//------------------------------// // Poison and Escape // Story: Light in the Shadows // by Shadowbot739 //------------------------------// “Well those traps were harder to get by then I thought, sure they paid me to disarm them but, I want to see what’s down here first”. I look around the ruins and it was nothing like I ever seen before. “I been to many corners of the world, sneaked though deadly forts but, I've never seen or heard of anything of this”. As I continue to look around, it became clear that this place been untouched for 500 years at least. “There isn't even any spiders here, and I find them everywhere, maybe this is a Titan ruin, though the markings do not look anything like the ones I been in”. “You are trespassing” a voice said out of nowhere “Be careful of what you say, the last person that said that to me ended up paralyzed for 3 weeks” I responded, as I finished my line I threw a smoke bomb at the ground, then pulled out 10 shurikens and threw them around me. I waited, expecting something crying out in pain but, it never came. “What? This just can’t be, unless… it is above me”. I slowly look up and saw the spider that was missing, “well I doubt that is what talked to me but, that is one of the biggest spider I ever seen, heck its bigger than the average drake I ride at times”. The behemoth spider then suddenly starts to make its way to the floor from where it sat. Once it got to the floor all of its eyes locked onto me. “So that’s how you want to play it”, I then double checked to see if my blades were freshly coated in poison, “yeah that’ll work, now, let’s see what happens when heavens fall upon you”. As if on cue the spider swiped two of its legs at me, I easily step out of the range of the legs. I then stabbed one of the legs the spider used to attack me, giving my blade a twist, therefore opening the wound so the poison would sink in deeper. Before I could move back, it bit into my leg, injecting its own poison into me. “Eye for an eye, but I don’t play fair” I said to the behemoth spider. I pull out my special shuriken, one that many come it fear, “well now let’s see how you handle Life’s Inevitability”. After I threw the blade making a perfect throw into one of the spider’s eyes, I start to move for the hallway. “That spider’s poison seems to have some sort of movement impairing effect on me, but doesn't seem lethal. Unfortunately for that spider, mine IS lethal”. I then look behind me to see that the spider is struggling to follow me. When it finally dies after about 2 or 3 minutes of me struggling to stay away from the behemoth spider, while the poison was slowly killing it along with the green goo like blood seeping though the ruptured eye. I finally took in a deep breath, “just how the heck did it get that big, it was clear to me that nothing have came down this way in centuries”. I then decided to take a rest to let the poisons ware off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I woke with a throbbing headache, “why does my head hurt so much… oh wait, that’s right I landed on it 3 times”. Once I managed to open my eyes, I notice I wasn't in some cell or chained up somewhere as I almost always ended up being after get caught. Instead, I was in what appears to be a barn far as I could tell lying in some hay. I looked around, without actually moving, I notice the orange pony that I knocked out before looking at me with some hint of anger. “Good thing this mask makes it near impossible to tell whether I’m awake or not” I thought, “these things must either be powerful, or stupid for the fact I’m unchained. Yet unfortunately for me they were wise enough to move my daggers across the room yet, not hiding them”. The orange pony then spoke “Are you awake?” “Well there isn’t really any point not talking therefore not getting answers of where I am”, I answered “Yes I’m awake”. “What are you?” the orange pony replied. “So the casual questions, I see now by not chaining me up they are trying to lead me into a false sense of safety, then they’ll try and get information out of me”, I decided to make a little game out of this “Well of what I can assume, I’m something you never heard of”. “Why did you steal my apples?” “I was hungry” I replied. “How you even eat them, far as I can tell you don’t even have a mouth” the orange pony replied back. I started to chuckle “that just doesn't happen, mistaking my mask for my actual face”. “What’s so funny?” the pony responded with an annoyed tone. “Well the fact that you actually think my mask is my face, I don’t think I ever had that happen before”, I then got to my feet, “well I think it’s time for me to get going”. “Hold on a minute, twilight said not to let you go anywhere”, the pony said taking a step towards me, "an' I'm not about to let you go either". “All I’ll say to that is, you cannot prevent the unseen, you can only prepare for it”. “What that suppose to m…” I before I gave the pony a chance to finish what it was going to say, I gave a hard kick into its side. “YOU’RE NOT GETTING PAST ME AGAIN!” the orange pony yelled. “Well clearly that didn’t work, but this should distract em long enough”. I scooped up some dirt and threw it in to the pony’s eyes, and it responded with a pained yell. I then run to the other side of the room picking up my daggers, and then headed for the door. Before I was able to open the doors, the doors started glowing purple and started to open themselves. “Just my luck, it’s that Twilight person” I said thinking out loud. “What did you do to Applejack?” Twilight asked in anger. Ignoring the question, I started to sprint out of the barn only to find myself unable to move. “Why do you keep on running?” said twilight with anger clearly building up even more. “Telekinesis … that’s rare, and to answer your friend’s question I’m a night elf”, once again completely ignoring twilight’s question. “Now since it’s clear to me you’re just not going to let me go, I’ll just nullify your magic’s hold on me”. “You can’t even move” she responded Deciding now it was the right time to get the heck away, I called upon the shadows to rip the grips of twilight’s magic off me, “you under estimate me, I been at this far too long to let this petty trick get me”. “H...how you do that?” twilight asked “The shadows hold no secrets, but most cannot understand them” soon as I finished talking I stepped into the shadows taking me to the nearby forest edge. “Best to leave them in question, but this leaves me with a problem”, giving a deep sigh, “I need answers, but I can’t get into the town like that with that Twilight being able to see me in stealth”. As I walk deeper into the forest trying to consider possible options, then it hit me “well if I can’t get into town by sneaking in, maybe I can get in by blending in with them”. The idea was perfect just now the matter is in how I am going to blend in.