A Beautiful Adventure

by thunderingbassFIM8819

Onwards (Chapter 4)

Thunder was awoken by the warmness of the sun's rays. The mare that had kissed him the night before still lay in his embrace. Thunder blushed at the thought of Melody Breeze, possible the best voice in all of Equestria, had not only kissed him, but nuzzled with him until they fell asleep in each others' embrace. He smiled and decided to quietly escape her hooves, for he wanted to surprise her. He was going to collect breakfast.

Melody was awoken by what felt like a kiss, it was in the cheek, but none-the-less a kiss. Too tired to try and hide anything the beautiful mare blushed madly. When she saw Thunder's face images of the previous night came rushing back to her. The only thing that had shown on her face was happiness. She tried to explain herself for the night before, but Thunder dismissed it. He knew why, he didn't want any other reason.

"I'm glad you're awake, hopefully hungry, I picked us some apples for the trip," mused Thunder. The stallion was the happiest he'd been in the longest time, but so was the mare.

"Thanks, and yes I am hungry , shall we get going then? We do have to get Canterlot by this evening if we are going to even start this adventure tomorrow." Melody was happy and didn't want to leave the clearing, but they needed inspiration for the song.

So they went.