in front of me of what I assume was Twilight. “You can come out now” Twilight said looking directly at me. “Well I guess I got no choice eh?” I said as I dropped the shadow that shield me, “I just hate it when things can see though that, but it makes it clear you can use magic and well attuned with it” “Return the book you stole!” said Rainbow “Well let me think about it, hmmm no” “Why did you steal it?’ asked Twilight “Well let me see, being stuck in a forest for 4 or 5 days, to only find I am in some place I never seen, I wanted to see what kind of books would be here and now if you excuse me, I must be going” right as I finished the sentence I threw a smoke bomb down at Twilight’s feet. Then I started running wrapping the shadows around me once again, but before I was able to jump to the next roof I failed to notice the puddle of water before it was too late. “Just great, this is going to be the 3rd time I landed on my hea…”