Flare's Descent to Madness

by tasteless trash

Flare's Fight to Victory I

Flare woke. He had a splitting headache. He also probably had a few large injuries from that fight. It seemed to be getting tougher and tougher. His next target was to be either Rainbow Dash or Applejack. He held three elements, and his amulet of transformation.
He pulled an apple out, and sighed. It wasn't possible for him to eat meat, considering ponies would see him either leave town or see him order it, awkwardly. But he wasn't starving, like he usually was on Earth.
Flare looked around the room he was staying in. It was nice. There was a bed, a wardrobe, and some... heat source. He opened the door and walked into the hall.
As he looked around the hall, he noticed a pony. He waved, and the pony waved back. He was glad for the transformation jewel, and then he went down the stairs.
He came into the lobby, to see some sort of... gathering. There were pegasai, unicorns, and earth ponies alike. He pushed his way through the crowd, and got out the door.
Usually there isn't that much crowding... He trotted down the streets, remembering it was time for work. As he came into the library, he noticed that Twilight was reading a book.
"Watcha' reading?" She looked absorbed in the book, and seemed not to notice him. He went to work, shelving and sweeping. A pony came in.
"Mail call!" The pony shouted. Flare came up, and noticed the eyes of the carrier. What the...? Her eyes seemed to look in... two directions at once. He couldn't tell which was actually in the correct place.
"Umm... I'll take that..." Flare stammered, and grabbed it. The pony looked dead at him, with both eyes. They then slowly fell away.
"Here's a muffin, free of charge!" Flare took it, and shuffled his hooves.
"Th-th-thanks..." He looked at the muffin in his hooves.
The pony flew away. What was that? I'm really wondering about that... He went back to sweeping. Twilight finally put the book down.
"Done!" The pony announced. Flare was slightly startled.
"What was that book?" Flare asked.
"Just reading the last of the new books that arrived yesterday. That was one about humans..." Flare kind of gazed to the side. He was wondering if Twilight would find out he was human or not.
Suddenly a pony burst in the library. It was a pony, with a cutie mark of a lyra. Flare looked over, and the pony shouted. "Is the book on humans in?" She looked at Twilight.
"Calm down, Lyra!" Twilight reassured. "The book is in, and available." Lyra checked out the book. As she left, Flare inquired about the pony. "Oh, that was Lyra, one of the town's musicians. She is kind of crazy over anthropology."
Flare gazed out the window. A storm brewed on the horizon. Twilight noticed this, and said "Yeah, the pegasai had to plan on a large thunder storm tomorrow."
As work ended, Flare received his pay. He walked down the streets of Ponyville. He suddenly was approached by a small pony.
"Umm, 'Scuse me mister, you wanna buy some apples?" Suddenly a pony came over.
"Apple Bloom, what have I told you about harrasin' stangers?" The pony shook her head. "Pardon me and my sister, my name is Applejack."
Flare looked around. "And my name is Flare Flames. Actually, do you mind if I buy some apples?" The pony and her sister lightened up.
"Sure, how many do you count on buyin'?" Flare looked at his current bits. He decided on 6.
"Do you mind if I buy 6?" The pony shook her hatted head. Flare payed, and got the apples and was on his way. He realized during that entire thing, the pony wore the element.
He decided on fighting Applejack for the element. He was going to do it at... midnight. As he arrived back at the inn, there were still several dozen ponies there.
He got a glimpse of what they were looking at. It was a pony. They were talking about her, using the name Photo Finish. Flare went to his room, and made sure he was to get a wake up at midnight.
Flare started to doze off. His mind rushed though. He wondered how earth was faring. He fell victim to sleep, and the world faded.