Paradox in Equestria

by SPkon107

Chapter One: Arrival

Paradox in Equestria

Spartan Team Paradox
Spartan- 237 –Commander Luke (Spartan II Silver Mark IV Armor)
Spartan- 551 –Lieutenant-Commander Jackie (Spartan III Blue E.V.A. Armor)
Spartan-617 –Lieutenant-Colonel Daniel (Spartan III Green Recon Armor)
Spartan- 427- Major Grade 3 Kevin (Spartan III Steel Gray E.O.D. Armor)
Spartan- 157 -Major Grade 1 Cindy (Spartan II Green Rouge Armor)
Spartan-123 – Warrant Officer Grade 2 Max (Spartan II Olive Green Mark IV)
Spartan- 314 – Sergeant Warrant Officer Grade 1 James (Spartan III White E.V.A. Armor)
Spartan- 211 –Steven (Spartan II Olive Green C.Q.B. Armor)
Spartan-133 – Corporal Mathew (Spartan III Hayabusa Armor with Katana)
Spartan-781 –Lieutenant Kenji (Spartan IV White Warrior Armor Not part of Paradox Team)

Chapter One: Arrival

The year is 2555 three years after the events of Battle of Installation 00 and the disappearance of the Master Chief and two years after the official cease fire of the Human-Covenant War. The UNSC still fights the Covenant Loyalist on a group of abandoned moon colonies an Orbital Defense Station was positioned to wait for the arrival of civilians to recolonize, but the UNSC lost contact with the station. On a Pelican Spartan Team Paradox is sent to the station to set the com-units back online. Spartan-237 is talking with 551 on the cockpit of the ship.



“What do you have on the station?”

“Well from what I have been given the station has encountered three Corvettes before we lost contact with them, a message went through before they lost contact. They have planted a Covenant bomb. The station has set up a bomb as well.”

“What kind of bomb?”

“Remember what happen to Sierra-052?”

“Oh…it’s that kind of bomb.”



“I also have Intel that we have to save a Spartan IV.”

“Your point.”

“Why are we risking our lives to trying to save a IV.”



“I know what happen in Operation: Katana.”


“Like that because of a Spartan IV Kathy is dead.”


“Let’s just hope this one isn’t a hotshot. There’s no in the UNSC for hotshots.”

“Understood sir.” Luke shouted from the cockpit.

“617! 157! You’re up ready your weapons and grab a jetpack. The hanger door is jammed so you need to open it manually
from the inside.” As the Pelican was near the emergency door the bay door of the ship open. Spartan-617 and 157 flew towards the door.

“Ok Cindy you’re up.” While she was opening the door Luke said through the talkies.

“617 as soon as you open that door I need you and 157 to continue on. Look for the bomb and the Spartan VI. The rest of us well try to get communication back online and the engine.”

“So there is no gravity with in the station.”

“Correct.” Cindy opened the door and the two walked to the emergency controls to open the door. As the door opened 617 and 157 entered a tram.

“Daniel did you noticed that there was still a Frigate on the hanger?”

“Yeah I think we still have troops inside the ship.”

“Where are the other Corvettes?”

“Two were taken out by the Super-Mac and the third is using a boarding tube to enter the station.” As the tram continued its course they began to hear Brutes talking. “Get down.” They crouched down and they slowly looked over. They saw dead bodies of both UNSC and Covenant a Brute turned back and he saw the tram move. It made a stop and the doors opened. One Brute said.

“What do you see?”

“Nothing just a moving tram.” The doors closed and it continued to move. Cindy said.

“That was close.”

“Too close. Good call on hiding on the sides.”

“Thank you sir.” The heard gunshots.

“Those are Battle Rifle rounds.”

“Then we must be close sir.”

“On the next stop we engage no matter what enemy we are standing in front of.”

“Ok.” The tram made its next stoop. They stood in front of two Hunters.

“Engage!” The two ran towards the behemoths 157 evaded the massive shield of the hunter and she fired her DMR. It swung again and it penetrated the wall the alien tried to pull its shield off but it didn’t budge. The Spartan pulled out her knife and she jumped on its back and she began to cut the eel like worms until the behemoth gave in. 617 threw a grenade causing the back to break. The hunter swung its shield while the Spartan jumped over it while doing a barrel roll. He stick the landing and he fired his Assault Rifle on its back the Hunter fell to the ground dead. Cindy walked to 617.

“Daniel next time you say we engage no matter what enemy we are standing in front of. Make sure that they are not Hunters.”


“They make us waste too much ammo.”

“True.” They walked to the direction of the gunfire. A group of Brutes were trying to break down a door. “Take them down!” the fired at the group. One fired a Brute Shot Daniel set a Drop Shield and the jumped out of the bubble on the sides where large crates were set. Cindy shot three head shots all kill.

“Daniel is it me or are these Brutes shieldless!”

“Might be a trap! Once we take them out keep your guard on!”

“Already doing that!” when the last Brute fell the two Spartans walked up to the.



“Open the door.” The female Spartan use an overwrite code to open the door. They walked in the room the Covenant
bomb was in the middle of the room. They also noticed that the gravity was back on. The rest of the team must have restarted the engine



“Didn’t the Commander said that there was a Spartan IV here?”


“Then where is he.”

“Don’t know but I want you to disarm that bomb Cindy.” She walked to the bomb as she crouched down a barrel of a gun
clanked on her head.

“Don’t you dare disarm that bomb.” 617 said.

“What the hell are you doing?” the Spartan IV looked at the Spartan III.

“I can’t believe I’m being saved by the previous Spartan Programs. No one is disarming the bomb until I am saved by my
branch of the program.”

“157.” Cindy nodded and she round-kicked the Spartan-IV when he fell she elbowed him and then she punched him on his ribcage. Then she pulled out her pistol and 617 aimed his rifle at him. Daniel said.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!”


“Nothing! Cindy pin him against the wall!” from behind the door.

“617 stand down!” 617 and 157 turned back. Daniel said.

“Commander we found the Spartan IV but he nearly blew 157’s head off.” Luke turned to the Spartan as he walked
towards the three along with the rest of the team.

“Why were you going to blow the head off of my Spartan?”


“Do you know who you are standing in front of?”


“211 why don’t you tell him.”

“You are standing in front of Spartan Team Paradox you piece of shit.”

“Wait you’re Paradox Team.” Luke answered.

“Correct.” He turned to Daniel. “617 why are our motion trackers jammed.” The Spartan IV answered.

“It’s a jammer I looked all over the station but I can’t find anything.”

“157. 617 release him. 157 disarm the Cov bomb” They let go of him. “What’s your rank?”

“I’m Spartan-781 –Lieutenant Kenji of the Spartan IV Program.”

“So Lieutenant you said that a jammer is taking out our trackers.

“Yes.” Cindy called.



“Bomb is disarmed.”

“Acknowledged.” 781 said.



“Just what time is it?”

“It’s 15:07. Why.”

“SHIT!” He ran to the control panel. “We have three minutes before the Slip-Space bomb goes off.

“What then deactivate it!”

“I can’t only the station’s A.I. can.”

“The set the A.I.

“She’s in sleep mode.” Luke walked to the panel and he saw the range of the bomb.”

“781 the range of the bomb is too large.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean tha…”

Location: Unknown Planet’s Orbit, UNSC Defense Station Blackhole
Date: November 19, 2555
Time: 06: 37 P.M

Commander Luke shook his head and he began to get up. He saw his team and the Spartan IV on the ground. He looked for the file for the A.I.


“Yes Commander Luke.”

“Finally you’re awake.”

“My apologies I was set to sleep mode. I have been awake for quite some time and I know what happen.”

"What happen to my team?”

“They’ll be fine.”

“What’s the damage on the station?”

“Beside the damage done by the firefight. Zero.”

“But the bomb.”

“The range Slip-Space bomb was too large. When it detonated it was basically like you traveled into a Slip-Space rupture
the corvette attached to the station was destroyed during the process.”


“Yes. The Frigate is still on the station I don’t know on the damage but its shields were on when the bomb went off.”

“I see.”

“I also have to inform you that we are orbiting and unknown planet.”

“Huh.” Luke looked out of blast shields. “So now we’re listed MIA.”



“Yes Commander.”

“When my team wakes up I want you to lead them to the Frigate we’re exploring the planet.”


“One more thing are there still Covenant on the ship?”


“Perfect.” He walked out of the room making his way towards the frigate.

Two hours later

The rest of Paradox Team woke up as well of the Spartan IV. They made their way to the frigate. As the entered the bridge Luke was waiting. Jackie said.


“Did you bring Candace?”



“314 I want you to drive this ship manually since it was damaged. Did Candace give you the Intel?” he nodded. Then he
walked to the controls.

“Leaving the station in 3…2…1.” the ship began to leave the hanger and into the planet’s atmosphere. As soon as they
entered the atmosphere 314 noticed something wrong with the ship. The frigate entered too hot the Spartan struggled to
pull up the nose of the ship.

“Commander! The ship is dropping too fast!”

“Try to slow her down Warrant Officer!”

Location: Ponyville, Equestria
Date: November 19, 2555
Time: 8: 16 P.M

A lavender Unicorn was on a hill with her friends the princesses and the captain of the royal guard. They were in the middle of a nighttime picnic the reason was the sun princess was about to demonstrate a new spell. The lavender unicorn spoke.

“Princess Celestia we are all honored that you are visiting us. Likewise to you Princess Luna.” The Celestia responded.

“Oh Twilight you know I have no trouble visiting my star pupil.”

“Thank you your highness I think we are ready for your surprise.”

“Of course.” She turned to her sister. “Luna did you bring the items that are needed.”

“Of course Celes…” she was cut off in the middle of her sentence as she witness the flaming object falling.” Celestia

“Sister are you ok?”

“Turn around.” She turned back. A pale yellow Pegasus asked.

“Wh…wha…what is that…thing?” a white unicorn walked to her to comfort her friend.

“Please Flutteryshy try to calm down.” She turned to her lavender friend. “Twilight what is that thing?”

“I don’t know Rarity but, it’s heading towards the Everfree Forest. Princess .”

“Twilight I know what you are thinking. I will accompany you to that thing.” She turned to the captain. “Captain Shining
Armor I want you to armor up we don’t know what we are up against.

“Yes your highness.”

Location: Over the Everfree Forest, Equestria
Frigate: On board the UNSC Frigate Immortal
Date: November 19, 2555
Time: 8: 16 P.M

As the frigate continued to fall 314 managed to pull the nose of the ship.

“Commander 4000 meters before impact!” the ship passed by mountains. “500 meters before impact!” the ship began to
rip trees from the roots. “Prepare for impact!” the ship landed on its belly and it slide to a stop. The commander said.

“Candace report.”

“Damage done is only on the belly of the Frigate but, the MAC gun has been disabled due to the crash.”

“Anything else?”

“Yes. Life support is 74% damaged and the engines are 85% damaged. You have a lot of work to do if you want this ship
to fly again.”

“Understood. Paradox you heard her we are in on an unknown planet. We scout the perimeter two miles max.” 157 said.

“Sir what about the Spartan IV?”



“I know you are not part of Paradox team but, you need to work with us if we want to leave this planet.”


“Meaning that you are taking orders from me.”

“Fine but only until I’m back with my company.”

“Fine by me. Welcome to Spartan Team Paradox. Ok 617, 157 and 314 will accompany me to secure the perimeter the
rest get to work.” he walked up to the control panel and he grabbed the chip that Candace was in and he insert the chip in
his helmet. The team walked out of the frigate.

The four Spartans walked into the forest 617 noticed something.

“Sir I know that only 314 and I know this but the forest reminds me of the forest of Onyx.”

“Maybe 617 but if I’m right we are not with in the UNSC Colony anymore.” 157 stopped the group.

“Sir I have movement north of our position.”

“Paradox ready your weapons they may be hostiles.” The readied their weapons and they took cover behind trees. Luke l
ooked over the tree and he saw multiple figures and they were talking. “Keep your guard on they when they come near
this path step out of the trees if they attack return fire.” They walked closer the Spartans turn on their head lamps. The
ponies covered their faces with their hooves. 314 shouted.

“Identify yourself and on your knees now!” the ponies were shook in fear. Twilight said to Celestia.

“Princess what’s going on?”

“Calm down and let me do the talking.” She turned her direction towards the Spartans. “We will go on our knees but we
will identify ourselves if you turn down your lights.” Luke said to his teammates.

“314, 617 lights off. 156 keep yours on.”

“Yes sir.” Three of the Spartans turned off their headlamps still aiming their weapons at them. The ponies just stared at the metal behemoths all except Celestia had their mouths dropped. Luke said.

“We did our part now you do yours.”

“Very well. I will began to introduce myself as well as ,y sister then I will introduce the rest of my ponies. I am Princess Celestia co-ruler of Equestria and Princess of the Sun.” Luna continued.

“And I am Princess Luna co-ruler of Equestria and Princess of the moon.” Celestia continued.

“This is my niece Princess Cadence and her husband Captain of the Celestial Royal Guard Captain Shining Armor.” The two nodded. “And these are the Element of Harmony. Twilight Sparkle element of magic.”


“Applejack the element of honesty.”


“Fluttershy the element of kindness.”


“Pinkie Pie the element of laughter”


“Rarity the element of generosity.”

“Good eveing.”

“And Rainbow Dash the element of loyalty.”


“Now we have introduced ourselves. Now we would to know who you are and what and where did you come from.” Luke
thought for a second 157 said.


“They don’t seem to be a threat.” He walked towards Celestia Luke stood about a five inches taller than Celestia including
her horn. “Princess I am Spartan- 237 Commander Luke and leader of Spartan Team Paradox.” Celestia crocked her
head sideways.

“Spartan Team Paradox.”

“Yes. This is 314, 617, and 157. We are a mixture of Spartan II’s and III’s.” she still looked at her confused. “I’m still
guessing that you’re still confused. Why don’t you accompany us back to our ship.”


“I’m guessing that you’ve noticed the big ball of flame falling from the sky.”

“Yes we did.”

“Follow us to our ship so you can meet the rest of the team.”

“They’re more of you?”

“Yes.” The princess huddled with her ponies. “I’m not sure if we should follow them.” Shining Armor answered.

“Your highness with all due respect they seem to be a threat just look at them and look at the armor that they are wearing.”

“I know but maybe we can get answers from them.” She turned to the Spartans. “We’re ready.” Luke answered.

“Perfect.” They all walked towards the direction of the frigate Twilight walked to the side of the silver Spartan. She stood
about 4’5 but comparing her height he stoop like a tree. They walked over a hill and they stood in front of the ship. All of
the ponies including Celestia were amazed of the ship. The Commander stood in front of a maintenance door.

“Few rules. You are to stay with us at all time you don’t touch anything on this ship or the consequences may lead to your death. Do I make myself clear.” The Mane Six gulped hard about what they just heard and they nodded and they walked i

One hour later

After the whole team has been introduce the two princesses Shining Armor and Cadence and the rest of the Mane Six
were in a conference room with 237 and 551. Celestia began.

“Well Commander now that we have all met I would like to know why you are here.” Luke turned to Jackie and back to the

“Maybe we should start from the beginning from our past.” Luna said.

“How long ago?”

“Well our current date if 2555 but our story began before that and our war began in2525.” Cadence said.


“We are known as a small-large group of genetically-engineered Super-Soldiers known as Spartans.” Celestia said.

“Genetically-Engineered as in messing with your body parts?”

“Yes. I am known as a Spartan II and Jackie here is a Spartan III. Kenji is known as a Spartan IV.” Shining cut in.

“And what’s the difference you’re all called Spar-tans” Jackie answered

“Not every humans in the UNSC is a Spartan. And the difference is that Spartan IIs although they are the older generation
they are the most efficient of the other two later generations. Spartan IIIs are more massed produced we are still stronger
that an average human but not like the IIs but, our number build up our strengths. And the IVs well they are not like us and they are not trained the same like us.” Celestia said.


“Spartan II candidates we abducted at the age of six and the training began from there. IIIs were orphans from the cities that the Covenant destroyed.”

“Covenent?” Luke said.

“I think our A.I Candace should tell you about the Human-Covenant war.” Though the course of the next few hours the A.I told the story of the Great War along with images and videos, the Covenant and their religion. She told them about hoe the war began and how the enemy was able to burn planets into glass from orbit. The battles that took place on land and space and notable soldiers such as Sergeant John Forge, Sergeant Ghost, Spartan Red team, Sergeant Johnson and Noble team and about the Halos and the Ark.

“After the Battle of Installation 00 Spartan-117 is now lost in space. By the year 2553 casualties from records are twenty billion and we are still currently taking out the Covenant Loyalist.” All of the ponies sat shock of the dreadful story that humanity has faced. Fluttershy was sobbing along with Rarity and Pinkie Pie Twilight, Shining and Cadence just sat with shocked expression. Luna said.”

“Tw…twenty billion casualties. I can’t believe the numbers.” The A.I continued.

“You better believe it. We have faced hardship for almost three decades.” Celestia said.

“Commander I’m sorry for what has happen in your lost. But now I would like to know how you arrived here.” He answered.

“Well there was a Defense Station that lost communication and my team was sent in to check out the situation. We encountered Covenant Loyalist the crew of the station had set up a Slip-Space bomb to destroy the station. The range of the station was too large so when it went off it took the station and the frigate to this part of space. When we tried to land the ship…”

“You lost control and you crash landed here.”


“Commander from what we have witnessed you are a threat to my subject.”

“Well if you’re going to arrest us that will be a problem knowing that Spartans are not allowed to be taken prisoner. And if
you are going to arrest us then you fight us.”

“Let me finish. You’re a threat to my subjects due to your violent war. Equestria is a land of peace with nearly no violence and it has been a very long time since I have seen the presents of war.” Luke asked.

“How long?”

“Over 1000 years ago.”

“What? You’re saying that you are over 1000 years old.”



“Well back to what I was saying. If you and your team will accompany me to Canterlot was can negotiate a few things.”

“As long as my ship stays in my possession.”

“It will.”

“Good. The faster we get to this Canterlot the faster we can return and continue on with repairs.” He turned to
Jackie. “Jackie inform 221 and 133 to ready the Pelicans were leaving to the city.”

“Yes sir.” Rarity asked.

“Pelicans? Why are we going to ride a bunch of birds from what you have told us your armor weighs 1000 pounds?” Luke

“You’ll see.” They walked out of the room and into the hanger of the ship where two Pelicans were ready to fly. “Paradox
you know how to split up. Kenji you’re with me.” The drop-ship’s engines roared. Within seconds they were in the air.
Celestia was in the Pelican with the Commander. “Which way to the city?”

“North Commander.”

“North it is.”

“But first I want to make a quick stop in Ponyville.”

“Ok come to the cockpit you’re my guide.”