A Beautiful Adventure

by thunderingbassFIM8819

The Final Stretch (Chapter 12)

"Good morning, gorgeous," Thunder sing-songed as he felt Melody's body stir for the first time since they slept. They over slept, it seemed mid-day when she woke up. He didn't mind, that meant he didn't have to get up either.

"Why good morning, Thunder, I see you enjoyed my company last night," she smirked and nodded to Thunder's wing still around her. She smiled, kissed his cheek and got up. "We'll I guess it's time to finish our journey back huh, oh well. I had fun."

"Same, if only this could last a tiny bit longer," Thunder teased as he got close to her and nuzzled her neck, he then kissed her before she could respond. Smiling to see his objective completed he trotted away looking back at the stunned mare. "We going?"

"Uh-yeah, be right there," she said still in shock. She sook herself out of it an tackled the waiting stallion and kissed his cheek. "Now we can go."

He smiled got an flew back towards Ponyville. With Melody at his side he felt happy. His mane was an indicator. It's the brightest red its been since he was just a colt. He smiled at the as he saw the town ahead. "Almost there!" He cooed. 'She is perfect' he thought to himself yet again.

"I see it, how about when we get there, we grab a cupcake, and start working?"

"Yeah, I like that idea."

Soon enough the two arrived at their location and stopped at Sugar Cube Corner to try a cupcake. They smiled as they got their order and walked out the door. They suggested places for Melody to start recording, and decided it would be perfect to record at Thunder's place. He already had the studio, and as soon as she was done, he could start mixing.

"Sounds perfect," smiled Melody as she followed the stallion slightly nervous. She started humming the tune of the song she had in mind.

"We're here!" Thunder proclaimed as he presented his mid-sized 2 story, home. He was happy to start at work. As was she.

"Sometimes I can hear you calling, Telling me that I'm a fool. Well I can dream, I can dream, I can see a brighter day, I can see you realize the truth," she sang in the most beautiful voice Thunder had ever heard, "I'm alive, more alive than I've ever been your way, I'm alive, more alive that I've ever been your way."