//------------------------------// // A Much Needed Rest (Chapter 6) // Story: A Beautiful Adventure // by thunderingbassFIM8819 //------------------------------// The night was completely settled in, as were Thunder and Melody. Unfortunately the only room left only had one bed. Which honestly wasn't a problem for these two. They enjoyed each others company. So they did as they had on the forest floor, only this time on a queen sized bed that made the cloud-beds of Cloudsdale seethe with envy. "I hope nopony comes in," said Thunder as he nuzzled his partner playfully. He blushed as he did this, but he didn't care, he was having fun teasing the beautiful mare beside him. "Ha, you wouldn't care would you?" Melody smiled as her cheeks grew ever more red. She wanted him to get closer. She wanted to be his mare, but she shunned the thought. She was sure he only did this because he was feeling adventurous. "I'm kinda hoping not to go in the morning, I want to just lay here all night..." he was hesitant, "with you." Waiting for his response he gazed into her dazzling blue eyes and smiled. He waited for his response, but when one didn't arrive, he feared the worst. Then it hit him, she was crying. "I-I'm sorry, I'm never like this, but then again, nopony has ever been so nice, and I-I-I don't know what to say." She smiled through her tears, she quickly leaned in kissing the shocked stallion. Melody smiled and blushed wildly, her tears stopped, but her eyes remained red and her body still lightly trembling. She loved it here, in the castle, with this stallion she barely knew. She was truly happy. "I-I don't know what to say," Thunder blushed. He was glad that her tears were out happiness instead of sadness. So he decided to pull her close, and kiss her for once. Blushing he kissed her a couple more times and held her close with his wings. Obviously nothing had to be said, her face was as rosy as could be. She had the biggest smile on her face yet his her face in her long, flowing, blue and black mane. Then he did it, he slowly bushed her mane out of her face and kissed her deeply.