//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Everypony loves Twilight // by LankyLuna //------------------------------// Applejack was finishing her usual apple bucking at the farm, when she saw a distressed yellow pegasus running home, faster than she'd ever seen her go. Applejack quickly finished her chores, and being worried for her friend, she quickly ran off to Fluttershy's house, hoping she could be of help. When she reached her friend's house, she knocked on the wooden door. "P-please go away!" Applejack heard Fluttershy whimper. "Fluttershy, what's wrong? Did somepony say somethin' mean to you?!" Applejack said. "N-no please, I j-just don't want to talk right now." Whispered the crying pegasus from inside her house. "Fluttershy, ah'm always here for ya. Please tell me what's wrong."Applejack said sympathetically. "Okay..." Applejack took off her hat as she heard hoofsteps coming towards the door. When the door opened, Fluttershy pulled her in for a hug. Applejack smiled. "Ah figured something was wrong when ah saw ya’ll runnin faster than Rainbow flies, but I didn’t think it was this bad. Ah’m sorry I didn’t come right away Sugarcube." Fluttershy pulled her even tighter for a moment to whisper a nearly unheard “thank you” before slowly breaking the hug. "It's no big deal, now what's been troubling you?" When Pinkie and Twilight finished their dinner, they tipped the waiter and left, Pinkie walking Twilight home. "Soooooo...did you enjoy our date?" Pinkie asked Twilight. "Yes. It's been such a long time since I've been out to a place like that." "Yay! So you weren't bored at all?" "No I-" "Great! Then the date was a success!" "A...success?" The lavender mare questioned Pinkie, curious as to what she meant. "Yep! Actually...wait, Twi?" "Hmm?" "Do you..." Pinkie bit her lip. "Want to..." "Want to?" Twilight spoke up. "Go out with me?!" Pinkie nervously spouted out. "But we are outside." Pinkie started laughing at Twilight's comment. "Oh Twilie, you know what I mean! Do you want to be my mare?" Pinkie said, her nervousness disappearing, but reappearing again when she saw the look on Twilight's face. "Y-your mare? Uhh-umm..." Twilight put a hoof behind her neck. "This is another one of your pranks, right?" Twilight asked, looking for Rainbow. "A what? No no, I would never lie about something like this! I pinkie promise I’m being super serious right now!" Pinkie said, making her ''Pinkie promise" movements. Twilight was instantly paralyzed for a second, but she quickly came to her senses and made an excuse to get away from the awkward situation so she could think straight about all this, and most importantly, study. "Um, well...look at the time! Oh wow, already 10 o clock! I better get to the library so I can put Spike to sleep. So um..." Twilight waited for a response, but when none came, she galloped away. "Okie dokie lokie..." Said Pinkie suspiciously. As soon as Twilight got home, she closed the door and all the windows, making sure there was nowhere anypony could get in her house. She threw off her dress and searched for the books she was going to need tonight. "Alright, dating for beginners, dating for beginners..." Twilight said, skimming the bookshelf. "Ah-ha! Found it." Twilight breifly looked for other books on the subject, but when none were found, she hurriedly put the book on the table and sat down. Twilight didn't know one thing about dating. Sure, she got asked out quite a bit, but she always said no. Usually 'no' was the first thing that came to her mouth when somepony asked her, but something was different this time. Twilight opened the book, but quickly shut it. Will this make me a filly-fooler? What will people think of that? Well, nopony judges Lyra and Bon-bon, so why would they judge me? Twilight thought, opening the book back up, to shut it again. But, Pinkie's my friend! I don't want to ruin our relationship as friends. Twilight quickly opposed to her thought. Pinkie Pie is a forgiving pony. She wouldn't hold it against me forever if we broke up. Twilight opened the book again, then began reading its contents.