//------------------------------// // Bringing it all together // Story: Making your Mark // by Kipakuta //------------------------------// Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were seated on one side of a small table, while Scootaloo stood on the other side. "Here's my idea." Scootaloo began. "You know how I've been complimented on my 'nice moves?' I'm thinking that's my talent. I'm gonna put on a stunt show. And I need you two to help me prepare." "We haven't done a show in a long time." Applebloom replied. "We've done stunts, but not for a crowd. Maybe our talents are being showponies." Sweetie Belle rubbed her hooves together. "I think I can help. As long as everypony's looking at you and not at me." "Alright then." Scootaloo pointed to Applebloom. "I'm gonna need somepony to make the presentation. That includes flyers, a rocking playlist that I can perform to, being an announcer, and working the crowd." "Can do," the earth pony saluted. Scootaloo pointed to Sweetie Belle. "I'm also gonna need a few cool outfits to wear. I'm gonna use my scooter, a skateboard, a bike, and a set of skates. Oh, and a stunt track to perform on." "I'm on it," the unicorn replied. "CUTIEMARKCRUSADERSSTUNTSHOWPERFORMERS!!!" They cheered, bumpng hooves together. "I'm gonna go practice." Scootaloo said as she dashed out the door. Applebloom leaned over and whispered something in Sweetie Belle's ear. The unicorn grinned, then gave an approving gesture. = = = Next Sevenday, a small crowd gathered in a field outside of Whitetail woods. In the center of the field was a wooden construction consisting of various kinds of curved and straight ramps connected to flat surfaces; the whole thing forming a track of sorts. On one platform, an orange pegasus filly wore a rivet-studded bright white flight-suit under protective gear. "Thank you all for coming." She spoke into a portable microphone. "I promised that this was gonna be a dynamite show, and I intend to deliver, so without further ado." She tossed the mic aside, hopped onto a bicycle, then pedaled it down the ramp and along the track as a high energy music track blared over the speakers. Following a carefully rehearsed routine, the filly stopped at certain locations along the track to perform dextrous feats with the bike: wheelies, jumps, skids, and spins, all arranged to coincide with changes in the music. After five songs, she returned to the platform then switched the bike for her scooter. Later on she switched to a skateboard, finally wrapping up with a set of hoofskates. Each one had their own list of songs and sequence of stunts. The crowd watched and cheered, enjoying the show. There was an occasional 'oohh' or 'ahhh' whenever Scootaloo pulled off a particularly tricky stunt. While Sweetie Belle helped Scootaloo with costume changes, Applebloom was running a small stand off to the side of the seating area, where she sold treats from her family farm. After the show, Scootaloo removed the skates, then Sweetie Belle passed her the microphone. "You know, as awesome as that was, I couldn't have done it alone. I have to give proper respect to those that helped me. First, to my best friends. By my side .the wonderfully talented Sweetie Belle, who put all of this together." She draped a leg over the unicorn's back and pulled her in for a hug. Sweetie Belle blushed as the crowd cheered. "And the hardworking Applebloom, for getting you all here and keeping you here." She pointed to the snack booth, and Applebloom waved. "Next to my coach and trainer, Rainbow Dash of the Wonderbolts.." She indicated a blue pegasus who was seated near one end of the track. The pegasus stood up and motioned for the crowd to cheer louder, then directed the attention back to Scootaloo. Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle had slipped away, met with Applebloom, and the pair snuck into the audience and cajoled a certain pony into following them. "And last, I want to thank the pony who inspired me to actually put on this performance." Sweetie Belle and Applebloom could be seen guiding a magenta mare onto the platform. "Missus, Cheerilee, LAROULETTE!" Scootaloo twirled then pointed to the mare. "Give her a round of applause everypony." The crowd stomped their hooves against the ground, creating a sound similar to that of a stampede. "Thank you, thank you verah much." The pegasus drawled, her words partly drowned out by the cheering.