How to Get Rainbow Dash to Rage

by xXQw3rtyXx

Rage Point

It was just another ordinary day, and nothing had happened in the past few hours. I flew around, throwing rocks at unsuspecting bunnies, frogs, or Scootaloo. It was getting boring. I had cleared the sky of all clouds for Celestia's visit. She would be here in a couple hours. I found a large rock, as big as my hoof, and chucked it at Scootaloo. She was in mid-air, and it hit her scooter, which broke, and she fell to the ground, and hit her face against a random brick wall. My first thought was, "Man, am I strong!" and my second was, "Why is there a brick wall here not attached to any building?"

I flew over to the brick wall, and touched it. Suddenly, I couldn't see the sun anymore, and a large amount of clouds floated over us. I flew up, grumbled about my life, and cleared it away again. I went back to inspecting the wall. I touched it again, and the clouds reappeared. I kicked over the wall, hurting my hoof while at it, and the bricks landed on an unconcious Scootaloo. "Sorry, Scoots!" I flew up, and once again, cleared the clouds. Scootaloo moved in her sleep, and the clouds reappeared. I was beginning to get frustrated.

After an hour of clearing clouds, I galloped over to the swimming hoe, as my wings were too tired, and layed out a towel. I lie there, and slept.

A couple hours past, until something hit me, something big, and it was playing Nyan Pony, "Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan."

'UGH! What can a girl do to get some sleep!?" I stomped off, to a more private place, somewhere where I only knew about. I made sure that no one was following me, and took off. I came to the small space I had caved out in the tree of the library. I had filled it with books, mainly Daring Do, others about wing care and special preening. I had also placed a bed on the small wood space that was sticking out. I lay down, and tried to sleep, but some Nyan Pony was playing. I got more frustrated.

I broke a hole in the roof of the house, coiencidentally right over Twilight, knocking her out from falling debris. I dropped down, finding that she was playing Nyan Pony, "Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan."

Something wasn't right. The Twilight that I seemingly knocked out was made of plastic, and the Scootaloo that was shifting on the ground was a chicken. "Wha?" I get how Scootaloo is a chicken an all, but this was beginning to be a little scary. I flew up to my mansion thing, hurting my already sore wings a little more. I almost got there, but was stopped by this invisible shield. I punched it with my hoof, and a resonance of sound echoed through the land. I planted my face against it, and could faintly see an alicorn on the other side. I was fairly sure that this was the person trying to annoy me.

I went back down, and cleared some clouds, which came back, which also frustrated me more. In a scale from one through ten, my frustration was at 8.4. I was hungry. I grabbed a sandwhich from my sack, and tried to take a bite, but the sandwhich just flew away from me, and exploded. That's it.

"WHOEVER IS OUT THERE, GET OVER HERE NOW SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASH. YOU HEARD ME, GET OVER HERE BEFORE I GO ALL RAGE FACE AND BLOW UP EQUESTRIA! YOU BETTER SHOW YOURSELF IN THE NEXT 10 SECONDS OR YOUR GOING TO BE IN FOR IT. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0! OK THAT'S IT!" I flew a ways back, and charged straight at the barrier. I had just realized that my ways back was all the way across the dome. I could feel the sound barrier braking, and boom, a sonic rainboom occured once again, and I Saxton Haled the barrier, and it broke like a million peices of glass.

That was the last thing I saw.