//------------------------------// // Chapter Thirteen: Wild Ponies Can't Be Broken // Story: Bart and Scoots // by Gazmanafc //------------------------------// Chapter Thirteen Wild Ponies Can't Be Broken Sadly, the booster spell was the only breakthrough Twilight got for several months, enough that it was already December, and everypony was preparing for Hearth's Warming Eve. She had missed her own personal deadline of getting Scootaloo back to Equestria by the Sisterhooves Social, but Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash agreed to have a separate traditional race this year for Scootaloo, and push the next Social ahead a few months to compensate. Even though Twilight was already pulling all nighters, because of Hearth's Warming, she's trying her best to pull double time regardless and has narrowed her spell searching to Dimensional space/time spells checking out pretty much all the books that were available in the Canterlot Libraries and is on the verge of running out of books. "Aggghhh!" she exclaims. "None of these books have anything I can use!" "You just have to keep searching Twilight," says Rainbow Dash who is with her keeping her company, or as Dash would put it, 'keeping her sane.' "But this is the third to last book and..." Twilight says before stopping... "and what?" "THIS IS IT!" She exclaims with a giddy tone in her voice. "What's it?" "How to get to Springfield!" she says jumping around in circles. "You found it?" Dash says jumping onto her hooves. "Sweet! Lets get going then!" "Not yet Rainbow, we still need to prepare..." Twilight says before falling to the floor. "Twilight...?" Rainbow Dash says quickly picking Twilight up..."What's wrong with... oh." she notices that Twilight is out cold asleep. "...I'll go tell Princess Celestia myself instead." Elsewhere across the multiverse, it's Lunchtime at Springfield Elementary. In the schoolyard, Scootaloo spends much of her time by herself, not really wanting to interact with anyone else, not even Bart or Lisa since they have friends of their own and the fact that Scootaloo wont be around for long. She spends the time reflecting on her situation and trying to emulate Rainbow Dash from what she's seen so she uses the lunch period to catch a quick nap under a tree, or when she's challenged by Bart in a foot race. Amazingly despite losing her wings, she has managed to keep some of her speed and can actually take Bart on. Today however, she was instead approached by Lisa. “Hey, Scootaloo?” “Hey Lisa, what's up?” “I was wondering if you'd be interested in hanging out with my friends, instead of being here all by yourself.” “Hmm.. alright.” Scootaloo replies, getting up and dusting herself off. Scootaloo follows Lisa to join a group of girls who were sitting at a table with their lunch boxes out eating various sandwiches, fruits or bags of potato chips of differing flavours. Lisa's friends comprised of Janey, a black-skinned girl with black hair, Allison Taylor, a smart 7 year-old girl who was pushed ahead a grade, and Sherri and Terri, identical twins with shared purple hair and pale skin. One of the twins, Sherri leans to the other whispering "Eew. It's the girl with the stupid fake wings." the response the other gives is of laughter. Lisa and Scootaloo finally approach, "Hey guys, mind if my cousin, Harmony joins us." "Eww... why would we want that horse lover to join us?" says the other twin, Terri. "...What?" says Scootaloo. "We've all heard about your silly shtick you have of talking with horse puns." says Sherri. "..I-I don't know..." stutters Scootaloo. "Don't give us that!" shouts Terri. "And what about those silly wings. Whoever gave you those wings is a moron" laughs Sherri Lisa turned to Scootaloo to notice that she had a look of intense anger. "S-Scootaloo...?" Lisa says quietly, hopefully enough so that Scootaloo could hear her, but not everyone else. "You'll pay for saying that!" Scootaloo shouts before grabbing Sherri by the collar. "What the?!" Sherri exclaims in complete surprise. Scootaloo throws Sherri to the ground then starts to repeatedly pound in face Sherri several times while she was defenseless. From across the school yard the voice of a boy known as Nelson yells "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" as within seconds a huge crowd has grown around the feuding children, with Scootaloo clearly dominating the fight. Fortunately for Sherri, Principal Skinner was just as quick to respond to the fight, and breaks Scootaloo away from her victim. "Alright, alright break it up! Harmony, my office now." Still with her anger on her face, Scootaloo goes into the school, headed for Principal Skinner's office in a huff. "Allison, Janey, you take Sherri to the Nurse." "Yes, Principal Skinner" they both reply in unison picking Sherri up, draping her arms around their shoulders, and heading into the school after Scootaloo. "Alright everyone, shows over" Skinner says walking back into the school himself. Scootaloo sat in the chair opposite Principal Skinner's desk with her harms folded with a disinterested look. "I'm going to cut right to the chase. Why did you attack Sherri." says Skinner. "She insulted me." "That's it?" Skinner says, clearly annoyed. "What else do you want?" Scootaloo responds. "There has to be more to it then that." "Tsk. Fine, it's not like I'll be around much longer anyway. But I want you to promise me something Principal Skinner." Scootaloo replies. "As an Educator I am bound by privacy laws, anything you say here is of the strictest of confidence." "Good. The truth is, she insulted my mother, and my pegasus heritage." Scootaloo says. Skinner raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" "I mean exactly what I said. My name is not Harmony, it's actually Scootaloo. I'm a pegasus pony from the Magical land of Equestria. I was sent here by accident when a magic spell a friend of mine casted misfired. I'm simply staying with Bart and Lisa while I wait for a friend of my friend's sister and student to the ruler, Princess Celestia to come and take me home." Skinner had his jaw dropped. Quickly recovering. "I've heard lots of stories to get out of detention, most of them from Bart, but that has to be the biggest load of lies that I've ever heard in all my years as principal." "But it's true!" Scootaloo shouts. "I know this young lady, after school you're going to stay behind in detention writing 'I WILL NOT ATTACK STUDENTS AND LIE' on Miss. Hoovers blackboard until it's full." says Skinner. "But--!" "No buts, now get back to class. Lunch break is over for you." says Skinner. "Hmph." Scootaloo huffs off. "I'll show you who's a liar." she grunts to herself. Crouching under the window of Principal Skinner's office was a tall man with an orange shirt and trousers and large bushy red hair, listening in. "Interesting, a pony from a magical land hmm... maybe I can use her in my plans for revenge...!" he says.