Team Stable 2

by FrostyDawn

Snipin's a good job, mate.

The minute the Scout respawned, he knew he was tumbling down something soft and wet. His eyes shot open, and his eyes blurred as he could tell he was falling. Dangerously fast. His hands caught something, and he decided to grab it. As his hands tightened, he jerked to a stop. As the Scout regained his bearings, he looked around. He was surrounded by an open, blue sky and white clouds. In fact, he was surprised to see what he was hanging onto was a cloud. It was like a mass of cotton suspended in the air, and able to hold the Scout's weight. But he looked down, and he fell his heart drop into his stomach. He was floating at least a hundred feet in the air, and the cloud saved his life. However, being a little acrophobic, he clung to that cloud for dear life. "How did I get way up here? What the hell happened?" The Scout thought, panicing. Then, he did the first thing that came to mind when he was in danger (besides running), yell for help.

"Someone get me down! Help!" He cried. He felt the cloud slip at his fingers, and began to look back down at the ground. The vertigo got to him, and he let go without realizing. He screamed as he shot downward, flailing his arms and legs as the he raced ever closer to the ground.

Just then, something caught him. In stead of falling straight down, he was now moving forward. He opened his eyes, and found that someone had grabbed him at the waist. He was flying through the air, or at least the person who caught him. They descended slowly, and soon Scout's feet hit the ground, breathing heavily and his heart pounding in his chest.

"What in Equestria were you doing up there?" said the person who caught him. It was none other than Rainbow Dash, hovering a few feet of the ground. The Scout was on his knees, clenching his stomach.

"I was asking myself the same thing..." The Scout muttered. When he looked up at his savior, his eyes widened. Not only was he surprised to see the girl to have wings, but seeing her oddly colored hair made his eyes water, making him rub them.

"Wassa' matter? You're not cryin', are ya?" Rainbow Dash asked, landing in front of the Scout.

"N-no! I just had somethin' in my eye. What's your name?" He said, hoping to change the subject.

"Name's Rainbow Dash. Fastest pegasus in Equestria." She boasted, showing off her big blue wings.

"I'm Scout." He said, getting up onto his feet. "Look... thanks... for saving my life..." he said reluctantly. In all his time as a mercenary, he never really appreciated whenever people have saved him.

"Not a problem." Rainbow Dash said. She'd done a few bold things around her friends, mostly for attention. But she was caught off guard as Scout pulled a wooden baseball bat from his bag, and handed it to her.

"I wan't you to have this. It's my way of saying thanks." He explained. As Rainbow Dash held the bat in her hands, she turned it to see the inscription, a cursive lettering that read Sandman.

"You sure you want me to have this?" Dash asked, her eyes filled with skepticism.

"Of course. It's the least I could do." Scout replied. "So, fastest one around, eh?"

Rainbow Dash smirked. "Yeah. You think you'd do better?"

"I'm the fastest one back where I'm from." Scout taunted, crossing his arms.

Rainbow Dash turned back to Ponyville, which was a distance away. "I'll race ya. First one to the house shaped like a tree is the winner." she said, pointing toward the village.

Without another word, Scout took off running. Rainbow Dash was impressed by his sudden take-off, but gave him a ten second head-start. After that, she rocketed after him.


The Sniper awoke to something poking at his face. He opened his eyes, and tried to look around. He was hanging upside down, his foot caught in a branch overhead. He attempted to pull himself up to dislodge it, but he was poked a second time. He looked back, and from his disoriented view, he saw a boy. He looked to be no older that 13 and his hair was bright green and jutting straight up.

"What are you doing?" The boy asked, holding a stick.

"What am I doing? I'm hangin' from a branch while some kid is jabbin' at me! What's it look like?" he grumbled sarcastically.

"Spike, what's going on?" A voice said. As the Sniper turned his head up, he saw a girl walk in front of him. Her hair was a dark shade of brown, with streaks of purple highlights in her hair. She wore a similar purple sweater vest over a white long-sleeve shirt, and a plaid skirt. If the Sniper didn't know any better, he'd say he was looking at a school girl.

"Nothing, Twilight. This guy just started falling through our tree, so I'm just making sure he's O.K." the boy, presumably Spike said, holding his stick up to prod him again.

"Well, you could start by gettin' that bloody thing outta my face!" The Sniper replied, swatting the stick away. "Could ya help me down, miss?" he asked, as the blood was starting to go to his head. The girl nodded, and waved her hand. The Sniper raised an eyebrow as her hand glittered in a purple aura, and then he felt something moving at his ankle. The brach slid away from the Sniper, letting him fall onto the ground.

He sat up, intrigued. "Holy dooley... what in blazes was that?" He asked, picking his hat up off the ground.

"Magic." She replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Magic." The Sniper replied, skeptic.


"As in, wands and potions magic."

"Nobody uses wands. And only Zecora uses potions." She scoffed, as if it was common knowledge to everyone. The Sniper rolled his eyes. Just then a noise sounded overhead. The unmistakable noise of an owl hooting. The three of them looked up, and of course, an owl flew overhead. It carried a small roll of parchment in it's talons and just kept circling the tree-house.

"Owldysseus! You get down here now!" Twilight shouted at the bird.

"What's all the trouble about?" Sniper asked Spike.

"Twilight's just upset 'cause her pet owl took off with her letter to the Princess... again." the young boy replied.

The Sniper raised an eyebrow. "Princess, eh? I think I could help you out, miss." He said proudly.

Twilight looked up to him with big, hopeful eyes. "You can?" she asked.

"No worries. I'll have 'im down in a jiff." Sniper said. He readied, his rifle, pointing it at the owl. Twilight then pointed the barrel downward quickly, before the trigger was pulled.

"What do you think you're doing!?" She yelled.

"I was just gettin' your bird down, like you wanted!" he shouted back.

"Well, I didn't mean for you to kill him!"

"What was I supposed to do, ask 'im nicely?!"

"It would be better that shooting him!"

"You'd be lucky if I just clipped his wing! And that would've been an accident..."

Before the heated squabble could pick up anymore, a gust of wind blew over their heads, and none other than Rainbow Dash landed beside them, holding the roll of parchment. "Looking for this?" She boasted.

"Thank, Rainbow Dash. At least someone can do it without killing a pet!" Twilight said, directing the last part toward the Sniper.

"Piece a' piss..." he muttered.

The Scout followed shortly after, panting and sweating profusely.

"(gasp wheeze) Hey, Sniper..." he managed to cough out.

"Scout." he replied, nodding his head.

"Let's get this group together. I've seen a few other guys like this around town." Rainbow Dash whispered to Twilight as they stepped back into her house.

As the Scout regained his breath, he stood back up. "Hey, you get a look at that Rainbow chick? She's a real piece of work." He said smugly.

The Sniper nearly choked. "Are you daft in the head? She looks like she's only twenty-two!"

"Uh, hello? You forget who you're talkin' to?" The Scout said, motioning toward his face.

"Even in another world, you're still an egomaniac..." The Sniper grumbled as they stepped inside.