//------------------------------// // A Crystal Fair // Story: Kirby's Nightmare in Equestria // by munomana //------------------------------// Kirby's Nightmare in Equestria A Crystal Fair Everypony stood around Twilight for a second in a hushed manner. They weren't exactly sure what the purple mare was talking about. Twilight took note of the group's silence, so she decided to reiterate with more... detail. "Okay, apparently the 'Crystal Fair' was established to spread the spirit of love and unity in the kingdom to protect it from harm! I'm sure that we, together, could set it up!" The group shared a few glances among each other before looking back to Twilight. They seemed to be rather skeptical at the thought, but they've seen more outrageous strategies that worked before. They weren't just going to jump on in though. Rainbow Dash decided flew up in front of the group of ponies in a flash, an expression of slight confusion adorned her face. "So... where do we start?" Twilight just turned around towards the entrance of the library. She knew what they'd do, but she decided that they had to take care of a few matters first. "Well, let's just head over to Cadance and Shining Armour first. I'm sure they should at least know our plan; maybe even get them to help somehow!" Twilight turned around once again before starting to trot up the stairs leading towards the entrance. "Twi, wait!" Twilight stopped and turned around to the voice of Applejack, bemused and slightly annoyed. "What're we even gonna do?" Twilight started trotting up the stairs once again. "I'll tell you guys once we get there. We don't have much time to spare, let's go!" As Kirby walked through the streets, he looked towards Galacta. He couldn't help but feel a small spark fly through his mind. He shrugged it off for a second, but he couldn't drop it. He never felt that feeling when staring at the other ponies. Kirby removed his gaze as he looked back forward toward the large tower. He couldn't help but feel the small vibrations of a melody. He couldn't pinpoint it, but he could feel it, just like before getting on the train to this place. It was distant, but recognizable nonetheless. He shot a glance towards the ponies. They all seemed like nothing was happening, save for Galacta, who seemed to be sub-consciously searching around the immediate area for the sound. Kirby just set it aside for now, but he could tell something... unusual was about to take place. As the group reached the tower, they all hurried in, one-by-one into the room where Shining Armour and Cadance rested. As they crowded in, Twilight came in, book in grasp. The rest of the group just seemed to stay back and watch. Shining took notice of Twilight's presence before he ran over to her. They exchanged a quick hug and greeting before he decided to ask. "So, did you and your friends find anything useful to stop Sombra? Also... who is that new pony over there? She wasn't with you last time." Shining shot Galacta a glance before returning to Twilight who just responded by opening the large book on the floor. "We could use this: A 'Crystal Fair'. According to this book, it was established by their first queen, and became their most important tradition. The Fair was held every year to renew the spirit of love and unity in the empire so they could protect it from harm. My friends and I could put it together. Everything we need to know is in the book! All we need is just some time, and would it be too much to try to help us?" Shining was delightfully surprised, but at the same time concerned. "Well, I'd love to help you, but Cadan-" "Yes, he can go." His voice was interrupted by Cadance. Shining turned around in surprise, seeing as how she hadn't slept in a few days. "But Cadance, you nee-!" "No buts, Shining. Your sister needs you, and I'll be fine here by myself." Shining raised his hoof to say something, but he was stopped as Cadance trotted up and put a hoof over his mouth. "Now, go help Twilight and her friends." "Okay, Cadance. If you need me, don't hesitate to call." The two exchanged a kiss before he turned back to Twilight, who just nodded. "Okay, Twilight. I know where we can plan. Just follow me." Before Twilight and Kirby could walk through the door in the back of the group, Twilight stopped him with a hoof. She turned to Kirby before reaching back into her saddlebag, which she had left in the throne room by the door for the time-being. She pulled out a small, blue box before levitating it before Kirby. "Okay, Kirby. I'm entrusting you with this for now. You may need to travel quickly, so you should hang onto it." Twilight rested the box in front of Kirby before turning towards the door and trotting out. Kirby stared at the box in confusion. He knew it was his Warpstar, but that wasn't what was confusing him. The melody he heard from before grew stronger. It grew louder and louder as he followed Twilight. He wasn't sure why it was there. He didn't see any instruments, speakers, or ponies able to make such a sound. He tried shaking it off, but it confused and... excited him. As he stepped into the room, the book rested open in the middle of a large table. The ponies were all surrounding the book. Suddenly, the music stopped. In a instant, the music started playing again, louder than ever. Kirby jerked around in every direction, frantically trying to figure out the source, but he eventually threw it aside. He then started enjoying it, more than he should have. He even starting moving to the beat. Princess Cadence needs our help Her magic will not last forever I think we can do it But we need to work together POYO! We have to get this right, Yes we have to make them see We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history! POYO! It says that they like jousting! POYO! They flew a flag of many hues! POYO! Made sweets of crystal berries! POYO! They had a petting zoo with tiny ewes POYO! And a Crystal kingdom anthem Can you learn it in a day? POYO! "Oh we have to get this- POYO! Yes, we- POYO! -make them- POYO! We will sa- POYO! POYO! POYO! POYO! POYO! POYO! POYO!" The music abruptly stopped. The ponies were standing in the middle of the town, where the Fair was hosted. In confusion, they all stared at each other before looking up to the source of the sounds. Above them was Kirby, who decided to bust out his Warpstar while singing loudly and eating crystal berry pie, even though the music stopped. He continued flying around frantically, before he opened his eyes. He was met with the stares of eight ponies and a baby dragon. He started to slow down before coming to the ground and returning the Warpstar to its resting place. Twilight looked around her, examining the Crystal Fair to its full glory. She was astonished. It was filled with all the things the book said. Crystal Berry pie, a petting zoo, hats, jousting, activities, and a crystal heart! They had undergone lots of mistakes and failures, but they finally had finished. Now, they had to initiate the next part. This was the only way of stopping Sombra as far as they knew. Twilight was filled with pride and hope. She knew it wasn't time to give up now, and that she knew that Celestia depended on them. She could do it. *CLUNK* "Uhm, what's this 'fer, sugarcube?" Twilight turned around to see Applejack poking a pedestal. "Oh! It's the crystal heart! It's the centerpiece to the entire fair!" Applejack shrugged it off before trotting away. Twilight looked to Shining Armour, who winked in her direction. They all gathered up together before trotting up into the tower. Twilight, Cadance, and Shining Armour entered the doorway leading to a balcony, that over-looked the empire and all its glory.They trotted in towards the edge of the balcony, accompanied by the sound of a cat being skinned ali-, Pinkie playing a fanfare on the flugelhorn... or at least attempting to. As they reached the edge of the balcony, Twilight raised her hoof. "Hear ye, hear-" "FLUGELHOOOOORN" Twilight turned to Pinkie momentarily, shooting her an expression of annoyance. "My bad!" Twilight then turned back towards the townsponies. "Ahem." She paused for a moment. "Hear ye, hear ye. Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor do cordially invite you to attend the Crystal Fair!" ALT. ENDING (Non-canonical) Twilight, Cadance, and Shining Armour entered through the doorway leading to the balcony. As they trotted in, they noticed Kirby standing off to the side, admiring a flugelhorn. They then continued to the edge of the balcony. Kirby looked at the flugelhorn in confusion. As a test, he inhaled it. In an instant, he was transformed into Mike Kirby. He had a headset over his head and a mike in his arms. Kirby looked over towards Pinkie who was attempting to play the flugelhorn, where he got an idea. "Hear ye, hear-" "POOOOYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Kirby screamed into the mike in a voice so high-pitched, the actual word was barely distinguishable. As the sound reverberated over the empire, everypony clutched their ears. The pain from the noise was so unbearable, they all slumped over unconscious. As the ponies fell over, large cracks were heard. Kirby looked back towards the tower for an instant. The crystal on it instantly shattered into a million pieces, along with every single item in the entire empire. Kirby began falling, the tower collapsing. The ponies were engulfed in the billions of shards falling, burying everything in sight. As Kirby hit the ground, he was instantly covered in thousands of shards. Silence. Not a sound was heard. The dust settled. Kirby climbed up from the pile of rubble. There were crystals everywhere. As Kirby looked around, ponies started emerging from the rubble. One by one, they all turned to Kirby. Before long, hundreds of eyes were on him. In the last moment, he jumped up. "Poyo!"