A Beautiful Adventure

by thunderingbassFIM8819

Bass's introduction. (Chapter 1)

His heart beating, wings pumping, Thundering Bass flies through Ponyville with something on his mind, his onły care for the day. He comes to a stop at Sugar Cube Corner. Slowly he furls his large white wings and strolls in calmly. He checks his bags to make sure everything is still there. Thunder, as most people call him, pulls out a few bits and sits at a table. He's waiting for something, no, someone. He sits nervously and jerks his head up at the sound of the door opening. There she is. Thunder's heart stops, she looks nothing like he expected. Her name is Melody Breeze.

"Melody?" Thunder asks shyly. "It's me Thundering Bass."

Melody stops in her tracks and smiles as she turns to him, she just as surprised as him. "Oh Thundering Bass, is it? It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Same here, I'm glad you decided to show up, I've been wanting to use your voice in a song of mine for a while now. I heard one of your songs and thought 'that voice could be my big break'."

"Well thank you Mr. Ba-"

"Just call me Thunder, all my friends do," Thunder says grinning at his soon to be business partner. He knew she was perfect for the job, he knew her voice would fit fantastically in his electro house, he knew she'd enjoy being the vocals. The reason he needed her, for the vocals of hers weren't in any current song, he would not only get his big break, but give her a new hit single. But first they needed inspiration.

"We'll Thunder, I understand you are an electro house artist, why don't you just remix one of my current songs? Why did you drag us all the way out here to Ponyville? There must be a good reason," Melody was confused, she didn't understand Thunder's plan. She stretched out her beautiful white wings and and tossed her blue and black mane out her face with her hoof.

Thundering Bass quietly explained his plans to her, and lowered his head hiding his face in his own all black mane. He knew most ponies would have denied, especially one of Melody Breeze's standards. So when she accepted his heart stopped. His breath returned as he looked up at her with a smile larger than life. He approached her on the fact that he needed a way to be inspired. So she suggested one thing, that no pony in all of Equestria would even dare think of.

An adventure...