Light in the Shadows

by Shadowbot739

True Contact

“Well, that was a good sleep” I stood up with a little difficulty, “this isn’t going to be a easy day”.
I start to walk to the forest edge hoping I woke at the right time. “Looks like its the middle of the day, perfect”. I looked around to see if anyone was nearby, I saw nothing but, the trail I took to get to the apple farm. “I have two ways to go about this, sneaking past the farm, or just walk by and hope my disguise work”. The answer was clear, I knew I need to test this out.
As I traveled along the road I noticed how peaceful the place was, and how vulnerable they are. “No guards, no sign of guards anywhere, either it really is that peaceful here or they are idiots”.
When I finally neared the farm I saw the orange pony who I remembered being called Applejack, and clearly spotted me “act casual... just act casual, whatever a talking horse race defines casual is”.
“Who are you?” asked Applejack.
“I’m uhh... Accel of the Nightfall” I answered, restraining from face...hoofing myself, “curse it, I used my real name and one of my titles”.
“Thats a strange name. Why do you have armor on?” Applejack said while eyeing my shoulderpads.
“To protect me from possible attacks, I’m not used to areas this peaceful” I replied. “I should move on into town, I got business to deal with”.
“Have you seen a strange biped around?” she said suddenly.
“No I have not, but good luck finding it” I replied. Without listening further I continue down the path to the town.
“Well its clear that my armor is indeed strange here, with me repeatedly getting uneasy looks”. Looking around for some location that would be fitting for information, I spotted the strange pink thing popping up again randomly as of yesterday. “What the heck is that?” I wondered, “do these ponies even...”
“Hi I’m Pinkie Pie, what's your name” The pink pony said while standing on me.
“GET OFF ME!” I yelled at Pinkie Pie while shoving her off.
“I got to throw you a welcome to Ponyville party, bye” Pinkie Pie said while running down the street at impossible speed.
“uhhh....what...?” I said to no one in particular.
“I wouldn’t try to figure her out” a familiar voice said from behind me.
“Oh this is just WONDERFUL...”, I carefully turned around “Yep...Twilight... why am I cursed like this”.
“Oh, I don’t think I ever seen you before. I’m Twilight Sparkle, what’s your name?” Twilight asked.
“I’m... Accel”.
“What is that you’re wearing?” Twilight asked while pointing at my armor.
“Its just something I made, I based it off of something I seen 2 or 3 years ago” I answered
“So you design clothes?” said Twilight
“Yes and no. I sometimes design things but, I primarily just repeatedly use old designs”. I answered, “I’m answering too many questions”.
“What brings you to Ponyville?”
“I’m a traveler, I don’t like to hold myself to one place” I replied, “cause most the time they run me outta town or something”.
“So you're not going to be here long then?” she asked
“Oh, I might be here longer than you think” I then drop my voice, “you know where I can find some information?”
“Well you could come to the library, I can show you the way” Twilight answered
“Library will work, though it's not how I normally do things, I prefer more hidden areas...” I thought, “that’ll work”.
“Where you from?” Twilight asked as she started to walk down the street.
“Far away, its not important” I answered while following along
“What’s your special talent?”
“Special talent?” I replied back.
“You know what you're best at, your cutie mark. With your clothes it makes it impossible for me to see it”.
“Uhhh...” I managed to answer, “so thats why most of these things have marks on their flanks and I really need to get information before I make another slip”. I simply added “not important”.
“So are you some blank flank?” said a voice from above.
Looking up to see who said that, I saw Rainbow Dash, “and I can slice you into tiny pieces without breaking a sweat” I responded without actually talking.
“Rainbow Dash don’t be rude. He just arrived, maybe Accel is just nervus” Twilight said directly to Rainbow Dash.
“Also to add, you know nothing about me, or what I can do” I added, “I have acquired several titles, though I’m not going to even bother mentioning them as you wouldn’t understand them”.
“Well I’m one of the fastest flyers in Equestria” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk.
“I don’t care, it takes a lot more than speed to do the things I do” I answered with a blank face.
“Just what is it that you do?” Rainbow Dash questioned.
“None of your business” I answered, “I might just kill her in her sleep, but that would bring up too many worries and questions”. Before I was able to notice, I ran face first into a door, at the base of a tree with windows.
“Are you alright Accel?” Twilight asked.
“I’m fine, that kind of stuff seems to be happening a lot to me lately” I answered while rubbing my head, “oh how many head injuries am I going to subtain before I get out of here...”
“Well, this is my home” said Twilight
“I thought we were going to a library” I said with a frustrated tone, “she lives in a tree...well I lived on a tree at one point so I can’t judge there”.
“It is also a library, more of a personal library but, everypony checks out a book here at some points” Twilight answered
Once Twilight opened, I stepped in and notice the whole place was dark, “Is it normally this dark?” I asked.
The room suddenly lit up, blinding me. With instincts, I take out one of my daggers and got into a defensive position(well the best I could guess for a pony). I heard several gasps, and once the blindness worn off I saw a sign that read ‘Welcome to Ponyville, even though your clothes scare us party!’ I quickly put away my dagger. “Umm I didn’t ask for a party” I said as an attempt to drive a different thought other than my dagger into their minds.
“Its a surprise party silly” Pinkie Pie said answering my statement.
After that line the tension in the room started to ease and the party guests started to talk among themselves. I give a deep sigh, “that could’ve gone worse”.
“Why do you carry a weapon around?” Twilight asked as the party seem to be normal to her.
“Protection, and lets leave it at that” I answered.
“From what?” Twilight questioned.
“The unexpected, I can’t stop it from coming but I can prepare for it” I answered back, “and can you please get them out of here, the last party that I been to that actually ended without much problems was around 14 years ago”.
“Oh, well this one should go fine, Pinky throws the best parties” twilight answered with a hint of sadness in her voice.
“Don’t worry about me, I have no remorse about that. I never really did get along with many I meet” I said, “I need to be really careful about time periods, since I can only assume their lifespan is similar to humans, whereas Night Elves were essentially immortal to aging until that battle...”. I walked over to a chair, avoiding any pony I could and sat down.
“You believe in humans too? Everypony thinks they are only a myth but, I think their real” said a mint green pony that walked over and sat in a chair next to me, "its clear to me, you sit just like one".
“Don’t ask me how, but I know they exist” I said in a whisper to the mint green pony. “Way to mess up your cover even more Accel...”
“YOU DO? Can you say that to my roommate Bon-Bon?” the mint green pony asked me excitedly.
Before I could answer, I saw Pinkie Pie take out a cannon seemingly out of nowhere and it was pointing at my head, whether meant to be or not. “Well once more my head has been hit upon in some way, me and my luck”. Just as I predicted whatever was in that cannon, all hurdled at my head.