//------------------------------// // Chapter Twelve: Pony From Another Series // Story: Bart and Scoots // by Gazmanafc //------------------------------// Chapter Twelve Pony From Another Series Taking Princess Celestia's advice, Twilight took the weekend off from searching how to expand the functionality of the portals she's been creating to travel between Ponyville and Canterlot, and instead spent the time relaxing. She spent some time helping out Applejack at the farm since Apple Bucking season is approaching, as well as helping Pinkie Pie with orders at Sugarcube Corner and Fluttershy at her cottage tending to the woodland critters. She did still feel guilty about taking the break regardless, when there was a filly in another dimension to retrieve, as soon as she could when she arrived home in Ponyville, she wrote a letter to Scootaloo at 742 to say that she would need to remain in Springfield a few days longer. Scootaloo replied with a response to not worry about it, she's gotten used to the fact that this is for the long haul. Arriving back in Canterlot after the weekend of rest and relaxation, Twilight immediately got to work again on advancing her portal spell. Amazingly by that evening, she eventually found something that might would enable portals to travel for three. “This has to be it!” shouts Twilight to nopony in particular. “Huh? What'd you say Twilight?” Spike asks. “I think I just found a spell that can temporarily boost the power of another spell for a short time!” “So you think that would allow you to be able to send more than one pony at a time?” he asks. “Yeah. But this will need to be tested before I expand it to try and reach Springfield.” Just then Rainbow Dash flies through the window. “Hey, Twilight, what's up?” she greets. “Huh?!” turning around “Oh hey Rainbow, what are you doing here?” “Just stopping by to see what's up.” “Oh, well. Things are going great actually. Speaking of which, if you're up for it, I could use your help.” “Sure, Twilight, what do you need?” Rainbow questions. “Well, I think I've got a spell that'll be able to boost the power given to the next spell I cast.” says Twilight. “What does that mean?” “It means that if I cast the booster spell followed by a portal spell, I'll be able to send more than one pony to Springfield before it closes.” says Twilight with a hint of excitement in her voice. “That's great, but why do you need my help?” says Rainbow Dash. “I've not had the chance to test it yet. I was wondering if you'd be one of my test subjects in a portal that would travel simply across the room.” “Sounds like a plan. I'm game.” says Rainbow Dash. “Okay, stand back” Rainbow Dash and Spike step away from Twilight who starts to flare up her horn with a magenta coloured aura from there, she shoots out a blue orb at the wall. “We should hurry, I don't know how this portal works. It could be limited by time, or organic entities.” “Right!” Rainbow Dash says taking to the air flapping her wings. She, Twilight and Spike hold their breaths as they walk into the portal a few seconds later, another portal opens in the room on top of Twilight's bed. With all three walking out, just fine. “ALRIGHT! That worked” exclaims Spike. “Good work Twilight.” says Rainbow Dash. “A little inaccurate for my tastes,” Twilight replies jumping off the bed “but it will do, as long as we can get back to Equestria that's all that matters.” “Right.” replies Rainbow Dash. "Now, just to work on extending it's range..." Elsewhere across the Cosmos in Springfield, the Simpsons plus Scootaloo are sitting in the Den watching TV, this time it was Bart's turn to decide what to watch on TV, and with Bart being Bart, he wanted to watch Krusty the Clown. "Live, from Springfield Penitentiary's Fabulous Big Open Area in Cell Block D. It's the Krusty the Clown Second Prison Special" an announcer on the TV states as a Krusty the Clown logo appears on screen. Krusty the Clown walks on stage and starts to sing a theme song. I slugged some jerk in Tahoe They gave me one to three My high-priced lawyer sprung me on a technicality I'm just visiting Springfield Prison I get to sleep at home tonight! "Hey hey, I kid. I kid because I love!" Krusty says after hearing the grumbles of the prisoners. "Hey!" a prisoner shouts, "you already performed that song on your last prison special" "You try coming up with new prison related material!" Krusty snaps back. "That's not our job, you're the clown, you come up with the material." another prisoner returns. The Warden watching this felt like he needed to step in. "Krusty, as much as I hate to say it, the prisoners are right. You're a clown, a famous one at that, I was a fan of your work when I was a kid, but I think you should've been more prepared for a show tonight, no one likes to see a hack." the Warden says. "HACK?! I'll show you who's a hack!" Krusty yells. "No. I'm sorry Krusty, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave, before I get a riot on my hands because of your unprofessional attitude to your work" "B-But what about my show?" Krusty shouts. "This thing is live y'know!" "Maybe so. But I'm not going to let these prisoners even consider a riot because of you. So please leave." says the Warden. "a guard will escort you out." "Bah. What do you know. I'm outta here. Just show Itchy and Scratchy cartoons for the rest of the time slot or something, I don't care!" Krusty says leaving in a huff. In the Simpsons's Den, the Simpsons plus Scootaloo were surprised by what they just saw. Bart had his face in his palm. "That's Krusty?" Scootaloo asks, to which Lisa gives her a "uh-huh" response, "Geez. He sucks. Even the Supposed "Great and Powerful" Trixie could put on a better show than him, and the only thing she could do on her own was a firework display." "No way! Krusty's just having a bad day, that's all" Bart claims. Lisa just rolls her eyes. "Sure. Whatever you say Bart" she says sarcastically. Outside the prison, Krusty is walking away from the complex with an evil grin on his face, below a thunderous sky. "Hahahahahahahah!" he laughs maniacally.