Wasted Hours

by Closer-To-The-Sun

Chapter 2: Nothing Better

Chapter 2: Nothing Better

The other stallions were surprised to see Pokey act so bashful at Spike’s laughing.

Caramel was the first to speak, “Is that true about Pinkie Pie, Pokey?”

“Well, I would be lying if I said she didn’t make everyday unique and fun,” Pokey seemed flustered. He quickly took a drink of his amaretto, which led to him immediately regretting drinking so much of the bitter liquid at once.

“Do you have a thing for her?” Shining Armor asked, tilting his head. He knew of the pony and had a few interactions with her before. He had to admit that she was one of the more unique ponies he had ever met.

The blue unicorn cleared his throat before he replied, “Well, we kind of got a thing for each other….nothing all that serious yet or anything.”

This surprised all of the others at the table. Big Mac asked the question the rest wanted to know the answer to, “Are ya two goin’ steady or anythin’ of the sort?”

Pokey laughed, “I told you guys, nothing all that serious yet. To be honest, I’m just happy she doesn’t hate me like I thought she did. As it turned out, she had a crush on me. Who knew?”

“So you guys aren’t all that serious yet?” Caramel asked. When the blue stallion shook his head no, the tan colt laughed, “Well, it’s good to hear that for you and all. But not to brag, I kind of got something going on with a mare.”

Spike was in disbelief, “Nah, there’s no way, Caramel. You’re too much of a screw up for anypony.”

“I have to agree with the pint-sized dragon on this one,” Pokey stated.

“I mean it! A mare and I do have a relationship!” Caramel was becoming defensive.

“Who? Roseluck?” Pokey pondered.

“Cheerilee?” the dragon guessed.

“That grey mailmare that has an odd obsession with baked goods?” Shining Armor joined in with a joke. The others laughed with Caramel grew more annoyed.

“No! It’s none of them! In fact, she’s better than all of them combined!” the stallion proudly proclaimed. Taking a drink of his cider, he continued, “She’s strong, independent, thoughtful, kind, and so much more! It’s Ap-”

“Applejack,” Spike quickly interjected before Caramel could finish.

“What? How’d you know?” the tan stallion felt defeated with the dragon beating him to his own end.

“Applebloom and I got our methods. But it’s not me who you should worry about, Caramel. It’s the brother whose sitting next to you,” the dragon pointed as he took a long sip of his Shirley Trople.

Caramel turned to see Big Macintosh giving him a grim look. Caramel shirked down in his seat in his awkwardness. The scene that was playing out in front of them caused Shining Armor, Pokey and Spike to all laugh.

“Were ya plannin’ on tellin’ me this anytime soon?” the red stallion asked, glaring at his co-worker and friend.

“I….uh….I was….honest. But, it….uh….just kind of all happened fast….sorry?” Caramel cowered in fear that Big Mac would unleash a righteous fury that only an older brother could give.

Big Mac’s expression quickly changed and the stallion laughed, patting the back of his friend, “It’s quite alright, Caramel. Ah know ya well an’ ah trust ya. Jus’ behave yerself.”

“W-Will do, B-Big Mac….” Caramel was both relieved and scared at Big Mac’s reaction. The others, however, found it to be humorous.

“An’ don’t be thinkin’ that this means things will be easier fer ya ‘round the farm. In fact, ah might give ya more work, jus’ because,” Big Mac winked at Caramel.

The stallion, however, wasn’t exactly convinced that Big Mac was joking or not about anything he was saying, “O-Okay, s-sir….”

“So, if Caramel turns up dead in a ditch somewhere, we know what might have happened to him,” Shining Armor joked.

“Yeah, he got ‘big brothered’ to death!” Pokey added on and shared in the laughter.

Spike, who was still chuckling, gave some words of encouragement, “It’s alright Caramel. If it makes you feel better, I got some dirt on Big Mac as well!”

Big Mac quickly seemed to be worried at the small dragon’s statement, while the tan stallion appeared to have a great interest.