//------------------------------// // The Search // Story: A Beautiful Light From Within The Darkest Clouds // by Princess Glitzy //------------------------------// Chapter 2 "Twilight?" No response. "Twilight?" Still no response. "TWILIGHT!" The sudden shout caused Twilight to fall off of her chair. "Sorry dad. I was just so busy reading this cool book Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone." Night Light looked at his daughter and said "I have some good news and some bad news, but I need the whole family in here. Will you go get your brother and mom?" Twilight nodded and scampered off to find her brother and mommy. I wonder what the news is? Is it good? Is it bad? Does mom know? She pondered this for a while and then spotted Shining Armor. "Hey!" Shining turned around and saw her little face. He ran up to her, picked her up and twirled her around. They laughed and had fun. They both fell on the ground and giggled. Then she realized that she had a duty to fulfill. "Big brother?" Shining Armor turned and said "Yeah li'l sis?" "I`m going to ignore your grammar because I`m on a mission. You need to come into the living room because we have important matters to attend to." Shining stared at Twilight and then said "In English please." Twilight sighed and said in an annoyed tone "Dad has news to tell us so go the the living room." He smiled. "Good girl! Now who wants a treat?" Twilight punched him lightly on the arm and gave him a funny face. He suddenly jumped on top of Twilight and preceded to tickle her. "Stop it! Stop it!" she said playfully. He gave her a nose nuzzle and then went to the living room. One down, one to go. Twilight guessed that her mother would be cleaning their rooms so she walked upstairs casually. She looked around, but her mother wasn`t there. She checked the middle floor and the basement, and she was no where to be found. She got panicked and started frantically shouting her name. She opened the door and ran outside hoping her mother was there. After deciding her mother was missing she galloped to her father as fast as her legs could carry her. Twilight told him about her search for mom and he couldn`t help, but laugh. Why is he laughing at a dire time like this? "Twilight, your mother is taking a bath." The one place I didn`t look... the bathroom.