//------------------------------// // Grim Odds // Story: Team Stable 2 // by FrostyDawn //------------------------------// The BLU Spy the Engineer killed followed the Heavy shortly. But he did not wind up at the Sweet Apple Acres. He sat up to find himself in a bedroom. A rather frilly bedroom, at that. It had lacy ribbons on the windows, the bed, and the decor. There was a work bench with a sewing machine, lengths of thread and yarn, and neatly folded piles of cloth. There were mannequins wearing half finished dresses. The Spy couldn't help but admire the quality of them. He leaned out the window. The Spy saw a few people pass by, but they weren't aware of the Spy's location. "Where am I? I have to find a way out, and make sure I'm not spotted." The Spy thought. He hit a small button on his watch, and in a matter of seconds, he faded, becoming completely invisible. As an extra precaution, he used a disguise kit to change his appearance. However, the disguise kit only allowed the Spy to change shape of the other mercenaries on the opposite team. So, he simply shifted to his crimson counterpart, the RED spy. It was a start. The Spy quietly descended the stair case, and found himself at a much more fashionable floor. More puffy curtains and sequenced ribbons. "What kind of place is this? I should be on the battlefield, not some shallow dress shop." He opened the front door, even more confused. The once war-barren desert he came from was replaced by a simple town. The Spy slowly walked through the rural village, when a strange sight caught his eye. At first, the Spy heard a commotion amongst the people. Then, he saw a young girl and a man shoot up into the air, glowing with a red energy. Curiosity took over as he swore he had just seen the Medic. However, being invisible, a girl collided with him with out even knowing. Both fell to the ground. The girl was laying on top of the Spy's transparent body, so it appeared as if she was hovering mere inches off the ground. "Ugh, watch where you're going, you ruffian!" The girl said, before a look of shock filled her face as she saw no one there. She had a rather elegant essence to her. Mascara that sprang off her delicate blue eyes, purple hair curled down her shoulders, and a white, sleeveless dress that exposed a mark on her bicep, three diamonds that shimmered in the sunlight. "Apologies." The Spy said, as his invisibility wore off, revealing his red suit and mask appear before the girl's eyes. Seeing this, she jumped off and brushed the dirt from her dress. "Ah! What do you think you're doing? More importantly, what are you doing?" She asked. The Spy stood up, adjusting his tie. " I truly am zorry, mademoiselle." He said slyly. He thought he might be able to persuade her, use her as an ally to help take down the REDs. But first, he'd have to use a little subterfuge. " I was just passing by and I couldn't help but notice zhat lovely boutique over there." He said. "My boutique? You really think it's lovely?!" The girl said, a wide grin appearing on her face. "That was yours? Well, I must zay madam, you zertainly have wonderful taste." The Spy said, putting a cigarette in his mouth and setting it alight. "Might I ask your name, miss?". "Rarity..." she said, feeling wooed by the charming presence of the Spy's manners and gallantries. "A fine name. Well, I'm afraid I must be off." Spy said, casually walking away. "Wait! Are you sure you have to leave? I'd love to introduce you to my friends!" Rarity said, calling out to him. The Spy smirked. "Well, I zuppose I could. It would be rude to deny a lady's invitation." He said, turning back to Rarity. Rarity blushed and smiled. "Magnifique! I'm sure you'd be a wonderful friend!" she said, tugging Spy by the wrist, leading him toward a large house made from a tree in the middle of the town. "Zure... friends..." Spy said, grinning maliciously and patting the butterfly knife hidden in his pocket. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The Engineer watched the bodies of the Heavy and Spy dissolve into atoms. "That wasn't supposed to happen..." he muttered. The Engineer had seen his teammates die several times, and their bodies always slowly faded as they respawned. But this time, their corpses just vanished bit by bit. What was happening with the respawn system? The Engineer was interrupted as an explosion shook the building's foundations. The tremor shook the Engineer off the perch, and fell three stories down, onto the harsh, rocky ground. As the pain filled his leg with numbness, he looked up. Standing over him was a BLU Solider. He wore combat boots, a couple grenades on a strap, and a WWII helmet that covered his eyes. A rocket launcher rested at his side, the barrel smoking. "Howdy, partner. Looks like your'e in a real pickle here." He said, mocking the Engie's southern drawl. His voice was rough and gravely. "Listen here, grease monkey. We're both American, so I'm gonna let you waddle back to your base without a fight. But when we cap that point, don't expect any truce." " Ah ain't gonna let you cap that point, rocket-boy." The Engie said, standing up pulling a pistol out of his holster. The Solider simply sucker punched the Engineer, then kicked the pistol away as it hit the ground. "I don't think so, maggot. We still have our Medic and Heavy. Yours are long gone." The Solider chuckled. The Engineer's eyes widened, limping away. "H-how did you-" "Our Engineer found a way to sabotage the respawn system. So your kind are stuck God-knows-where, and we take over the maps without a problem." "Joke's on you, son. Your Spy and Scout are also stuck there." "Our Scout respawned perfectly. Granted, our Spy's missing, but it doesn't matter. It was a fluke. And we won't need his help when your entire team is dead anyway. Now..." He said, pointing the rocket launcher at the Engie. "Go crawl back to your mama before I waste more ammo." "No good sunava bitch..." The Engie muttered as he limped toward the bunker. He opened the door, and the RED Sniper and Scout helped him to a bench. "What happened out there, hardhat? Where's Doc and the Tank?" The Scout asked. He wore a black cap, with a small headphones with a miniature microphone. He wore only a red T-shirt, with a dogtag necklace. His hands were wrapped in white linen, like boxing tape. There was a backpack slung over one shoulder, with a single strap. The Scout wore track shoes and windpants, like he was ready to play baseball rather than fight a war. "Heavy and Sawbones.... the BLUs got our respawn system screwed up, so now they're stuck somewhere." The Engie sighed. He lay on the bench, making sure his leg didn't suffer any further pain. "We're gonna get slaughtered...." "You can say that again. The rest of our crew fled to the Dustbowl. Our Demoman, our Pyro, everyone." The Sniper replied. The Australian wore a pair of sunglasses and an outback style hat. A pair of sideburns ran down his face along with a scar across his cheek. He wore a brown vest, with four tracer bullets sticking out of his breast pocket. On his crimson shirt, he wore an insignia of a crosshair on both his sleeves. There was a case on his back, which held his rifle. The Engie grunted, exasperated. "Aw, hell. What are we supposed to do now?" "The final control point is under BLU control." The Administrator announced in the speakers above. Then, the door slid open. The BLU Soldier walked in, carrying his rocket launcher. He pointed it at the three remaining REDs, and chuckled. "Say your prayers, hippies." The Solider pulled the trigger, blasting them all with a single rocket.